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I am in!


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I was sworn in today. Got my 11 Bravo...I ship for Ft. Benning December 30th. I had to ship a month earlier than I wanted but there wasn't an Infantry spot open later than that. I couldn't get any bonus because of my AIMS score or something but the Liaison said I would have a shot when reenlistment comes around. So, as it stands the Army owns my butt for the next 8 years; 3 Active, 5 Reserve. Now it's time to hammer my body back into shape.

I'll tell you, it's damn surreal...scary, exciting. I am relieved and a hundred other things. And I sure feel proud. I feel like I was reborn today as a whole nother guy. It's been one helluva a day.


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Yes, Yes, WooHooo!!

Congrats and God Bless.

hmm.. don't you usually swear in the day you ship?

Unless it has changed since I did it, you swear once when you sign the papers, and once again when you ship off (and then you swear at yourself every day afterwords). Unless the day you sign the papers is the day you ship of course.

Granted, different MEPS probably do things differently.

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I was sworn in today. Got my 11 Bravo...I ship for Ft. Benning December 30th. I had to ship a month earlier than I wanted but there wasn't an Infantry spot open later than that. I couldn't get any bonus because of my AIMS score or something but the Liaison said I would have a shot when reenlistment comes around. So, as it stands the Army owns my butt for the next 8 years; 3 Active, 5 Reserve. Now it's time to hammer my body back into shape.

I'll tell you, it's damn surreal...scary, exciting. I am relieved and a hundred other things. And I sure feel proud. I feel like I was reborn today as a whole nother guy. It's been one helluva a day.


Was there a real rush to get in? You might have gotten more things your way if you were willing to wait a bit.

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Heh. Benning in winter, nothing like rain, kudzu, and mud for a fun outdoor experience.

On the physical side, if you forget everything else, remember this: S-T-R-E-T-C-H. Between the relatively cooler weather, and your age, the risk of pulling a muscle or tearing a ligament go up. This means repeating portions of Basic or AIT, and you don't want to do that. So before and after PT when the Drills put you through the stretching exercises, take that seriously, do what they tell you to do, no cheating, make it hurt a bit, and do what it takes to so that your muscles really do get loosened. If you do the stretches like they tell you you have an extremely good chance of going through the training without a sports injury. Army PT training is good but there are no shortcuts.

Ifn' I was you, I'd get very anal about stretching now, like before and after each training session, and if you're going to train say 40 minutes you want to stretch at least 10 minutes at the beginning and about as much at the end. Making you muscles limber is just as important as making them strong, and stretching is how you do that.

Good luck, and write when you can.

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Unless it has changed since I did it, you swear once when you sign the papers, and once again when you ship off (and then you swear at yourself every day afterwords). Unless the day you sign the papers is the day you ship of course.

Granted, different MEPS probably do things differently.

OK, I remember now.

The first time you "swear" is to the recruiter that all the info and paperwork is correct and that all your legal information is legit. It is more like swearing in at a legal hearing.

The next time is the official swearing into the US Army and is legally binding, you raise your right hand and recite the Oath of Enlistment, administered by an Officer.

Once you do that your ass belongs to Uncle Sam and usually ship out that day, you don't go back home.

Until you actually do that, you are not legally "in", you can still get out and change things.

It happened to me, they did not have my desired MOS (19K armor) initially, so they had me sign up for something random to "get into the system".

When my ship date approached, with still no 19K, they called me and said I had to ship out as a (whatever it was).

I told the Captain that called "hell no", I had not officialy been sworn in and that I would only go in as a tanker. Maybe because he was an Armor officer that he took pity and told the recruiters to stop giving me a hard time and have patience.

It took awhile but a year after my first trip to the recruiters, I finally swore in and shipped out to Knox.

You still have a chance to get a bonus Mord, look into it.

Don't expect to get one in 3 years, that will be a re-enlistment bonus and will not be nearly as much as an initial enlistment bonus.

A re-enlistment bonus is calculated as something like: 1.5 times your base pay at the time of re-enlistment, and that is a high end bonus for a critcially short MOS, usually it is .5.

It will be nothing near a possinble 10-20 grand lump sum enlistment bonus.

I can't believe there is no bonus for 11B.

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Congratulations Mord! Not only did you get in but you also got 11B like you wanted! Good thing the Army doesn't understand irony. I mean, a guy your age wanting to be 11B should have got you a flunk on your psych evaluation because only someone truly insane would want to do that to himself :D


LOL yeah, I was thinking the same thing when I was having them hunt me down a position..."they must think I am nuts!" I was looking to get what 90% of everyone I have met is avoiding like hell. But I have always been one of those guys who has enjoyed doing the hard stuff...in the end it's gonna make me stronger. Just like being a bleeder on a tree crew...the climbers got all the glory and the ground guys got all the pain. I am looking forward to many aspects of it it all, especially the shaping of my physique and the outdoor training. I just hope that I will be able to digest and compute the zillions of pieces of information that are going to be chucked at me. I don't wanna let anyone down, especially myself.

@Normal Dude; I didn't mind that I lost the extra month...the hurry was I didn't want to hold out too long and there wasn't any infantry slots open in January or Feb. I only have two years left before they shut the door and I wanna make sure I am firmly in place before anything changes. I started this with just wanting to be in the infantry and being able to serve...anything else was extra...getting that slot was the most important thing for me. Money, bonuses, none of that mattered. It may sound like I am selling myself short but it really wasn't a concern. If any of this was about money I wouldn't be joining at this late stage. I got infantry, so I am happy, but thanks for looking out for me.

@Big Duke; 10-4. They gave me a very nice laminated physical fitness manual that goes into minute detail, all the aspects of warming up and down, stretching, and how to run and the like. It's a ringed flip book that can be easily carried where ever I go, and looks like it could even survive in a down pour. So, yep I plan on following it to a T over the next two months.

@TC; I don't know TC...there was a bonus for 11B, but not getting it had something to do with my AIMS test and being a GED graduate...there was a kid that was shipping that had signed up for EOD and he didn't get his ($40,000) because of the AIMS test. I'll ask my recruiter to see if he can look into it, but from what I remember I was designated a T2 on my education so it disqualified me. Funny thing is my ASVAB scores were higher than most of the high school kids I met but I guess it's based on the fact I didn't graduate from an actual high school myself.

@All you other guys. Thanks a lot for the well wishes. I am gonna do my best to do my best. I have a ton of people supporting my efforts and I am gonna do everything I can to make them proud. And me for that matter. I wanna come out of this a better man for having done it.


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