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Everything posted by Terrapin

  1. I thought they did this now. At 250M, isn't only the LMG firing on most squads? I never see the SMGs light up at 250M. Anyone confirm?
  2. More memory is ALWAYS better (assuming the app can use it, which CMBB can). Speed of the memory matters MUCH less. The difference in speed and latency of the memory on your cards is 15%. The difference in size is 100%. It's a no brainer. Put the 128MB card and you'll nearly double memory performance.
  3. Rogue is from Oregon, but you can get it in most very well stocked bars, or up-town style liquor stores. Dead Guy Ale is a Maibock, but its lighter. Here's a selection of other ales they make, many of which are purely seasonal, or not found outside of Oregon. But it's fun reading! http://www.rogue.com/brews.html
  4. Very impressed that someone mentioned a Baton Rouge Microbrew, and the best one at that. I have a case in my fridge. I also think that Rogue Dead Guy Ale is the best ale ever made.
  5. By definition, failure is total. Reminds me of Col. Jessup in A Few Good Men: Lawyer: "Would you say he was in "Grave" danger?" Jessup: "Is there any other kind?"
  6. If the MG on that halftrack is the same as the HMGs carried by infantry, then the HMG can definately take out that car. I've done this numerous times. It takes a few turns if you're unlucky, but it can do it.
  7. Why? It would seem to be like a tank with troops on the back, and the AI does fine with that.
  8. It apparently depends on your motherboard. WWB and others have VIA boards. I have an AMD-761 board and have no problems showing everything with FSAA and Anisotropic on. Otherwise our computers are similar, so it looks like an MB issue.
  9. Had a frozen pizza catch fire in the toaster oven. God love smoke detectors!
  10. Well, with historical scholarship like this, BTS HAS to do somefink!!
  11. I actually edited this scenario to take out the Tigers and replaced them with guns. It was just too obnoxious otherwise. The Panthers were fine.
  12. I don't know why you'd want to abolish all other ladders. If you don't want to play, don't join. I think BFC should maybe consider an "official OEM" ladder that they may charge money for, and that might have more "cache" for some people. If EA can charge for something as lame as EQ, then BFC can definately charge a bit for a pro-run service.
  13. And I wasn't out of rounds either. I also managed to recreate this bug AGAIN (I think I have an auto-save file). I was testing out AA defenses against Soviet aircraft, and I had a bunch of PIVs and Stugs, a wirbelwind, bunch of infantry etc. Soviets had a bunch of T34's, KV-1, infantry, etc. I turned FOW off on a flat map to have some fun with rocket artillery while the Sturmovik's attacked my tanks. I was the Attacker in the QB. I launched two barrages of rocket artillery onto the infantry, then over the next 10 turns just had the tanks open up at 900 meters or so, and moved forward to engage the tanks. The artillery and my tanks had decimated the infantry, while I suffered few casualties. At turn 18 or so, the game ceasefired again (giving me a tactical defeat, even though I owned the battlefield). I think (and I may be WAY off) that if you dish out a disproportionate amount of casualties compared to your own casualties, and don't own a VL, it will ceasefire.
  14. I've also seen this bug. I have a 1.33 ghz Athlon-C using Win98. In my case, it happened in a QB where I had only one unit, an FO (I was trying to Alt-A out of a QB creation, then accidently launched the 3D graphics and then decided to just see how much damage I could inflict with big arty in a few turns). Fired the Arty on the opposing flag for four turns, then the screen said "A Ceasefire was declared...". Ceasefire button was red. In case you're wondering, I dished out a whopping 3 casualties before it ceasefired.
  15. I call it the "Operation Flashpoint" issue. Reviewers are so used to seeing high-poly/super-res individual models, due to small scale games like UT and Q3, that they don't look at the scale of the game.
  16. Horses? Motorcycles? Damn Stalinistic rewrites of history is all they is!
  17. It's been brought up before. I don't think there's a solution other than moving the camera up and away from the fire.
  18. Besides, if everything brewed up, it would soon lose it's impact. BTW, there is a mod that makes the explosions look bigger and more "fluid". The "Hollywood explosion" mod or whatever. I forget who did it. It's GREAT.
  19. Yes, but I put ZERO emphasis on artificial, contrived "testing" where nothing else is happening. The fact is, that in every game I've played it is VERY difficult to get near the tanks if they're supported by infantry, and still difficult with no infantry (in fact, in RL, tanks with no infantry were as good as dead, so the game is actually harder on infantry than in RL). In real games that you have played, is it really THAT easy to get to the tanks, because no one else seems to think so. If it isn't that easy, what is the point of your post? I believe, that when the game was designed, it was designed as a WHOLE, and not by the parts, and I think this is as it should be. BTS, when they made it, most likely designed it to act in a believable way in 95% of the situations encountered. They most likely did not look to see whether every tank would annhilate every infantry on it's own accord, it was assumed that infantry would be there. Combined Arms was emphasized. Because of this, there is no doubt in my mind, that certain things were adjusted to make the entire game playable. If that means reducing the firing rate of an AFV, because it is assumed that infantry will ALSO be there, then so be it. Despite claims, the game is still a game, and people expect to be able to move their infantry a few feet, which is not going to happen if you give every AFV perfect accuracy, perfect shooting, at infantry, even while buttoned. If you want BTS to change the code to make those AFVs perfect killers, fine. But then expect four dozen posts complaining that the infantry can't move two feet towards a tank in a combined arms setting without getting pinned, and that that is NO fun.
  20. How far are you running over "flat grassland"? If it's 30-40 meters or so, I think the infantry should be able to get there if you have more than one squad going (which, as you said, the MG's will fire at a single squad). There's only so many MGs on board, so shooting at 9-11 guys (one squad) and no more sounds about right to me. If those infantry are running over a lot more flat ground than that, and are still getting to the tank without being hit by something, than either you or the AI has FAR worse problems than that tank not shooting!
  21. If you make careful use of the reinforcements you can get the AI to perform somewhat competent "flanking" maneuvers or at least keep the player on their toes a bit.
  22. My biggest problem is that sometimes, the AI's AFVs will "get comfortable" in a particular spot (usually safe) and won't move, even after their target has moved. They won't move to the VL, they just sit there in that safe, comfortable spot. Stugs LOVE to do this for some reason. The fact is, I think it's nifty when the infantry attacks the tanks and takes it out (even if I'm the tank). I'm sure this happens as you say, but I don't want BFC changing any code to pin every squad that comes anywhere near a tank. The infantry should have a chance, and it's not like those tanks of yours are unbuttoned.
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