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Fradulent Credit Card Transactions

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1 hour ago, sburke said:

Β It isn’t exactly a huge effort and to your point the cost of not doing it is severe. I would have thought most people on this planet could understand by now that recycling is actually a smart thing to be doing.Β 

Obviously not for some folks



We are in effect sh*tting on our own doorstep and the amount of plastic waste polluting our water is staggering.


But hey ho it is all down to a liberal conspiracy to stop big business making profits and declining living standards, the recent change in leadership in America has not helped...


As for less collections that is down to reduced tax return due to the world economic crisis that is still hitting the UK public spending purse as tax has not increased and so councils under pressure to make savings while still trying to keep recycling rates up.

Target is to hit 50% by 2020 at 43% we are close but still put a third of our waste in the ground, compared to America 54%...

Back on topic I checked my credit cards, not been compromised, but then I did not buy anything off Battlefront recently... (Not that it is relevant...)


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9 hours ago, Holien said:

It's called recycling and saving the planet

That's a lovely concept, Holien...Β  But,Β when that means you have garbage cans cluttering one's tiny front doorstepΒ andΒ refuse rotting outside your front door for 2+ weeks cos there is no weekly pick up due to budget cuts - there is something going "bad" literally.Β  The EU rationale/excuse is that it'sΒ about saving the planet.Β  The reality is that it's just about cutting costs or making bigger corporate profits from colored bin sales etc since these days most people (in the area of London that I stay in anyway) just shove everything into whatever bin has space available while the rest spews out onto the pavement (creating pollution and a health hazard)Β - and have seen different bins being emptied into same truck.

The intent is wonderful.Β  But, the implementation (that I have witness in London) is counter-productive.

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1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

Er, and how is recycling relevant to this thread?Β  Even passed out party goers reaching for their beers is more on topic, and that's saying something :DΒ  So kindly keep it out of here.


Welcome to our forums, Sir!

Where we try to never allow a thread to remain on topic past the 2 page...

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My turn to get a call from the bank.

I checked my online statement 10 days ago when this thread appeared and nothing was wrong. But yesterday I got warned that a test transaction was attempted but hopefully blocked by the bank. So no harm done.

However I exclusively use this credit card for online purchases and I have only bought something from Amazon, Steam ad Battlefront in the past year.

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I stopped reading at around page 5. I’ve not checked any statements as yet so not adding myself to the list. But figured would mention a little tale thats semi-relevant to the discussion;

Guess what the last time my bank blocked my card to prevent a fraudulent transaction was? It was back in 2017 and the transaction they blocked was me purchasing my first Combat Mission game through the store.Β πŸ˜†

Went to the bank and was put onto a phone to sort it out and theΒ reason that was blocked asΒ suspiciousΒ was due to the amount (was the CMBN Big Bundle)Β and something about the payment going to somewhere in the US rather than here in UK. I also remember him remarking β€œhuh I’ve heard of battlefield but never heard of battlefront before” when I said what the purchase was. 😁

I got home and then attemptedΒ the purchase again, the paypal route instead though. The rest as they say is history.Β 

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Get this, been selling a load of my stuff on Ebay the last couple weeks so LUCKILY I've been monitoring my Paypal everyday to check for sales. I wake up this morning, log on and find I was hit for $109.00 and $86.00 both from Sony Playstation. I don't even play consoles. Funny thing is it wasn't a card breech. Some m*&*&$' slimy, worm-infested, crotch-rotted, scumbag piece of %$^& apparently got my password, hopped on there right after I went to bed last night and loaded up. From what I gathered they sent money directly from my account to Sony so they didn't need any of the card info. I am guessing that's why both payments said preapproved, which I'd never seen on a payment before. I don't know how they thought they were gonna get away with it. Ironically, if it had been any other time in the pastΒ  three years there wouldn't have been any money in there until around the 30th. They picked the perfect time where I actually had more than a few bucks online before the end of the month. Maybe they were watching it?

So because it just involved my password the card didn't need to be cancelled. Thank god, 'cause it would've screwed me big time. I use that for auto bill payment on the 1st of every month and lately for food and such. I absolutely couldn't afford to wait 10 days for a new card! Paypal was cool and took care of me after I circumvented their stupid forms that the first phone call pointed me to filling out. And of course there was no way to contact Sony Playstation on a Sunday. Why would a multi billion dollar corporation be open on a Sunday?

I thought it was weird as hell considering this thread but it has no connection as far as how I was compromised. 16 years on PP and this is the first time I've ever been hit. I can't figure out how they got my PW. But according to the chick on the phone that was all they had. We changed it and everything was cool.

I try not to get too personal on here, but I'll tell you guys it's been one thing after another these last few months. Every time I turn around...Luckily this one was just a blood pressure test.

ADDENDUM: So my best buddy takes me for a pre-bday dinner this afternoon and afterwards we stop at the grocery store. I go to pay for my groceries and my Paypal card gets declined. Try it again, declined. He pays for my stuff and when we get home I use his phone to call them, again. This time there's a bug in their system and people's cards are getting flagged, their maintenance guys are working on it blah, blah, blah. Chick fixes the block on my account and we talk for another 15 minutes about scamming internet scumbags. LOL. Been an eventful day. At least I got to eat a big ol' sirloin!



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I recently got hit with a fraudulent credit card transaction myself. The only ones before that one was purchases from Steam, CMRT and the big bundle for CMFI.

It might be because of an even earlier one, but I still do wonder if it comes from here. Not that it really matters anymore, I'm making sure this thing won't be happening again. Or will have the least chances of happening again.

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2 hours ago, IanL said:

But what BFC product did you buy yesterday, last week or last month? This thread has turned into a blame BFC for all credit card fraud thread. /s


I wasn't blaming them for anything. My point was what a crazy coincidence it was that I got hit after this thread was started. My breach is totally different than everyone else. They didn't have my card info they somehow got my password. They made the purchases from within my Paypal account not from the website where the products were being offered. The Paypal chick was able to see when they logged in and sent the money. I was lucky. If it'd been the other way my card would've got cancelled.

" I thought it was weird as hell considering this thread but it has no connection as far as how I ο»Ώwas compromised." How'd you get I was blaming BF from that?

It was actually paid to Sony Interactive Entertainment Network not "Sony Playstation".



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6 minutes ago, IanL said:

I know, I know /s indicates sarcasm :)

Ah, Gotchya. Didn't even notice that part. Wouldn't have known if I had though, lol.

Well, for the record I wasn't mad at you so apologies if it came off snippy.



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I don't mind this thread turning into a more-or-less general gripe session about the scumbags stealing our resources (including time) for their own profit.Β  I think it's been helpful for people to see that fraud is widespread and comes in many forms.Β  We all get too complacent about this stuff and so it's a good reminder that we need to be vigilant.


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On 1/27/2019 at 4:01 PM, Mord said:

Ironically, if it had been any other time in the pastΒ  three years there wouldn't have been any money in there until around the 30th. They picked the perfect time where I actually had more than a few bucks online before the end of the month.

God loves you, Mord.



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Hi, this is my first post here, im member of FGM thats why i'm not regular here, and just created account to post in this thread.Also,Β  I'm not a native speaker (Eastern Europe), Β sorry for any linguistic mistakes.

I bought FB and BN Big Bundle around Aug-SeptΒ 



and i had CC breach on January 11th -Β fortunately they didn't get pass text message authentication as I would lose around 900 dollars, This is first ever CC breach in my entire life, and i'm very cautios when paying with credit card online - i let my guard down this time it seems πŸ˜•

I've been wondering for many weeks how i get my CC compromised and i took wild guess it was atm scam (minicameras), but I've discover this thread today when lurking around and everything make sense now.

Funny think i was planning buying SF2 but i will notΒ till this case is explained.Β I know there isn't the case of any intentional wrongdoing on Battlefront side ,which provides with those wonderful games, BUT -with around 30 people with similar case- (all purchasing CM games from battlefront store, i guess in 2018), it would be desirable to at least hire off-site networkΒ security specialist to do some security auditΒ and/or change payment method to avoid similar situation in the future instead of blurring discusion into chit-chat about online security. That would make current and potential customers calmerΒ 




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This has already been covered.Β  There is no evidence that there was any sort of breach of data from the ordering process.Β  There's many different possible explanations for why your card was compromised.Β  We've looked into the variables in our control and there's no evidence of any problems.Β 

It would be extremely stupid for us to switch all our backend services.Β  Firstly, because there's no evidence any of those services are at fault. Secondly, even if there was a breach it wouldn't be all of those services (i.e. we'd be changing services that definitely don't have problems).Β  And thirdly, because everything is vulnerable we might be switching to something even less secure than what we have now.Β  Or at a minimum, might be compromised at some point.

Credit card thieves do not gain access to systems to take a few credit card numbers, they gain access with the goal of taking *ALL* of them.Β  Therefore, if our system had been compromised there would be more than a few handfuls of people reporting problems.Β  It would be massive.Β  Remember, I know how many people have placed orders in the past two months, which means I also know how to evaluate these credit card compromise reports in context.

Until there is a solid reason to suspect one of our backend systems is a security risk there will be no changes.Β  We have done our due diligence and randomly trashing our backend systems based on hearsay evidence would be extremely irresponsible.Β  We're not in the habit of being irresponsible.


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5 hours ago, Jaskier said:

Funny think i was planning buying SF2 but i will notΒ till this case is explained.Β 




You are making decisions from too small a sample base.Β  Yes it looks from the posts like something, but it is all information in a vacuum.Β  I purchased multiple copies of CMSF2 on my CC and no issues.Β  What you don't see here as Steve noted is the folks not having an issue posting.Β  Your call as to what you are comfortable with, but if you saw 3 accidents in a row involving a red car would that make you never purchase a red car?

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I figured I'd test the system, my card was compromised early January from my SF2 purchase. I have now gotten a new card and my only online purchase has been the CM:BN complete pack, I used the PayPal checkout this time, however if the card gets hit again then that's definitely an increase in odds especially since it's a new card. Guess I'll post any updates and notify support if the card does get hit.

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Β Therefore, if our system had been compromised there would be more than a few handfuls of people reporting problems.Β  It would be massive.Β  Remember, I know how many people have placed orders in the past two months, which means I also know how to evaluate these credit card compromise reports in context.

Website could be compromised by malicious code injection with some added timer (so it dissapear afterΒ -lets say -Β  6 monthsΒ  after drawing out some data - just example but from this thread i see people with cc compromised making purchase in last few monthsΒ ).Β 

Β Proper way to handle this is to a) contact, if possible, all people which make purchase in last few months whichΒ didn't report here or Β b)Β gain info if they had they cc compromised (maybe some of then didn't even notice as they have multiple cc cards?) and c) make decisions basing on results . This would give solid reasons to suspend yours backend systems or to let it go.

If 500 peoples make purchase in last few months and 30 of them had their cc compromised that might be coincidence. But what if 50% customers,Β or so,Β  had their cc compromised? Still a coincidence?


Your call as to what you are comfortable with, but if you saw 3 accidents in a row involving a red car would that make you never purchase a red car?ο»Ώο»Ώ

You can make comparisions of any sort toΒ reductio ad absurdumΒ but the facts are:

  • multiple (at least 30)Β people had their cc compromised.Β 
  • all of those people have made purchase in battlefront store in last few months (some of them as late as December, none of them in January or later or i miss that?)
  • some of those people use their cc cards ONLY for battlefront games purchaseΒ 

Yes we can't say 100% Battlefront site had security leaks, but if it looks like a simple coincidence for you, then there is no meaningΒ in making any more argumentsπŸ€”. Battlefront has multiple cases which should be internally investigated and results presented.

Once again, i'm a big fan all CM games starting with Beyond Overlord, I made multiple purchases in the past and i'd love to make anothers in the future, but i expect developer as renowed as Battlefront to approach to this matter seriously. I don't wish anybody this heart-racing feeling when somebody is trying to use your cc card, really.



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Is you saw three accidents in a row involving a red car would you not purchase a red car


If I saw 35 accidents from the same make and model - no I would not buy it. In fact they’d be a recall.


As I said game is great - was gonna buy expansion packs for CMBN but will not now.Β 

Had a friend who ask me about game - was honest - told him best game I know but to read this first and then make his own decision - he went with Β a competitor.


It is interesting that they all all happened after the new site was up and running - could the fault be there?


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