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A Tale Told By An Idiot: The Peng Challenge Thread Drags on Its Way To Dusty Death

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And the Purges will continue until I am the Number 1 poster on the Board.

Don't get your hopes up too high! You know better than most that I'm pretty tolerant of, er, transgressions. So if someone else is going to get the boot here they have to try harder. Dorosh, for example, planned ahead for his own demise. Turning our Forums into a weapon against two people (neither of which are me, BTW) last summer showed how cunning his plan was. And then to abide by my final warning to him for all these months, while turning his ire against me personally, was simply brilliant. I mean, what better way to make sure that when he eventually dropped another bomb that I wouldn't give a tossed fig about flipping the switch on him?

So the lesson here is that if someone really wants to go out like Dorosh, they have to create a Cunning Plan (ala Baldrick) or just come off looking like a run of the mill prat (like swearing better than a sailor on leave).

Er... not that I'm encouraging any of you to try topping Dorosh!


P.S. I'm only a junior member here so I wasn't sure if I should bold the name of someone who is no longer able to partake in the MBT. Perhaps the Justicar, or backup Justicar, can shed some light on the rules?

[ April 15, 2008, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Perhaps the Justicar, or backup Justicar, can shed some light on the rules?

He probably could if he wasn't so incompetant. And old.

Have I versified about Olde Joe recently? 'cuz I can.

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

I'm think you'd need a really big turnip if you want to top Dorosh.

A cabbage. Here in the MBT it's all about the cabbage. I don't recall exactly how or why though - it's one of the ancient laws handed down through the generations since our first splash in the 'Pool.
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Originally posted by rleete:

Sure, pad that post count, slacker.

Unneeded, kind sir. With the demise of the old political forum, I have moved my rantings elsewhere, only occasionally passing by old haunts like a wise old storm cloud, pausing only long enough to rain my droplets of wisdom and delight upon the landscape like a giant car windshield shattered at 20,000 feet rains glass.
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rleete:

Sure, pad that post count, slacker.

Unneeded, kind sir. With the demise of the old political forum, I have moved my rantings elsewhere, only occasionally passing by old haunts like a wise old storm cloud, pausing only long enough to rain my droplets of wisdom and delight upon the landscape like a giant car windshield shattered at 20,000 feet rains glass.</font>
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

I get the feeling that there's something going on in this leg wrestling business that we haven't been told.

Are you willing to hold your breath until I reveal all about that evening in a Melbourne hotel? </font>
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Bloody heck. Dorosh gone?

He was a fine gentleman, a deep thinker, wise in the ways of all things military, civilian, civilomilitary, martiocivilicatious, and civimilitandemous...ness. Or something.

He was always civil anyway. Always a pleasant conversationalist. Always willing to help his fellow slack-ass-poster-boy to understand a fine point of military or civilian order.

One could always count on Dorosh to be a leader - he mentored so many fine young posters - and he always had a kind or encouraging word for anyone who may not have had his vast, encyclopedic knowledge of just about everything in the known and unknown multiverses. If one didn't have the answer, one knew that Dorosh would have one handy, willingly, gently, lovingly given with both hands and an open heart.

Oh, sure, Dorosh may have had a differing opinion now and then, but he always expressed it with the utmost caring and respect for the other guy's point of view.

He was truly a gentleman and a scholar, a keen observer of the human condition, and he will be missed.

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OK. Sorry. I just couldn't maintain that level of horsecrap. Dorosh was an insufferable knowitall dickhead. I hope he has a mild case of the runs for the remainder of his days. Not enough to be really sick or anything, but just enough that he has to crap about once an hour, and he has constant sphincter irritation, because I think the best way to describe him is as a painful, rectal itch. It would be poetical justice for him to suffer from himself for all time.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

For you, Mace, old mite, anything.

Still holding your breath? Oh bugger…I thought you would have expired due to asphyxia by now.

So much for MY cunning plan!

As for the leg wrestle…..let's say it's entered discussion in the past.

Let's also say that both Bugged and I have leg wrestled with others in our past and have done quite well.

Let's take this further by saying that both of us said 'I'm better at leg wrestling than you are!'.

Then imagine that a bet was made that next we meet, we would see who was the better by engaging in mortal leg-wrestling combat.

Now the scenario becomes….Bugged is in Melbourne so we all catch up for a day on the town, Bugged reminds me of the bet so we search for a suitable venue for combat.

Also say that witnessed by 2 others….Mace is flipped around like a pancake, not once, not twice, but three times because Bugged is the world leg wrestling queen or somefink!

Now Mace is humbled, and Bugged very smug.

But don't forget, I still have the negatives.
Yeh well I've sunk to the lowest depths of humiliation possible, I am now immune to mere negatives!
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Originally posted by Stuka:

So who can I turn to now for endless discussion on the finer details of the brinell factor, angle and thickness of the glacis on a PzKpfw II Ausf. b with kitchen sink attachement?


14.5mm at 9 degrees angle, you will need to discuss with someone else the kitchen sink attachment...perhaps rleete can help you there.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

perhaps rleete can help you there.

rleete, or Roger as he's called will never finish attaching the kitchen sink so he's not a good candidate.

What about Seanachai, even though he's more familiar with sticking his head in toilet bowls, must have some sink-experience as well?

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Originally posted by Stuka:

So who can I turn to now for endless discussion on the finer details of the brinell factor, angle and thickness of the glacis on a PzKpfw II Ausf. b with kitchen sink attachement?

Originally posted by dalem:



Sheesh, Stuka, you couldn't get a date at a FKK Club...
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Haes anywun seen Dorosh? Ah ha' an urrrgaint message fer tha Dorosh. Di' ye ken? Ah cannae raveal tha gist, boot ats tae di wi' a recent post...Ah cannae say more jus' noo. Hae ye seen haim?

An' Germanboy ainly beat mae tha' wun time cos Ah didnae realize Ah haid a spare Hetzer. Thas all Ah'm sayin' aboot at.

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