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Sound off, folks: What's the story behind your "user name"?

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A friend of mine used it once so I guess I've stolen it from him. I'm originally from Newfoundland, and we're known for cod (or the lack of it now...). I couldn't really think of anything else at the time, although I could use something like "vcents'" handle since my last name is Knoechel which often gets mispronounced "k-nickel"... maybe "no quarter" or "fifth quarter" or something like that would be a good one...

I'd change it, but I'd be back to square one on my posts (I'm close to becoming a member...)

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Arien; a child of Aries the zodiac sun sign ruled by the planet Mars. Mars is also the Roman god of war.. I was born in April hence the name..have used some form of that name since the mid 80's when I started playing computer games.

[This message has been edited by Arien (edited 02-14-2001).]

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Way drunk and in layover at Salt Lake City, I kept my rough, drunken comrades in stitches standing beside the Tour bus and Limo drivers (all holding signs reading "Club this-or-that" or "The Fillintheblank Party") clutching a crudely scrawled cardboard sign which read "Club Foot". That was 10+ years ago and I haven't shaken it yet.


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I first used "Intrepid" 20 years ago when I was in college playing a space combat on PLATO. (Early network connecting computers at Western Illinois University to other Universities. It was supposed to be used for education but they did have some multiplayer games.)

I picked Intrepid because I liked big ships (aircraft carriers) and Star Trek (federation cruiser manned mostly by Vulcans). I used that username on and off for several years. Then 1 day when I tried to use that name I got a message that it was already taken. So I added the extra "n" and have used Inntrepid ever since.

I can't remember ever getting the "This Username is already taken, please select another." message since I added the extra "n".

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An old coworker sent a scathing email to everybody in the company, got up form his desk and walked out of the building. In his email, he blasted all the employees as being "dummer than rocks". I thought it was funny that he spelled "dumber" wrong while insulting us. I used to tell coworkers that "dummer than rox" sounded like a good name for an 80's heavy metal band. Playing NTN trivia at lunch one day, I had to come up with a 6 letter name, and "dumrox" was born.

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One drunken night in the barracks an old Army buddy of mine and I were trying to get F15 Strike Eagle II to run on my old Tandy 1000 and when it came time to name my pilot ,in a moment of drunken inspiration,my buddy came up with "Splinty Moftoflowitz,Scourge of the skies!" and it's stuck ever since. smile.gif


Nicht Schiessen!!

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I used to use the handle Dark Elf cuz I hated Elves in roleplaying nothing better to take the enemy of your worse hated race in FRP.

But when I met my now wife five years ago I visited germany often to see her, and I picked up slang quite good. one being "mensch" I noticed certain things in the language like often one would ask "hows it going " wie gehts? and the answer was mostly "ach mensch, weiß du, ich habe viel zu tun" (aw man, you know I have alot to do) kinda like "ach so" the germans say that too alot.... wierd.

anyhow I started using mensch in my ever but slowly growing list of german words. often using mensch to often..heh.. so it stuck I took it as my handle.. better then "ach so" i guess.

I've been using this handle for about four and a half years now. =)

other handles I had was Night Owl (for staying up late all the time) and in the army I was known as "you magot".. heh jk.. funny that no handle in the army... I guess I was one of those guys that would have eventualy make it though the war cuz he had no handle so that your buddies could talk about you if you got killed "remember spades, man he was a funny guy and squeeker... remember how he talked about that prune farm he wanted to start.. silly guy"

On the other hand if I was wacked the conversation would be like "remember greg.. he.. why didn't he have a handle?" "oh him.. no idea, don't matter much I did not like him much anyhow, but the way he drew fire we should have called him magnet or somefink"


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-15-2001).]

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While studying in Moscow, I discovered that Russians had a terrible time pronouncing the name "Josh". There is no letter J in Russian... the closest they could get was "D-Zh". That worked fine, but the "sh" immediately following a "zh" sound seemed to fry Russian brains and cause smoke to pour out of their ears (hmmm... the Germans never tried this approach).

I found an effective solution by using the suffix "-shik", which usually denotes "someone who does something", i.e., a "ba-ra-BAN" is a drum, so a "ba-ra-BAN-shik" is a drummer.

Any suffix added to a Russian name also has the connotation of being a diminutive and/or an endearment. Russian has a bewildering array of suffixes and nicknames that convey differing levels of intimacy. So Alexander can become Sasha, Sashenka, Sasuchka, and on and on...

With that in mind, "Joshik" roughly translates to "Little Joshie". The Russians could pronounce it, and thought it was very cute.


ps- An old guy on the street noticed I had dropped one of my gloves, and he called me "tovarishek", which would be "little comrade". Pretty cool!

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My initials. I used it since the time when I entered it in the highscore list in old C64/amiga games.



"Oh. Oh, I see. Running away, eh? You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!" BLACK KNIGHT.

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Bruno Weiss was a fighter ace with Jasta 10, and a member of Baron von Richthofen's Flying Circus of Jagdgeschwader 1, during the First World War.

It was during the period when Sierra first released RedBaron 3D that I began to get involved in online combat flight simulation and had joined Jasta 10 and was looking for a handle. In addition to which, Bruno Weiss is a close approximated translation of my real name into German. As I'm one of those nasty ole Uber players who tends to prefer German equipment and tactics.

A little bit of weirdness also in that the more you fly a particular aircraft, the more proficient you become with it which inturn results in your preferring that aircraft over others. I can easily do things with a FW190 or BF109 that will only result in a quick crash and burn with a Mustang or a Spitfire.

At any rate, the handle Bruno Weiss stuck, and has served the Heer, Luftwaffe, and Kriegsmarine, every since.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 02-15-2001).]

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