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They came to find out why a gnome Challenged Peng and they found Love

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Shiva , the creator and destroyer, is smiling.

I'm very happy for Queen and her lover.


if the nights will be too stormy

I will be in my Castle

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Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

Not sure how this came up, but there is nothing compulsive or vacuous about your posts, and your ego is safe with me.

You know why I get to wear this, Flamingworthless?

* Sir 37mm points down at his fluorescent lime-green “You don't have to be crazy to post here... but it helps” T-shirt *

It's because I've earned the roight sonny... through fire, trials, tribulations & thread closings... I've even, once long ago, made Seanachai giggle.

Do you know how hard that is?

Well yeah, it does kinda help if he'd been plied with a litre of meths... but that's not the point.

The point is you're going to have to work much harder to please EVEN ME... never mind an Olde One!

And at the moment you only make me feel queasy... like I've just eaten something undercooked or listened to some Australian musicians.

Personally I feel serfs should be trained by their lords to Morris Dance or sumfink... that'd be sure to bring a smile

Dance, gibber & gape young flamingworthless... act like the pitiful jester you can only hope to be!

Here's a hat with some bells on it, now hop to it (literally)!

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Originally posted by Patch:


The blessing of the Garden Gnome.

If this isn't the greatest & most disturbing Cesspool image ever produced then i'll eat my hat... which I'm not wearing... oh buggar it, I'll eat some other clothing
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Originally posted by Patch:


The blessing of the Garden Gnome.

This is just one of the sickest Ménage à trois photos I've ever seen.........not that I make it a habit of looking at such smut.I cannot believe the MBT has resorted to posting gnome porn. Keep up the good work.
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Originally posted by bauhaus:

Knowing you, it'll probably be your underwear you eat.

We call that over here an 'open goal'... you somehow contrived to miss it, but nonetheless it's all about the effort I suppose & you at least noticed it existed... so here's a cookie, go munch.


Is the Belgian really that naive?

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Dance, gibber & gape young flamingworthless... act like the pitiful jester you can only hope to be!

Here's a hat with some bells on it, now hop to it (literally)!

Ms. 37mm

You have the understanding and imagination of a hissing insect...Now scurry off into the darkness and wait for the end.


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Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

Ms. 37mm

You have the understanding and imagination of a hissing insect...Now scurry off into the darkness and wait for the end.


Dear buggar my Peng with a pole!


I wash my hands of this one, the crowd may do with it as it pleases...

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

Ms. 37mm

You have the understanding and imagination of a hissing insect...Now scurry off into the darkness and wait for the end.


Dear buggar my Peng with a pole!



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Originally posted by flammenwerfer:


That's the same mindless retort Dorosh used a few pages back. Show some imagination in your post before you run off, you coward.

I doubt I could every be as mindless as Groggy Dorosh... accidental or otherwise... perhaps if I had lessons from Stuka & a few dedicated years of drinkin... sigh... no, not even then.

Dorosh is gone, if indeed he was ever 'here'... a shadowy kilted vegetable obsessed merely with Elite Canadians, bren tripods & his latest dating tips.... yuck

Your sly, underhanded, cowardly poke has, however, earned you a temporary reprieve from my ignorance... I still expect you to dance though

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Time for a sing song you dim-witted huddled masses!

"Leeeeeo's men all run away

Doo-Dah! Doo-Dah!

The German army will have it's day

Oh, De Doo-Dah Day!

Gwan to fight all night,

Gwan to fight all day.

Bet my Deutschmarks on a Tiger I,

Leeeeeo better learn how to pray!"

Second verse!

"The German armor goes BOOM! BOOM!

Doo-Dah! Doo-Dah!

Sounds like it spells Leeeeo's doom.

Oh, De Doo-Dah Day!

Gwan to stomp him bad!

Gwan to stomp him right!

Leeeo's buildings all fall down,

He needs to learn how to fight..."

Man... aint that a catchy tume?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Time for a sing song you dim-witted huddled masses!

"Leeeeeo's men all run away

Doo-Dah! Doo-Dah!

The German army will have it's day

Oh, De Doo-Dah Day!

Gwan to fight all night,

Gwan to fight all day.

Bet my Deutschmarks on a Tiger I,

Leeeeeo better learn how to pray!"

Second verse!

"The German armor goes BOOM! BOOM!

Doo-Dah! Doo-Dah!

Sounds like it spells Leeeeo's doom.

Oh, De Doo-Dah Day!

Gwan to stomp him bad!

Gwan to stomp him right!

Leeeo's buildings all fall down,

He needs to learn how to fight..."

Man... aint that a catchy tume?

Sounds more interesting than our battle...

We played on a map built by Boo,

It was stupidly divided in two,

I stayed on my half,

And he stayed on his half,

And together we wondered, why bother?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

We played on a map built by Boo,

It was stupidly divided in two,

I stayed on my half,

And he stayed on his half,

And together we wondered, why bother?

That doesn't even rhyme. </font>
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Boo was afraid to enter the city.

Boo could do nothing but stroke his kitty.

Boo feared death in the narrow streets.

Boo kept his panzers away, shiny and neat.

Boo didn't want his troops to die.

Boo as a general, proved quite shy.

Boo better learn, to die not to fear.

Boo is afraid to bring armor near.

Boo, Boo, Boo.


Boo is unsure of what he's to do.

Put that in yer poem pipe and smoke it! Critique that fine bit of doggerel, you mangey bastiges.

Or sumfink.

(This post brought to you by the stoned lyrian. And the letter "why?")

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Where the heck are the following:


  • Lorak
    Herr Oberst

I've not seen hide nor hair of these folks on the BFC discussion boards for quite some time. There are others as well.

Where are you bastiges hiding. FESS UP!

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Originally posted by Leeo:


Where the heck are the following:


  • Lorak
    Herr Oberst

I've not seen hide nor hair of these folks on the BFC discussion boards for quite some time. There are others as well.

Where are you bastiges hiding. FESS UP!

I got JDMorse posting again a year back... on the promise of an AAR IIRC... then we lost contact after my computer bust, though I think he'd (again) stopped posting here anyway...
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Oddly enough, Speedbump lives only about 45 minutes away from me.

He and I played several games together and then he just sort of... dropped off my radar.

Perhaps I shall E-mail him.

As for the rest of them, they all told me that they've stopped coming around here because YOU'RE still around, Leeeeo.

See what you've done?

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