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WEGO vs REAL TIME: Pre-release poll

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Real Time, as I expect the number of units (low) and the time scale (uncompressed) to allow the game to remain more about strategy than click speed.

Note for the confused (and likely old): real time is a mode of play. RTS is a genre. There's a difference. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Zebulon Pleasure Beast:

I'm all hyper about the realtime mode...the mere thought of finally being able to utilize all that RTS experience to pwn senile noobz in even more spectacular fashion than before...jolly...

Gentlemen, start your APM counters!


APM is the most bogus thing ever.

There is about 1% of the RTS community that have legit APM's. Everyone else constantly spams hotkeys and macro's with no intent other than to bloat their APM.

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WEGO...because I miss out on too much cool stuff during the rts helter skelter...I also prefer it during sex 'cause the rewinds ROCK!!!


P.S...especially if there's a chick involved.

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Up until TOW, my reply would be "definitely wego" but after playing and gotten accustomed to TOW (I prefer using only tactical pauses without quick saves smile.gif ), I think I'll use both of them. Because each type of play represents different tactical chances. So I'll go with 0.5 RT, 0.5 WEGO... smile.gif


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Well... I´m not sure if this is a good place for making that question over here... I mean, I knew before reading the answer that "WEGO" system will be the winner, and also I vote for this (I´m not "the-quickest-mouse-in-town").

Obviously, if you make this question in a "Warcraft" or "Command & Conquer" forum, the result will be quite different... ;)

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Cam someone please explain to me what the attraction might be of playing a game like CM in RT is?

Think of all the things you liked about CM's traditional WEGO system. Replaying great action from multiple angles, giving individual units intelligent orders that took quite some time to consider and plan, to whatever level of detail you wanted etc.

Now imagine you now played those exact same sceanrios but in RT. What do you gain and what do you lose? What would you be missing out on if you didn't? In fact, is there anything actually positive at all about playing in RT?

I can tell you that you WILL lose the intelligent control of the battle and your units you once had. You will lose the ability to execute and plan to the level of detail like you oncedid. You will lose the ability to intelligently control anywhere near the number of individual units that you once could in WEGO, and perhaps any interest in playing further RT as a consequence. You will lose the ability to enjoy watching and savouring great action replay many times from different angles before leaving those great moments behind and proceeding with the rest of the battle.

You will gain more time to play more scenarios because the scenarios wiil physically take less real time to complete than if they were WEGO. You will realise that all the strategy and tactics you know you want to use (and could use in WEGO) could go out the window simply because your physical relationship with the game interface isn't a level that allows you to do so. You may gain frustration from that. You will gain a limitation on the actual number of individual units you can simultaneously intelligently control in a RT environment (between 6-10?), and hence a limitation on the scale and scope (also in map size) of battles you can expect to simulate in the game.

You may however gain an illusion that the game may now be considered more "realistic" because it is now a seamless RT battle like in "real life" and you must now make and give orders on the fly, "like you are really there" as the battle unfolds without the luxury of the time you have in a WEGO system. But you will also soon gain an appreciation that this is just ridiculous reasoning when you realise that the REAL battle in the game is not one of tactics/strategy between you and your opponent at all, but mainly a physical battle betwen you and the actual game hardware/software as you madly try to get your units to do what you would of wanted them to do in WEGO. You will then gain the realisation that if you really enjoy a game of tactics and strategy independant of hardware/software limitations, playing a game like CM in RT makes it a completely different type of game than playing in WEGO.

I am sorry but CM in RT is like running through an art gallery. Yeah you can say you visited an art gallery and even consider an art enthusiast doing so but did you actually gain/appreciate anything of the effort or details that other have painstakingly put in or is it that you just like running? So why bother? You know there are better places where you can go running.

Lt Bull

[ July 27, 2007, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: Lt Bull ]

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