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Frequently Asked Questions answered by cesspoolers from the Peng Thread(tm)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

What I wanna know is how you managed to get Fionn to agree to the "challenge"- a term I use loosely I may add.

BTW, it is a genuine question.



I have played Fionn in a few games and I must say he is VERY good opponent. I got a game with hm by just e-mailing him with a round about challenge and he was happy to take up a game.

The only problem is I have yet to win. wink.gif



I once killed a six pack just to watch it die.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

I have no questions nor constructive answers, but I do have a great big

<font size=6>bump</font>


Chuppies gotta a big ol bump!!


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Dear Von Scabs,

As I know bugger all about computers, I'll give you the best advise I can.

Basically it would appear that your system is, in technical terms, "Screwed!"

I would suggest that you trade in your crappy YZ426 and get a decent system....

An excellent choice would be an Athlon thunderbird 900 with g/force2 card and 19" LG monitor, 30G h/d and 128 Ram! just like someone I know really well who is a great guy and awesome CM player.......wait a 'mo, thats me!!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

1 What could be causing the lags? Memory leak?

2 Is there an easy way to troubleshoot these kind of problems?


Please Herr Von Shrad, ignore the ramblings of my fellow countryman immediately above. He is insane!

Perhaps your harddrive is full, or needs defragging...most operating systems make use of memory swap files for memory management. Ensuring that there is plenty of space for the swapfiles, of that the drive is defragged, ensures that file swapping is done at an optimal rate.

As far as troubleshooting these problems go, suck up to the PC support crew at your place of employment...works for me! smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-02-2001).]

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Stuka I am a bit confused. Are you saying that my P2-450 is not top of the line and might be out dated? Well I will just have to don my Zoot-suit, fire up the Bee-Gee's 8-track in the Pinto and, boogie on down to the electrical what-not store and power up.

If only there wasn't that money thingy, I would do just that.

But that is not the kind of advice I was looking for. Do you trade in a perfectly good Super Pershing because the tires need a little balancing? I think not.

BTW....you can insult my heritage, belittle my appearance, ogle my wife, curse my offspring and kick my dog but I will not tolerate such blasphemy against my motorcycle you cud-chewing cave dweller.

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Thank you Mace. When I tried to defrag my HD I noticed that it was performing the operation very slow compared to every other time. What do you think that could mean if anything. I did not finish because a friend was over and we HAD to play some hot-seat even if it lagged, which it indeed did.

Any other suggestions? Anybody?


[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 01-02-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

Thank you Mace. When I tried to defrag my HD I noticed that it was performing the operation very slow compared to every other time. What do you think that could mean if anything. I did not finish because a friend was over and we HAD to play some hot-seat even if it lagged, which it indeed did.

Any other suggestions? Anybody?


[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 01-02-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Och noo, dinnae fret yersailf laddie, Ah think Ah might have a couple o' wee tricks oop mah sleeve tae hailp ye oot.

Firrrst, tha' obvious.... Ah assume ye have rebooted tha' machine. Tha' would involve shutting it doon an' then powering it back up again. Af sae, do it agin....and this tam watch fer the amount o' RAM bein' checked off when it first starts tae come oop. If thas as less than the 128MB ye are expectin', then ya got some bad RAM.

Second, tha' defrag idea was a good wun.... and another assumption is tha yer playing on a Winders 98 system. Yer need tae check if ye hard drrrive as gettin' fuller'n a haggis. Double click on "My Computer" an' then rrright click on the "C:" drive. Click on "Properties". There should be a wee pie show oop, an' ye can tell how much o' yer expensive hard drrrive space is actualy still free. Ah ferget how big yer hard drrive was, but yer should have at least 128MB free, preferably more. At should be at least 10% o' yer total disk space...af at's noo tha' much, yer need tae delete some rrrrubbish or buy a bigger hard drrrive.

Let us knoo how yer get on, an ' than we'll thank o' something ailse if need be.


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OGSF I will look into that. I appreciate the help and if I had a daughter old enough I would let you show her the town, providing she was a nun and you went to a well lit, secure area with me and 2 armed guards chaperoning with only plexi-glass separating her from your deviant thoughts and snake-like hands.


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Well thats thanks for you, I don't think.

" Thank you for fixing my crappy old computer, now here is my nubile young daughter for you to look at, now when you get to the stage of licking the plexigrass while rubbing your nether region vigourously, I'm gonna take her away!"

Fix your own damn computer monkey-boy!

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Finish that defrag! But before you do that go through and wipe out any crud that is taking up space. For instance: check the c:/windows/temp folder. Delete EVERYTHING in there. It is only taking up space.

Then, if you can get your hands on a copy of Norton Utilities, run the System Check utility. If it finds any problems have it fix them.

Do all of that and then come back if ya have any problems.

And Hiram, did you say "Peng Thread" or "Puss Head"? If it was the latter I would correlate the location of this "puss head" to the level of gamey-ness.



I once killed a six pack just to watch it die.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 01-03-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

gee thanks snuckie... some one cares out there... now if only one could tell me if I have charming looks.. (you sit down Peng)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Another suggestion Mensch....

Mirror, Mirror on the wall....... failing that I could post your pic on various forums, the replies should keep you more than busy smile.gif

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I did a perfunctory search on this, but didn't find what I was looking for. My question is in regards to the american practice of using "time on target" barrages and why this isn't modeled in CM? And could it be? (not being a programmer, it seems like it wouldn't be a big deal - just have one FO for all the available artillery and the timing of the seperate artillery units would be the same)

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Forgive me first because it has been a while and I'm not sure how much of this topic I remember.

I believe Time on target was used for large scale operations. It would have been used as a prepatory bombardment of a town or an enemy grouping before a major offensive. In CM the time on target barage would have taken place before you jumped off. The small FO's we have avalible in CM are more of a tacticle support function and the amont of tubes they control are actualy on lend from other sources. The same guns your FO's are controlling are also being used by other FO's in other battles elsewhere. So instead of a real coordianted artillery attack. It is more like we will allocate you these rounds and will provide you with fire support as best as possible.

Thats just my take on things.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

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Thanks, Lorak, for the reply. I understand what you are saying, and it makes sense.

However, on the huge scenarios where several companies are involved, it seems like there would be cases where ToT could have been used. It's not so much of a realism issue for me as it is the desire to see the effects of multiple artillery shells all hitting the same area at the same time. The result would have to be incredibly devestating!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nathman:

My question is in regards to the american practice of using "time on target" barrages and why this isn't modeled in CM? And could it be? (not being a programmer, it seems like it wouldn't be a big deal - just have one FO for all the available artillery and the timing of the seperate artillery units would be the same) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your average FO represents 4 tubes off-map. A TOT of 4 shells is not as devastating as Goodwood-scale plastering, but you are not normally going to get corps-level arty support for a CM-sized engagement (even battalion-sized engagements).

Here's a good one showing much of the reasoning behind the artillery modeling:


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I was wondering something about FOW. When playing a pbem game, and I fire on my opponents armor and I see a "Gun Hit" message (or something similar) Does my opponent see the same? Or does he get a more detailed message because it's his armor. Like "Gun Hit Damaged" Just Curious


"If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." - Jack Handey

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by joeski:

Or does he get a more detailed message because it's his armor. Like "Gun Hit Damaged" Just Curious<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your opponent sees the 'Gun hit' message and then either gets a change in the status window to 'Gun damaged' or not. Same with 'Internal armour flaking' - you both see the message (I think), but only your opponent knows whether there was a crew casualty.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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From time to time, comments about lack of help for newbies or just questions occur (ie Do A SEARCH!)

To remind folks as a public service (to give back for having our pool kept full) Cesspuligans are willing and do answer questions (sometimes with humor, sometimes with thorazine) without the dreaded "search" word. So please feel free to avail yourself.

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Here's a question:

I recently played an attack and defend PBEM (2000 points, computer chose armored forces for us) and with the attack multiplier, I had 3000 points, which gave me about 15 decent/good German tanks. My opponent had only 5 tanks, including 3 basic Shermans, one 76 Sherman, and a Hellcat. How on earth was he supposed to defend against my forces with that? He had 4 platoons of infantry to match my 4 platoons, but really, those don't do too well against tanks except up close. However, I managed to take out his infantry before my tanks ever got close to them.

So, I guess my real question is:

Is a multiplier of 1.5 too much for attack and defend scenarios? I know BTS has adjusted the defensive point costs in the 1.1 patch, but how much good will some extra mines and barbed wire really do for the Allied player?

Ok, there's your chance to do something worthwhile for once you Cesspool scum. wink.gif

Oh, another question:

Is it good to insult the people you are asking questions of before they answer the question? What if they are Cesspoolers that expect that kind of treatment? Does an insult increase your chance of getting an answer? Do Cesspoolers eat food, or do they live of the cess they tirelessly create?

Was that too many questions?

How about now?

Thanks for your help!



"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BeWary:

Here's a question:

I recently played an attack and defend PBEM (2000 points, computer chose armored forces for us) and with the attack multiplier, I had 3000 points, etc etc


IMHO, the computer selection for attack/defend does not make very good choices, and can generate some truly trying engagements for one side or the other. If you want balanced play with computer selection, make them meeting engagements, or tweak the point adjustments down for the attacker. When a person is making the selections on offense and defense, I say let the atack mods ride. Half of the strategy in defense is unit selection.


Ok, there's your chance to do something worthwhile for once you Cesspool scum. wink.gif


Sorry, but that is one lame insult... Since you are obviously new to this I grant you a boon. I shall not rip you a new posterior orifice with my own verbal trenchknife, nor shall I unleash Mace or Bauhaus on you to do it physically.


Oh, another question:

Is it good to insult the people you are asking questions of before they answer the question? What if they are Cesspoolers that expect that kind of treatment? Does an insult increase your chance of getting an answer? Do Cesspoolers eat food, or do they live of the cess they tirelessly create?

Was that too many questions?

How about now?

Thanks for your help!



In case you were wondering, this thread is where we 'Poolers do our little bit of public service to the board. We show amazing restraint and civility in these environs. And as for that last little bit of inane questioning you did, well I... ack... grr... arrrrgh... Pardon me a moment...

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