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Ouch. Tom Chick holds forth on CM:SF

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The fact that the reviwer has ANYTHING to do with the game he reviews, being it his scenarios or what not, does not make him objective in my book.
The review was already done, so what was the harm? If there was any hint of conflict of interest (for real) we wouldn't have put them in. But there wasn't.

And there are far more reviews out there than just these 4. You could read them or (shock) wait for the Demo to come out and see for yourself.

Really... it's quite funny, in a morbid way, to see how nearly a decade of trust in us can go right out the window with some people because a couple of reviewers had something negative to say. Speaks more to the person throwing out the trust than it does us.


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I agree with FinN .

Instead of an analytical argumentation of the game, the reviewers post negative comments (the "we expect devs to make us a realistic AI like we got in RTS" thing for example") with few really precise information.

So, I wouldn't worry about CMSF with such crappy review ; we aren't more informed with it than directly playing the game.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

While it would be nice to have random maps (and Moon has hinted that this might be possible) I don't think we're going to miss them as much as people think.


Wrongo for me, Old Boy.

-dale </font>

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Also I might add. This isnt CMx1 as far as controls go and at first some of you will have a hard time coping with something you have been doing for 7 years being changed wholesale. I know most of us had to get used to the new fangled controls. But when you get used to it you wont even think twice about it again.

But the review wasn't very professional IMO in modern gaming. No company releases a game that is finished from Gold Master anyway. And just because the game is finished enough for BFC to release it doesn't mean it's finished by any stretch of the imagination. People who have been around from CMBO will know that and you guys that are new around here will soon figure that out.

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Originally posted by dalem:


Then I'll actually know something about the game.

But Joe will still be really, really, really frikkin' old.


Nonsense ... you'll only know as much as you allow yourself to know. You'll see that are no random maps and you'll be sulking for the rest of the day instead of focusing on the beautiful mountains with massive forests and sparkling rivers and lakes ... oh wait ... well okay so maybe you'll be sulking about that too.

And I'll have you know that the AARP has OFFICIALLY declared me to be only really old so your hyperbole is exposed for the fraud that it is.


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Originally posted by dalem:

Oh Berli, you're so cute. I kinda picture that, wherever you go, you're surrounded by swirls of Legend-like falling flower petals, New Age chords, and happy unicorns and giggling imps, and when you speak, butterflies come out of your mouth.

So, Dalem, you chose to respond.

Only a fool would post that tripe.

Dalem, you really should know better...

On the other hand, you've never shown any wit.

First thing you should remember is, I am your superior in all things.

Finally, your post shows you for the hippie you are.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So, Dalem, you chose to respond.

Only a fool would post that tripe.

Dalem, you really should know better...

On the other hand, you've never shown any wit.

First thing you should remember is, I am your superior in all things.

Finally, your post shows you for the hippie you are.

Hm. I will have to rate your attempt at versification as merely "poor". It has visual structure, but no detectable rhyme or metre.


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Originally posted by MarkEzra:

Berli: You Hate Hippies? Well now I know who NOT to invite to the Peyote and Pot CMSF open invitational tourney.

Any chance i can get an invite to that, sounds awesome!

Ill bring hash brownies ;)

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />The fact that the reviewer has ANYTHING to do with the game he reviews, being it his scenarios or what not, does not make him objective in my book.

The review was already done, so what was the harm? If there was any hint of conflict of interest (for real) we wouldn't have put them in. But there wasn't.

And there are far more reviews out there than just these 4. You could read them or (shock) wait for the Demo to come out and see for yourself.

Really... it's quite funny, in a morbid way, to see how nearly a decade of trust in us can go right out the window with some people because a couple of reviewers had something negative to say. Speaks more to the person throwing out the trust than it does us.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Hm. I will have to rate your attempt at versification as merely "poor". It has visual structure, but no detectable rhyme or metre.

I do not versify. Neither do you, but you keep trying </font>
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Back in the 'dim-time' there was a lively "What theatre do you want the first CMx2 title to be?" thread. I believe I was the first (and only?) one at the time to advocate for a Stryker Brigade game. So I'm a very happy man today ...and those of you lobbying for a Chaco War title fist can blame me for your dashed hopes :D:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

...and those of you lobbying for a Chaco War title fist can blame me for your dashed hopes :D:rolleyes:

Yeah, I remember Philippe explaining at lenght why this was the obvious choice. Then Dorosh would hop in and vainly try to convince us that early war Polish campaing was the real deal. Roight.

I guess we can start discussing what the third title will be though.

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Heh, seems some of you got it upside down. I did not start any "war of reviews", the people that dismissed any critique of CMSF in the reviews did. Not only did they dimiss it, they also were looking down on the reviwers and made fun of them.

Now, let me make one thing clear. Its *because* Im so hopeful, and conserned for the future of CM, that Im raising the Qs.

But as you say, it does not matter much now, it will be released tomorrow, and I'll see for myself, when I buy and DL the game. Yep, thats right, I wont bother trying the demo, I ll buy it straight away.

I think that says something about my trust and my expectations, more than any jibba jabba on the forums.

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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

OK, I know of Dan Hicks and The Hot Licks, but who the heck is Tom Chicks and why do I care what he thinks?

He's a game reviewer, one of the better ones actually.

He's not a grog and never will be so I discount most of his comments about why he thinks helicopters are missing or why there needs to be more HEAT rounds in the loadout. His comments about the performance, AI, UI, and pathfinding in the 1.0 build are echoed at 3 or 4 other reviews though. It's not really his problem that he was sent the 1.0 version, that's between Battlefront and Paradox to sort out.

For me, personally, I'm OK with a flawed release as long as it's patched soon. For Battlefront it's disappointing, first impressions are usually taken as the gospel in the gaming industry. I know they hoped for a wider audience for CM:SF.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Really... it's quite funny, in a morbid way, to see how nearly a decade of trust in us can go right out the window with some people because a couple of reviewers had something negative to say.

A vocal minority... </font>
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