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Units you'd like to see

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Enjoying the game, and there are already a ton of units to mess around with, including many that I've never seen modeled in a game before. But I just wouldn't be a wargamer (most would say I'm still not) without a wish list of units I'd love to see added.

HIMARS: Sure, they'd be off map. But our state's National Guard just switched from 155s to rockets, and I'd love to pretend some Powder River Cowboys were backing me up.

UAVs: Imagine if you could call up a UAV just like an artillery fire mission to give you a momentarily glimps of the battlefield. Perhaps only certain units would have access to that information or the UAV might only be able to see certain units, but it would still be cool.

FASAMS: Every since I've learned what these are, I've wanted to play them in a game. Of course, if you're going to have FASCAMS, you'd have to have a MICLIC.

BASTARDIZED HUMVEES: Hopefully, we'll be better prepared for the next war than we were for this one. But I'd love to see some hummers rolling around the desert in hillbilly armor. Perhaps there could even be a defense penalty due to the improvised nature of the armor.

JSTARS: I've read some gripping accounts of OIF I where JSTARS alerted vulnerable soldiers that enemy armor was on the way. Imagine getting a message on your screen warning that a column of T-72s was approaching.

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Originally posted by cow_cookie:

Enjoying the game, and there are already a ton of units to mess around with, including many that I've never seen modeled in a game before. But I just wouldn't be a wargamer (most would say I'm still not) without a wish list of units I'd love to see added.

HIMARS: Sure, they'd be off map. But our state's National Guard just switched from 155s to rockets, and I'd love to pretend some Powder River Cowboys were backing me up.

UAVs: Imagine if you could call up a UAV just like an artillery fire mission to give you a momentarily glimps of the battlefield. Perhaps only certain units would have access to that information or the UAV might only be able to see certain units, but it would still be cool.

FASAMS: Every since I've learned what these are, I've wanted to play them in a game. Of course, if you're going to have FASCAMS, you'd have to have a MICLIC.

BASTARDIZED HUMVEES: Hopefully, we'll be better prepared for the next war than we were for this one. But I'd love to see some hummers rolling around the desert in hillbilly armor. Perhaps there could even be a defense penalty due to the improvised nature of the armor.

JSTARS: I've read some gripping accounts of OIF I where JSTARS alerted vulnerable soldiers that enemy armor was on the way. Imagine getting a message on your screen warning that a column of T-72s was approaching.


I suspect HIMARS and MLRS (at least battery size) might not be too far away. Little point in having a grid square map and then just flattening it all with one strike though.

UAV's (at least the larger "Predator" and "Global Hawke" type) and JSTARS are beyond the scope of this (certainly you could get feeds as far as a scenario brief goes but you as a Company commander aren't going to get a JSTARS assets for you own tasking).

If you are using FASCAM then YOU shouldn't need a MICLIC, after all if you are laying the minefield and then have to breach it something is seriously wrong with your plan.

I can imagine HUMVEES being a popular mod topic (once the details of how to do it are released).

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Yeah, I thought inclusion of trucks and semis was a stupid idea, until someone pointed out convoy protection battles.

I believe UAVs are already being abstracted along with other intelligence tools. When you play the first battle of the Campaign the map is already full of enemy '?' symbols, I assumed this was intelligence being broadcast through Blue Tracker.

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Originally posted by gibsonm:

UAV's (at least the larger "Predator" and "Global Hawke" type) and JSTARS are beyond the scope of this (certainly you could get feeds as far as a scenario brief goes but you as a Company commander aren't going to get a JSTARS assets for you own tasking).

There seem to be more small-size UAVs available now at least at the battalion level. In the 2nd campaign scenario you actually have the battalion commander present on the field, so presumably you should have access to at least some battalion-level assets. Not sure if he continues to be present in followup scenarios as I'm currently still in the midst of the 2nd scenario.
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I suspect trying to implement the smaller UAVs would introduce the same issues as helicopters (in terms of plotting movement, height, etc.). So I'm guessing their input will still be abstracted to inputs to the initial briefings rather than live feeds.

In any case even a Bn CO still doesn't have control to the larger UAV's or JSTARS (one is a formation asset at least and the other strategic).

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The bastardized Hummers don't leave the wire anymore. At this point in Iraq there are enough M1114s and M1151s to do the job. As a matter of fact even the Hummers that don't go outside the wire are being replaced by lighter armored models a little at a time.

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You guys have this UAV thing all wrong, the Predator , warrior Alpha, and Reaper would be perfect additions as they are the only UAV's that are armed, and have sensors capable of spotting troop movement from off screen. They are also available for use by any group from a squad on up and they are dynamically tasked all the time to support troops in contact. I don't see why you couldn't create some sort of recon command where they search a specific area or street and you get a rough idea on the map where the enemy is, no need for video or anything like that.

The Global Hawk would be fairly useless in this game as its a strategic asset and the battle will be long over before the pictures are ready to assist anyone.

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They are only available if allocated to your formation (i.e. a formation asset). They are certainly not available to every squad throughout the theatre as you post implies.

Again I think you will find that to simplify matters their feeds are incorporated into the briefings e.g. "ISR assets had identified a squad in building X" (otherwise we tend to get bogged down in matters of airspace management).

To do this properly you'd end up with having to de-conflict the UAVs with the helos, the air and the arty so your fire mission doesn't "splash" the UAV while en route to whatever the UAV has detected.

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Originally posted by gibsonm:


They are only available if allocated to your formation (i.e. a formation asset). They are certainly not available to every squad throughout the theatre as you post implies.

Again I think you will find that to simplify matters their feeds are incorporated into the briefings e.g. "ISR assets had identified a squad in building X" (otherwise we tend to get bogged down in matters of airspace management).

To do this properly you'd end up with having to de-conflict the UAVs with the helos, the air and the arty so your fire mission doesn't "splash" the UAV while en route to whatever the UAV has detected.

You are correct they are made available to the unit by a request made up there chain of command through the division they are in and then this is approved by the ISR air traffic controller. But they are still available to them if requested (purchased if you will as this game goes) before going on a mission.

Airspace shouldn't be the issue you make it either, as you have to stack the airspace anyway to have helo's and attack aircraft in the same area, just stack a predator in there too. And if artillery is called in all aircraft would have to clear the area (they are called keypads actually, one keypad should be about the size of these battle fields) until the fire mission is over and then back they could go. "Real Life" isn't that hard to simulate, and the majority of the pieces should already be in place with the current off map support.

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Trucks ... I am dreaming of trucks too. Some European equipment would be fine. I would prefer Leos, Challengers, AMX-10 RCs and Marders, Warriors and VABs instead of LAV and AAV7s the next time. And a lot of more objects for the editor. And one or two patches, that repair some major bugs. Well, that's all. ;)

P.S. Apart from this: IT'S A GREAT GAME!

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T-90 would be nice, at least for more equal custom battles (that is, once we get real custom battles). Russia exporting T-90s to Syria is not beyond the realm of possibilities, especially as this is a fictional future scenario. Don't have to include them in the campaign, just have them available in QBs and for the editor. Come to think of it, why not add the BMP-3 as well.

Of course, neither is a high priority addition. But maybe something for the future add-ons. ;)

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-Trucks definately.

-Choppers, but not directly controllable, more like in the fashion of how the arty and air-support works, but with function to airlift special forces onto roofs of buildings.

Pretty much inside the scope of things I'd say and a hell of a blast!

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