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New Combat Mission game Announced. Combat Mission: Afrika Korps!!! Pt2

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Originally posted by Richard Morgan:

Hey Andreas, what is the German angle on bagpipes? For a sensitive soul such as yourself, raised on the likes of Beethoven, Hayden, and Mozart, I would have thought the pipes would have constituted a violation of the Geneva Convention. The urge for Germans to DF the lone piper must have proved almost irresistable.

Best wishes,

Richard (a Sassenach) ;);)

Best wishes,

As long as we are talking Scottish pipes, the person playing places himself squarely outside the known continuum of humanity, and is really asking for it, by playing them on a battlefield. Irish, Bretonic and Northumbrian pipes are a different matter.

I once was inside a room during a folk festival where a Scottish piper tuned his pipes prior to the concert. Made me want to puncture my ears.

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New serious but fun idea for discussion for CMAK (aside from rocky desert terrain, heat haze, targetting degradation into the sun at dawn and sunset, Indians and South Africans ;) )

Random reinforcements! Should hopefully be easy to program. On a QB setup a player can select a points value to arrive as reinforcements during the battle. For example you could chose 1500 points for your main force and 500 points as reinforcements.

The simplest way would be to let the AI pick the force composition of the reinforcements and randomise the turn during which they arrive. They could also have casualties applied to them in the same fashion as the original force, and perhaps a random chance of not appearing at all.

I suggest this because I am thinking of Alamein and other desert battles where a force gained ground, and was let down by the late or non appearance of the follow on forces, a common occurance and a frequent complaint of infantrymen against the tankers. If you are defending, eg. the Commonwealth at Gazala, will your neighbours continue to sit in their 'box' or actually make an effort to aid you.

So it has plenty of historical precedent, but would add a lot of fun and tension to the game as well, as you wonder when, where, and what may ride in.


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In making CM scenarios now you can designate the percentage of likelyhood a particular set of reinforcements will arrive (50%, 30%, etc.). It didn't seem to get as much use in CMBB scenatios as in CMBO, unless I just didn't replay the scenarios enough to note the difference.

Random reinforcements in Quickbattles would be a nice new feature, though their arrival time and placement during the battle would have to be totally random, not scripted like in scenarios.

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Originally posted by Leather Suitcase:

At the moment (at least in CMBO) if my tanks are advancing on the enemy they suffer a severe disadvantage in that they are deemed to be firing on the move when, for improved effectiveness (and the sake of reality), they should be stopping before engaging, then continuing the advance once the threat has been destroyed.

Actually, CMBO and BB already cover this issue. Just issue the Hunt order. With a Hunt order, tanks move more slowly and stop to fire. With the Fast order, they drive at full speed and don't stop along the way. If they fire, they fire on the move. So, if you want tanks to stop when the fire, tell 'em to hunt.

[ April 17, 2003, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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Random reinforcements! Should hopefully be easy to program. On a QB setup a player can select a points value to arrive as reinforcements during the battle. For example you could chose 1500 points for your main force and 500 points as reinforcements.

The simplest way would be to let the AI pick the force composition of the reinforcements and randomise the turn during which they arrive. They could also have casualties applied to them in the same fashion as the original force, and perhaps a random chance of not appearing at all.

I suggest this because I am thinking of Alamein and other desert battles where a force gained ground, and was let down by the late or non appearance of the follow on forces, a common occurance and a frequent complaint of infantrymen against the tankers. If you are defending, eg. the Commonwealth at Gazala, will your neighbours continue to sit in their 'box' or actually make an effort to aid you.

So it has plenty of historical precedent, but would add a lot of fun and tension to the game as well, as you wonder when, where, and what may ride in.

Feasible? [/QB]

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Here's a graphics request. Many accounts of the fighting in NA describe AT rounds as looking like a flaming tennisball trailing a curtain of dust. Any chance they will look this way in the game?

As long as you guys are tweaking anyway. How about allowing scenario designers to take away units during operations? I would also like a little more control over where reinforcements appear during an operation.

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Originally posted by CombinedArms:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leather Suitcase:

At the moment (at least in CMBO) if my tanks are advancing on the enemy they suffer a severe disadvantage in that they are deemed to be firing on the move when, for improved effectiveness (and the sake of reality), they should be stopping before engaging, then continuing the advance once the threat has been destroyed.

Actually, CMBO and BB already cover this issue. Just issue the Hunt order. With a Hunt order, tanks move more slowly and stop to fire. With the Fast order, they drive at full speed and don't stop along the way. If they fire, they fire on the move. So, if you want tanks to stop when the fire, tell 'em to hunt. </font>
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Originally posted by MikeyD:

In making CM scenarios now you can designate the percentage of likelyhood a particular set of reinforcements will arrive (50%, 30%, etc.). It didn't seem to get as much use in CMBB scenatios as in CMBO, unless I just didn't replay the scenarios enough to note the difference.

Random reinforcements in Quickbattles would be a nice new feature, though their arrival time and placement during the battle would have to be totally random, not scripted like in scenarios.

The other thing about random reinforcements--there really, really needs to be a flag to say what kind of chance. Independant per turn or cumiculative. See Example:

Reinforcement A is set at 5% Independant on turn 5. Has a 5% chance of showing up on that and subsequent turns (NB: this is how the current system works).

Reinforcement B is set at 5% Cumiculative on turn 5. Has a 5% on turn 5, 10% on turn 6 and so on until it reaches or surpasses 100.

This would make percentage reinforcements actually useful. As it stands now, it is such a crapshoot that they destroy balance.

One other plea: give us conditional reinforcements for battles. I can see how tied to map will not work, but the attrition level reinforcements could well work in battles.


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Several things quickly.


Can't speak for other battles, but they were definitely present at El Alamein, being heard (and seen waist down?) quite clearly in the famous film shot with the photographers walking backwards in front of the attacking British. I believe some six photographers were killed making that historical footage.

Afrika Korps resources

George Bradford (of AFV NEWS fame) wrote a specialized, vehicle silhouette illustrated book on TO & E for various DAK units. I know this because I read about it years ago in an article on desktop publishing, then saw it once in a hobby shop.

Last weekend I saw two substantial ~$60.00 U.S. reference books, one on 21st Panzer Division, the other on Afrika Korps. The books were a big surprise in that they were French; had no idea the French published such works. The 21st Panzer volume is mostly in French, but has English photo captions (tons of photos, many previously unseen by me, covering everywhere the unit fought, not just North Africa) and summaries. The Afrika Korps book

has complete text in French and English, lots of maps and concise battle descriptions, plus photos to die for, including several of the oft mentioned

but never seen by me Italian forts, such as Capuzzo. Real help for the building designers!

Col G.B. Jarrett's (made key contributions to the Desert War and founded the Aberdeen Proving Grounds

collection) WEST OF ALAMEIN has much which will be helpful, but the book is out of print and has some wrong photo captions.

Anyone with the right issues of the sadly defunct AFV-G2 magazine can provide a detailed history of the design and development of Italian armor, complete with drawings and myriad technical specifications, by the dean of such matters, Dr. Nicola Pignato. Would help with this myself, but my collection disappeared years ago under mysterious circumstances.

Hope this helps.


John Kettler

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will be the 88s (and maybe other guns, but it is the case I know) able to fire from the towing position, with a restricted covering angle?
Unfortunately, no. We wanted to do this but Charles explained that it would be a LOT of work to do. Way too much considering that the 88 is really the only gun that requires this coding.

I fear I have to remind you folks again... no new, major features are going into CMAK. That means no random reinforcements for QBs, even though this is a good idea. In fact, it didn't make it into CMBO or CMBB even though we thought of it way back when. Unfortunately, the current code really doesn't support it and it would require a major overhaul in order to do so. Obviously it will not be in CMAK because of that. The new engine will have far more than that though :D


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />will be the 88s (and maybe other guns, but it is the case I know) able to fire from the towing position, with a restricted covering angle?

Unfortunately, no. We wanted to do this but Charles explained that it would be a LOT of work to do. Way too much considering that the 88 is really the only gun that requires this coding.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by redwolf:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CombinedArms:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Leather Suitcase:

At the moment (at least in CMBO) if my tanks are advancing on the enemy they suffer a severe disadvantage in that they are deemed to be firing on the move when, for improved effectiveness (and the sake of reality), they should be stopping before engaging, then continuing the advance once the threat has been destroyed.

Actually, CMBO and BB already cover this issue. Just issue the Hunt order. With a Hunt order, tanks move more slowly and stop to fire. With the Fast order, they drive at full speed and don't stop along the way. If they fire, they fire on the move. So, if you want tanks to stop when the fire, tell 'em to hunt. </font>
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Originally posted by John Kettler

Last weekend I saw two substantial ~$60.00 U.S. reference books, one on 21st Panzer Division, the other on Afrika Korps. The books were a big surprise in that they were French; had no idea the French published such works. The 21st Panzer volume is mostly in French, but has English photo captions (tons of photos, many previously unseen by me, covering everywhere the unit fought, not just North Africa) and summaries. The Afrika Korps book

has complete text in French and English, lots of maps and concise battle descriptions, plus photos to die for, including several of the oft mentioned

but never seen by me Italian forts, such as Capuzzo. Real help for the building designers!

You don't happen to remember the name of these two books do you?
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Originally posted by DBaron:

You don't happen to remember the name of these two books do you?

AFRIKA KORPS by François de Lannoy, HEIMDAL Ed. - ISBN : 2-84048-152-9 smile.gif

Dual language French-English, 400+ pages, 800 photos, around 100 color shots.

The one about 21st Panzer Division is of the same kind and is published by Heimdal Editions as well, but I don't own it so have no further details.

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