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They came to find out why a gnome Challenged Peng and they found Love

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

I doubt I could every be as mindless as Groggy Dorosh... accidental or otherwise... perhaps if I had lessons from Stuka & a few dedicated years of drinkin... sigh... no, not even then.

Your'e beginning to irk me you puffy shirt wearing fop. I sense you are eager for a lesson in 'die-alot-now'.

However your 'taunts' lack.......anything of substance.

Now shoo back to your council flat.

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I am about to put a new spelling on a word:


I fear that I am constrained by International Law to give 'Proper Notice'.

Therefore, let me put all in the neighbourhood of the Irish Isles (called by some the 'British Isles') on notice that in the last week of March of this year, I will be in Dublin for 3-4 days, and in the west of Ireland for several more days after that.

I do not know how difficult or expensive it is for UKers to get to Dublin, or for a drunken Gnome to get from Dublin to some portion of England. But perhaps, given the unlikelihood of my ever being permitted out of America again, I should investigate the possibilities.

I will be in Ireland with Family, so I am not completely free to come and go as I would. But on the other hand, they tire of me very quickly, and the idea that I might disappear for a period probably wouldn't bother them at all. We are going there to visit my nephew, Danny, who will be studying art & design for a semester in Ballyvaughan just outside of Galway through his college.

So, our current plan is to land in Dublin, spend 3-4 days there, go to Belfast, come back to Dublin, and from there proceed to Galway. I believe we're flying out of that area and going to Manchester for a brief lay-over combined with a chance for me to meet with various members of the British Government to explain to them why sucking up to the Bush Administration was simply a bad idea all round.

And then I return to America, amidst loud rejoicing from the rest of the World, and groans of disappointment from Red Staters and Neo-Con whores.

My Family is all abuzz with this opportunity to visit 'the Old Country'. Well, not my entire family. My youngest sister, Jenny's family, isn't going, as they have the youngest kids, and they can't afford it right now. It's going to be me Mum, my Step-dad, and my sister Liz's family (of whom Danny, that we're after visiting, is a part).

And myself. I, of course, am excited at the idea of going to a far-away, magical land that my ancestors came from, and drinking a great deal of beer and whisky until I'm ejected. What makes it 'magical' is that, since I'm going to have to be thrown out of an entire Nation, it will probably take much longer than usual.

I will keep this Forum posted.

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So, our current plan is to land in Dublin, spend 3-4 days there, go to Belfast, come back to Dublin, and from there proceed to Galway.
Clearly you'll be driving from Dublin to Galway so as you get to Kildare go south to the village of Eagle Hill. Once there determine if there are any inhabitants named Shaw ... if so, say hello from their cousin Joe.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I will be in Ireland with Family, so I am not completely free to come and go as I would. But on the other hand, they tire of me very quickly, and the idea that I might disappear for a period probably wouldn't bother them at all.

Do you wanna buy my white Rabbit,no wait...You are my white Rabbit..


Alice ( small)

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And myself. I, of course, am excited at the idea of going to a far-away, magical land that my ancestors came from, and drinking a great deal of beer and whisky until I'm ejected. What makes it 'magical' is that, since I'm going to have to be thrown out of an entire Nation, it will probably take much longer than usual.

How long did it take the first time?
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

And myself. I, of course, am excited at the idea of going to a far-away, magical land that my ancestors came from, and drinking a great deal of beer and whisky until I'm ejected. What makes it 'magical' is that, since I'm going to have to be thrown out of an entire Nation, it will probably take much longer than usual.

How long did it take the first time? </font>
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Seanachai, you're not doing your job....

Seriously, is he just desperately lonely? I thought I could count on you to keep him occupied here. We already had that argument, about who he would least best serve as "Mortal Enemy". He's just - distracting me from my quest. Since when did stalking and pouting qualify as Hate?

And what the hell are you doing if not teaching these lackwits about proper hate? I don't get where whining about your dead ancestors is in anyway accomplishing your goal.

Maybe we can make something of him, though. I'll humour him - but can you send him a postcard tutorial or somefink? Teach him some style? You drunken bastard?

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Originally posted by rleete:

Now would be the time to pool our resources and purchase a stinger missle or two.

Seanachai, we need the flight number and date of departure.

It's cheaper just to phone him in as a possible threat.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo, I may possibly be angry with you. Is your off-hand, scurrilous remark about the pain and suffering my ancestors went through when they were driven, weeping, from their Homeland? Or were you talking about the last time I was thrown out of an entire Nation?

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oooh, oooh, Mr Dorosh is asking the Bard for help in controlling Leeo's alledged stalking of the aforementioned Mr. Dorosh in other BFC threads.

Is Leeo insane?, is this a ploy to pad the aforementioned Mr. Dorosh's already lofty post count? or is Leeo truly a crusading loon, standing up for the meek and downtrodden posters of the outerboards???

Staytuned, Sports Fans

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Is Leeo insane?, is this a ploy to pad the aforementioned Mr. Dorosh's already lofty post count? or is Leeo truly a crusading loon, standing up for the meek and downtrodden posters of the outerboards???

Too steal a line from the biggest half-wit there is (no offense Boo), the answer to all those questions is...............yes.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

oooh, oooh, Mr Dorosh is asking the Bard for help in controlling Leeo's alledged stalking of the aforementioned Mr. Dorosh in other BFC threads.

Is Leeo insane?, is this a ploy to pad the aforementioned Mr. Dorosh's already lofty post count? or is Leeo truly a crusading loon, standing up for the meek and downtrodden posters of the outerboards???

Staytuned, Sports Fans

I don't know, but all I know is that Dorosh looks suspiciously a lot like the soldiers in CMAK. Did BFC styled them to his image or was it the other way around?


[ January 29, 2007, 09:17 AM: Message edited by: stikkypixie ]

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I'm an acorn, small and round

Lying on the cold, cold ground

Everyone walks over me

That is why I'm cracked you see

I'm a nut!

I'm a nut!

I'm a N-U-T-T Nut!

Called myself on the telephone

Just to hear my golden tone

Asked me out for a little date

Picked me up about half past eight

I'm a nut!

I'm a nut!

I'm a N-U-T-T Nut!

Took myself to the movie show

Stayed too late and said : Let's go

Took my hand and led me out

Drove me home and gave a shout!

I'm a nut!

I'm a nut!

I'm a N-U-T-T Nut!

HEE hee hee heee.....

Tag, you're it!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

SNIPPED... called by some the 'British Isles'...SNIPPED


Some like, for all intents & purposes, the Romans?

Ahh but lets not let an ancient geographical name get in the way of a good grudge

SNIPPED... and going to Manchester for a... SNIPPED
Shirley (please Peng) this must break a whole swathe of international laws & time honoured agreements & thereby cannot be allowed?


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

oooh, oooh, Mr Dorosh is asking the Bard for help in controlling Leeo's alledged stalking of the aforementioned Mr. Dorosh in other BFC threads.

Is Leeo insane?, is this a ploy to pad the aforementioned Mr. Dorosh's already lofty post count? or is Leeo truly a crusading loon, standing up for the meek and downtrodden posters of the outerboards???

Staytuned, Sports Fans

Nidan1, I don't care what these fellows say about you behind your back over at the Annex, I don't care what kind of cockamamie fake accent you choose to use on the phone to the Justicar, I don't even care that your posting style seems suspiciously if vaguely derivative of Abbott after a 6 day Coors Lite bender. You clearly "get it". You see, this is what the forum is supposed to be all about. Boo Radley has taught you well.

Truth be told, though, Sean is in no way positioned to help me evade my stalkers. In fact, if I were to turn to him for help, it would be to find even more stalkers. No, I look to Seanachai mainly to take the piss out of him for letting poltroons like Leeo out from under his thumb. By granting intellectual independence to lesser members of the Pool, I fear the Olde Ones here have lost any claim to intellectual mastery of the Outerboard and indeed, any possible hope of maintaining said lesser forms as "intellectual" "puppets". A sad say, but there is no turning back. Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war...

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