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aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  sorry had to get that out of my system.

Regarding your comment on other thread about sending a care package.  Folks are definitely still bonkers.  I really don't get the TP thing.  I've tried, but I just don't get it.  Meanwhile I just went to my local market.  Got some more milk, yogurt and a few more perishables.  We are shopping a little differently to lower the trips to the grocery store. Only thing they were out of was eggs..... and toilet paper.  WTF I don't get it.  Grocery stores are still functioning and restocking.  Your friend might just have to get in early.  

Thanked the person at checkout for working and them being open though this.   Saw one Zombie, oh wait that was just one of my upper management.  Neighbors are fine.  We offer to pick up stuff for each other if going to store so folks don't have to make a trip for a single item.  Now it is about time to open a bottle of wine.  Alcohol kills germs right?  Our routines are disrupted, but nobody is freaking out.  Did see one interesting article, this is someone who gets their news feed from folks like Hannity and Limbaugh.  Learned the hard way that those were not good sources unfortunately.



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No zombies yet, but if if an alleged high level Chinese intelligence officer's shocking disclosures are true, then China should have a superabundance of POed ghosts. He's claiming a Chinese BW agent got loose; that China has a super lethal epidemic in progress and is hiding it. I dissected his claims on FB, from the perspectives of a former Soviet Threat Analyst at Hughes and Rockwell (11+) years (including working on CW, BW an N protection for aircrews and aircraft decontamination on Rockwell's entry into the competition that resulted in the F-22), plus familiarity with how the Chinese operate and concluded the case made was credible, though not necessarily true. In fact, I found it so credible and disturbing, I tweeted, including POTUS as one addressee. Putting the story together would be super intricate, time consuming, expensive and easily disproven if even one element was out of place, so would be a huge effort involving a slew of disciplines, extraordinary knowledge and experience. China has everything to lose from promulgating such a story, and the writer was quite clear he was a dead man if Chinese authorities figured out who he was. Would further note there's a direct parallel incident in the 1979 anthrax leak from a TOP SECRET Soviet BW facility in Sverdlovsk. The official explanation then was "contaminated meat", but eventually the truth got out. The Soviets used decontamination methods like what the Chinese are using (the hordes of people with what look like dust blowers) but found there was no way to get the anthrax pores out of the pavement, so paved them over. 

If the disclosures by the purported Chinese spook China bashing, the place where the story was surfaced was so obscure as to be all but nonexistent, so that didn't make sense, either. If China felt it was being bashed by that story, then where are China's vehement denunciation--by it and its tame Congress critters, lobbyists and such here? Here is the story I refer to. Can provide it only because a colleague sent it to me. Never heard of that site before. But as the infomercials always blare, "But wait. There's more!" Should tell you that new information has surfaced which powerfully supports the referenced article, and the collection approach was truly ingenious. Apparently, the Chinese run their lives through their phones and do NOT change numbers because of the havoc it would cause for them. What a guy named Michael J Kahnke posted on FB are links showing that for this year and this year only 14.5 MILLION phone numbers have been permanently retired. This is wholly consistent with the spook's claims that the Chinese are incinerating vast numbers of bodies after people die from it while housed in what are shown as containment and recovery facilities for the CV infected. He says the real cycle is contained infected (showable), then not showable disintegrating and weak (left uncared for and worse), then burned after death. 


Appreciate this info. Reports of empty aisles at Walmart confirmed by several people who've been to local Walmart Super Center. But at local Sprouts, about the only things noticeably deficient were TP and larger sizes of water. Neither were to be had.  Read an interesting claim lately that the TP shortage rumor was a benign US government psyop to get people to be better prepared if things get unstable for a time. YT site owners with sources in the NG, military, law enforcement and the like say their are talking about several weeks of US martial law and soon. The alleged psyop's logic goes: Spread rumor of TP crisis, which gets people to go the store, during which they not unreasonably pick up other things they might need. Net result? Preparedness improved, but without the kind of panic which might ensue in the event of an official announcement by the government. Weird, but it makes sense and is pretty clever.

In other news, I'm ahead of trend on self-quarantine, in that my lack of a car and other issues have caused me to be de facto that way for a long time. Also, I've lost no sleep whatsoever fretting--to being terrified over getting CV, this in a house with the CV fear and panic news blaring (via housemate) almost all day and well into the night!


John Kettler


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I wonder, if the bog roll stockpiling is related to folk who are either OCD or borderline and the manifestation into reality of one the obsessive aspects and word nightmares, namely fear / anxiety of contamination by disease, infection or an unpleasant substance, and in UK esp we were encouraged into cleaning and hand washing, which pushes OCD leaning folk into other  associated extremes of stockpiling & hoarding.

It could be a small amount of OCD folk that start it, it attracts attention in the news & social media and then goes viral amongst even among relatively normal folk who then impulsively pick up an extra packet (just in case) when out shopping up as we are dirty bottomed apes by nature. 🙂


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They are telling people to stay home. So what do the people do when they stay home, they watch the news on either the TV or the internet. That increases their anxiety and they start to panic and go out and buy up everything for no reason. In a few weeks or however long this lasts they will have an over abundance of what they stocked up on and the store shelves will be full and stores will be empty for a while because nobody needs to go shopping.

A lot of people are taking the recommendations too literally. You can go outside for a walk or do gardening, yard work...etc.. Just stay away from other people. It's just too depressing to watch the new all the time.

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4 hours ago, sburke said:

Did see one interesting article, this is someone who gets their news feed from folks like Hannity and Limbaugh.  Learned the hard way that those were not good sources unfortunately.

From the article:  "Frilot said, remembering how she alternated between Tylenol and Advil, just as the doctor prescribed. She found her husband sitting on the edge of the bathtub, wrapped in a towel, talking to himself."

Jeez... I have been doing that for years...

4 hours ago, John Kettler said:

I found it so credible and disturbing, I tweeted, including POTUS as one addressee

That the Chinese are liars and we have no real idea of what is happening over there is stunning news.  Thank goodness you e-mailed POTUS about this, John!

FYI:  My relative in SoCal just got back from an expedition into the death zone (even though the Guv has told everyone to stay home and she is elderly and "at high risk"!) and she reports supermarket shelves empty and definitely no TP.  (I think she used to be a concentration camp guard in East Europe during WW2 so is quite hardened.)

2 hours ago, Commanderski said:

They are telling people to stay home. So what do the people do when they stay home, they watch the news on either the TV or the internet. That increases their anxiety and they start to panic and go out and buy up everything for no reason.

Alarming people is how the media makes you watch the ads and makes its money.  The problem is that in a long-lasting situation like this the media is creating wider panic.  Am predicting a crackdown on scary media reports as soon as a decision-maker wakes up to this phenomenon - just like they did to stop alarming news about stock market crashes in the past.

Good news re the spam telemarketing calls and e-mails though.  So, along with losing weight cos there is no food to buy, let's look at the positive aspects of this global pandemic.

BTW:  Re that link earlier:  https://www.moonofalabama.org/2020/03/on-toilet-paper.html.  I liked the analysis:

The Coronavirus Conundrum as interpreted by Average Joe.

Reporter: "Excuse me sir, have you been tested for coronavirus yet?"
Average Joe: "No, I haven't."
Reporter: "Aren't you worried?"
Average Joe: "No."
Reporter: "Why not?"
Average Joe: "I don't have any symptoms."
Reporter: "But you could be a carrier and not know it."
Average Joe: "Uh huh. Say, can I ask you a question?"
Reporter: "Sure, go ahead."
Average Joe: "What are the symptoms of coronavirus?"
Reporter: "Well, that would be coughing, sneezing, chills, intestinal disorder and fever."
Average Joe: "And what are the symptoms of influenza?"
Reporter: " I think they are the same."
Average Joe: "Aren't there millions of cases of influenza compared to coronavirus?"
Reporter: "Well yes, that's true."
Average Joe: "And people could have influenza and not know it and spread it, too?"
Reporter: "Yes, I guess so."
Average Joe: "So why aren't you asking me if I should be tested for influenza, instead?"
Reporter: "Because coronavirus has killed about 50 people in the U.S. so far"
Average Joe: "Influenza has killed over 4,500 Americans so far."

Here we witness Average Joe thinks logically. Since there are more people infected with influenza than coronavirus and the symptoms are the same and more people have died, he should be tested for influenza before coronavirus. But the media isn't focused on influenza, they want people to be afraid of coronavirus because of the huge amount of attention it is getting in the press around the world. 

Edited by Erwin
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9 minutes ago, sburke said:

I actually have one of those TOTO toilet that washes your butt.

Aw man...  Outside of seeing them in movies I think you are the first person I know who actually owns one.  Congrats!  

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2 hours ago, Erwin said:

From the article:  "Frilot said, remembering how she alternated between Tylenol and Advil, just as the doctor prescribed. She found her husband sitting on the edge of the bathtub, wrapped in a towel, talking to himself."

Jeez... I have been doing that for years...

That the Chinese are liars and we have no real idea of what is happening over there is stunning news.  Thank goodness you e-mailed POTUS about this, John!

FYI:  My relative in SoCal just got back from an expedition into the death zone (even though the Guv has told everyone to stay home and she is elderly and "at high risk"!) and she reports supermarket shelves empty and definitely no TP.  (I think she used to be a concentration camp guard in East Europe during WW2 so is quite hardened.)

Alarming people is how the media makes you watch the ads and makes its money.  The problem is that in a long-lasting situation like this the media is creating wider panic.  Am predicting a crackdown on scary media reports as soon as a decision-maker wakes up to this phenomenon - just like they did to stop alarming news about stock market crashes in the past.

Good news re the spam telemarketing calls and e-mails though.  So, along with losing weight cos there is no food to buy, let's look at the positive aspects of this global pandemic.

BTW:  Re that link earlier:  https://www.moonofalabama.org/2020/03/on-toilet-paper.html.  I liked the analysis:

The Coronavirus Conundrum as interpreted by Average Joe.

Reporter: "Excuse me sir, have you been tested for coronavirus yet?"
Average Joe: "No, I haven't."
Reporter: "Aren't you worried?"
Average Joe: "No."
Reporter: "Why not?"
Average Joe: "I don't have any symptoms."
Reporter: "But you could be a carrier and not know it."
Average Joe: "Uh huh. Say, can I ask you a question?"
Reporter: "Sure, go ahead."
Average Joe: "What are the symptoms of coronavirus?"
Reporter: "Well, that would be coughing, sneezing, chills, intestinal disorder and fever."
Average Joe: "And what are the symptoms of influenza?"
Reporter: " I think they are the same."
Average Joe: "Aren't there millions of cases of influenza compared to coronavirus?"
Reporter: "Well yes, that's true."
Average Joe: "And people could have influenza and not know it and spread it, too?"
Reporter: "Yes, I guess so."
Average Joe: "So why aren't you asking me if I should be tested for influenza, instead?"
Reporter: "Because coronavirus has killed about 50 people in the U.S. so far"
Average Joe: "Influenza has killed over 4,500 Americans so far."

Here we witness Average Joe thinks logically. Since there are more people infected with influenza than coronavirus and the symptoms are the same and more people have died, he should be tested for influenza before coronavirus. But the media isn't focused on influenza, they want people to be afraid of coronavirus because of the huge amount of attention it is getting in the press around the world. 

Average Joe does not understand math.  Maybe someone less average will need to make some decisions.

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Article trying to get an understanding of Covid vs Flu and the analysis the uk government is working with. 

If you think this might be an overreaction it explains the modelling and why the government response is being undertaken. 

As a leader would you be re elected if you were shown as killing 500,000 people by August? 

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11 hours ago, Erwin said:

From the article:  "Frilot said, remembering how she alternated between Tylenol and Advil, just as the doctor prescribed. She found her husband sitting on the edge of the bathtub, wrapped in a towel, talking to himself."

Jeez... I have been doing that for years...

That the Chinese are liars and we have no real idea of what is happening over there is stunning news.  Thank goodness you e-mailed POTUS about this, John!

FYI:  My relative in SoCal just got back from an expedition into the death zone (even though the Guv has told everyone to stay home and she is elderly and "at high risk"!) and she reports supermarket shelves empty and definitely no TP.  (I think she used to be a concentration camp guard in East Europe during WW2 so is quite hardened.)

Alarming people is how the media makes you watch the ads and makes its money.  The problem is that in a long-lasting situation like this the media is creating wider panic.  Am predicting a crackdown on scary media reports as soon as a decision-maker wakes up to this phenomenon - just like they did to stop alarming news about stock market crashes in the past.

Good news re the spam telemarketing calls and e-mails though.  So, along with losing weight cos there is no food to buy, let's look at the positive aspects of this global pandemic.

BTW:  Re that link earlier:  https://www.moonofalabama.org/2020/03/on-toilet-paper.html.  I liked the analysis:

The Coronavirus Conundrum as interpreted by Average Joe.

Reporter: "Excuse me sir, have you been tested for coronavirus yet?"
Average Joe: "No, I haven't."
Reporter: "Aren't you worried?"
Average Joe: "No."
Reporter: "Why not?"
Average Joe: "I don't have any symptoms."
Reporter: "But you could be a carrier and not know it."
Average Joe: "Uh huh. Say, can I ask you a question?"
Reporter: "Sure, go ahead."
Average Joe: "What are the symptoms of coronavirus?"
Reporter: "Well, that would be coughing, sneezing, chills, intestinal disorder and fever."
Average Joe: "And what are the symptoms of influenza?"
Reporter: " I think they are the same."
Average Joe: "Aren't there millions of cases of influenza compared to coronavirus?"
Reporter: "Well yes, that's true."
Average Joe: "And people could have influenza and not know it and spread it, too?"
Reporter: "Yes, I guess so."
Average Joe: "So why aren't you asking me if I should be tested for influenza, instead?"
Reporter: "Because coronavirus has killed about 50 people in the U.S. so far"
Average Joe: "Influenza has killed over 4,500 Americans so far."

Here we witness Average Joe thinks logically. Since there are more people infected with influenza than coronavirus and the symptoms are the same and more people have died, he should be tested for influenza before coronavirus. But the media isn't focused on influenza, they want people to be afraid of coronavirus because of the huge amount of attention it is getting in the press around the world. 

And the same poster PokeTheTruth also comes up with such nuggets >   'perhaps you will understand the epidemic in the United States is influenza, not coronavirus."

That's after his Mar 15 2020 post > "coronavirus has killed about 50 people in the U.S"

Times moves quickly and I see this morning Sat 21st March US coronavirus fatalities 276






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I've got an idea.  Let's NOT trust scientists & doctors who ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. Let's trust Fox news, who've done a stellar job of brainwashing people into being very unsafe (recent poll showed only 38% of Fox watchers thought virus was serious).  Let's trust the average Joe.  Like we do on climate change in america, where the scientists are all liars but folks making money off fossil fuels somehow have no reason to lie.  Oh, and basic biology is not based on evolution,  just ask the average joe.  And the earth is 6000 years old.  Just ask Joe.  And average Joe wants to know who is to blame for this!  F--k average joe, he is an idiot.

This is not complicated to understand -- we must slow the infection RATE.  Italy has over 4000 dead w 627 dying in a single day this week and US is around a week behind them in getting our infection started.  No one in this thread so far has mentioned "flattening the curve", which is the most basic requirement for understanding what is happening:  The death rate for covid is less than 1%.  UNTIL YOU RUN OUT OF VENTILATORS THEN IT'S 3-5%.  That's 10 million in america alone.  We must keep the number of life-threatening cases below the number of respirators we have available, or 1% becomes 5%.  Italian doctors have to decide who to save because they have more dying folks than life saving machines.

But here I see mostly conspiracy theory and unsubstantiated internet drive (w some welcome and notable exceptions).  

By the way, do y'all know where the Spanish Flu actually started?  Kansas, USA, army base had the first verified case, though where it actually 'started' is unknown.


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Stop the madness and read this long and and very detailed analysis which voices my opinion ever since the they closed all the schools and almost every business in almost every state in America. It's a 30 minute must read. 


or here now:



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1 hour ago, kevinkin said:

Stop the madness and read this long and and very detailed analysis which voices my opinion ever since the they closed all the schools and almost every business in almost every state in America. It's a 30 minute must read. 


Brilliant and fresh article. Thank-you. This seems to be the perfect virus because it is just (barely) deadly. Otherwise it wouldn't spread (H5N1 1999 was so deadly it basically killed or hospitalized its hosts before it could spread). Some of the economic and political decisions are self inflicting serious harm of another nature.

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2 hours ago, danfrodo said:

This is not complicated to understand -- we must slow the infection RATE.  Italy has over 4000 dead w 627 dying in a single day this week and US is around a week behind them in getting our infection started.  No one in this thread so far has mentioned "flattening the curve", which is the most basic requirement for understanding what is happening:  The death rate for covid is less than 1%.  UNTIL YOU RUN OUT OF VENTILATORS THEN IT'S 3-5%.  That's 10 million in america alone.  We must keep the number of life-threatening cases below the number of respirators we have available, or 1% becomes 5%.  Italian doctors have to decide who to save because they have more dying folks than life saving machines.

But here I see mostly conspiracy theory and unsubstantiated internet drive (w some welcome and notable exceptions).  

By the way, do y'all know where the Spanish Flu actually started?  Kansas, USA, army base had the first verified case, though where it actually 'started' is unknown.


Actually that was very clearly stated in the thread this originated in.  The conversation was moved here mid stream though.  Good point though as if you didn't follow it there, this thread looks like wackoville.



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16 hours ago, Erwin said:

Aw man...  Outside of seeing them in movies I think you are the first person I know who actually owns one.  Congrats!  

Once you have one there is no going back.  Warm toilet seat in winter that sprays warm water on your butt before you wipe.  First time we had a power outage in winter...….  well my reaction when sitting on the seat was more than just mere disappointment.  🤪

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Regarding panic, what really worries me is not the coronavirus itself, but the hysterical reaction that is causing unnecessary stockpiling like it's the end of the world.

Around here, gun and ammo sales are going through the roof.  Take a look at the video of the hungry temple monkeys rioting in Thailand.  We humans are barely a level above that and if the Sh*t hits the fan, those could be our (human) neighbors acting out.

If people start not being able to find food (or even worse if something interrupts the water supply even temporarily) am confident I will be receiving armed thugs at my door demanding that I hand over my food and water.

Sure...  In UK and elsewhere, guns are not so prevalent.  But what will you do when a gang of thugs with baseball and cricket bats arrive at your front door threatening your family if you don't hand over what you have.  You think the police (or even Army) are going to protect you?  They'll be too busy trying to stay alive themselves.

THAT is the doomsday outcome to be more frightened about than the coronavirus.


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