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New features curiosity

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  • ability to buy ammo bearer teams. If you buy AT guns, IGs or MGs or similar weapons as "specialist teams" (not as part of a "formation"), they come without ammo bearers. IN WWII titles, it's really bad for AT guns and IGs, as the ordinary supply trucks and ammo crates don't have the appropriate ammo. So you're really stuck, with the initial supply of the weapon.
  • Maybe I missed it somehow, but you can't "remount" man-handled weapons like AT-guns after you've "dismounted"?
  • Better soldier placement within action spots. Right now, trenches/ditches are ineffective in terms of protection against artillery due to the way individual soldiers place themselves. For more information please refer to this post in my Gerbini-project: 
  • Not a feature but rather a bug: soldiers leave the protection of trenches (the ones you can buy as "fortifications") in order to hide in craters. As craters tend to be created during artillery barrages, you can imagine that this rather hurts. :D 
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On 6/9/2018 at 12:50 PM, Badger73 said:

Okay.  That helped me better understand your meaning.  I still think the game does so now.  In your example, the mortar direct fire aiming point would be the top of that wall.  In the game, mortar rounds fire in a small but variable pattern around that aiming point; some long, some short, some left, some right.  The blasts suppress the enemy.  Shrapnel has a pretty good chance to kill or wound.  I think the effort to calculate, code, test, and finalize such a small tweak in the game incurs costs to Battlefront which far outweighs negligible benefits.  To me, there are far better uses of programmer time.  :ph34r:

I remember reading a story about the Korean War.  We knew the bad guys were on the other side of the hill but were not in sight.  But they used the mortars to saturate the other side the result of which was many bad guys killed.  If you can see something but use area fire some of the rounds will fall where there is no line of sight but can be just as damaging.

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A feature that could allow for more then one groundcondition/scenario that we are currently limited to. The scenario designer now have the option to set the groundcondition in his scenario
to different things like dry, damp, snow, deep snow etc. These are nice options to have but as the designer you are limited to only one option.

If you choose DEEP SNOW for example then the entire map will be exactelly that...DEEP SNOW. If you choose MUDDY then the entire map will be...MUDDY.

Maybe it would be a good thing if the scenario designer could set a 'basic' ground condition...like we do now and then 'add in' different types of ground conditions at specific areas of the map to add a bit of varaity. 

What i had in mind would work something like painting setup-zones does now. You have your 'basic' groundcondition that is the default for the entire map and then you could choose from the differrent groundconditions and paint the specific areas of the map that you would like to have a different type of groundcondition.

Sort of like a 'groundcondition overlay' of the map. Simular to set-up zones.


- On a summermap the day after a rainy night. Set the basic groundcondition to WET. Paint the crest/some slopes of ridges/hills to DRY and perhaps specific areas to BOGGY/MUDDY..
- On a wintermap. Set the basic ground condition to LIGHT SNOW and paint other areas to DEEP SNOW. Along recently plowed roads for example. Specific areas of the map that the wind have blown snow into.
- On a spring/fall map with melting snow. Set the basic groundcondition to LIGHT SNOW. Paint some areas WET (no snow) and some areas to MUDDY (no snow) and maybe some to DEEP SNOW

Something like this would allow for some more varaity on the maps and not have the entire thing set to a single option.

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On 6/25/2018 at 6:10 PM, RepsolCBR said:

If you choose MUDDY then the entire map will be...MUDDY.

I think the way it works is that ground conditions set in the editor change the overall state of the terrain, but this state is then applied to all the regular terrain tiles, so you'd have muddy grass, muddy fields, muddy dirt roads, and muddy... mud. Which is much more likely to immobilise your tanks than dry mud.

So if I understood your post right, I think what you're asking for is already in the game...

Not sure about snow though.

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I agree that QB selection should mirror editor. The addition of the tank platoon into the Russian Recce Battalion (Old) is pretty important, as well as organic jeeps and trucks in the ww2 infantry battalions.

I would also like to be able to add special ammo to at least supply trucks if not more vehicles. Having extra 82mm mortar rounds for my on-map mortars or being able to reload a purchased ATGM team without having to get a transport from the ATGM platoon of a separate battalion would be a great addition.


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5 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

I think the way it works is that ground conditions set in the editor change the overall state of the terrain, but this state is then applied to all the regular terrain tiles, so you'd have muddy grass, muddy fields, muddy dirt roads, and muddy... mud. Which is much more likely to immobilise your tanks than dry mud.

So if I understood your post right, I think what you're asking for is already in the game...

Not sure about snow though.

I think you misunderstood. He is saying the only possible options right now are painting the map entirely muddy, or entirely snowy, one map onr condition. You both understand this.

But he wants to be able to keep the mud muddy and the roads dry.

The weather conditions included with the games I imagine are supposed to cover massive amounts of area... rain.. fog.. etc.. so it's expected they will take up the whole AO.

I think its an obvious great idea. But is it easy to program?

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28 minutes ago, Artkin said:

I think its an obvious great idea. But is it easy to program?

Odds are no and for BF to even consider it they have to look at value add versus time. The only item in the discussion that makes sense to me is plowed roads in snowy terrain, that makes sense. Dry roads in muddy terrain doesn’t sound logical though as an example. 

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1 hour ago, sburke said:

Odds are no and for BF to even consider it they have to look at value add versus time. 

I realize this will probably not be on the top 5 list over at the BFCs development-desk. Neither is it on my top 5 list but it was a little something i thought about while considdering some future scenario ideas ones the next CMRT module have been released.

My top 5, or even top 10 list, have been mentioned many times already by me or sombody else. No need to bring those up again 😉

With the next module for CMRT we will get both the weather and the timetable for some early spring-, Winter- and fall maps with SNOW in various degrees. This is primarely where my idea came from. To be able to get some more variability of the ground conditions during these periods would be nice...both visually and functinally. 

Playing scenarios during a period with melting snow...seing patches of snow still remaining in some areas and other places would be muddy or wet (where the snow have melted away).Maybe having still frozen rivers/water on a non frozen scenario...Having different levels of snow on a 'snowy' map 😋 to simulate the effects of wind, 'man-made' changes to the snowlevel etc...

These groundcondition changes would be most notable on Winter/spring/fall maps i belive but could also by of some use on summermaps. Some parts of the terrain dry up faster then others depending on numorous circumstances. On the same map GRASS for example could be both more or less dry, wet or muddy/boggy.

1 hour ago, sburke said:

 Dry roads in muddy terrain doesn’t sound logical though as an example. 

Agree...But maybe damp roads on wet/muddy terrain would make more sence or dry roads on damp terrain...but i guess it is correct as mentioned abouve...some of these condition differnces are already in the game when comparing different terrain-tiles.

I don't expect (or want 😎) this idea to be implemented any time soon...if ever...Many, many other things needs to be adressed prior...but it would add kind of a nice touch to the mapmaking i belive...



Edited by RepsolCBR
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  • 2 weeks later...

After reading up on night battles during Bagration, and trying to create them in CMRT, I think we are in desperate need of illumination missions.

My carefully planned ambushes of tank columns turn into slugging matches at less than 100m as there is no way to light up the enemy when they enter the kill zone besides leaving my prepared positions and wading in.

The quality of night combat in CMBS thanks to NV just illustrates how badly a way to fight at night is needed for the other titles.

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  • 1 month later...

The show all movements paths command continues to show all paths but when a movement order is being plotted to lets say, a squad, then the end of all the movement paths of that platoon are capped on the end by a circle, triangle, line or something to show where the related units finish their movement. That way when there is a whole mess of lines across the terrain you can more easily figure where to place that units last waypoint. This would make it easier to place units so they can maintain their position and spacing in the line of march.

I would love to see a "Turret Defilade" command. That's where the weapons are masked by cover or concealment and only the vehicle commander can see the engagement area. Having the vehicle move up to a Turret Defilade would use a different Line of Sight than the one that is currently centered on the approximate axis the main weapon elevates and depresses on.

Then you could have your tanks move up from Turret Defilade to Hull Defilade, conduct fire on the target and reverse back to Turret Defilade. It would be close to real life berm drills. And if  possible reduces the amount of fatal pause time between when the command to reverse and actual movement occurs. This would simulate that when the Fire Command is being issued to the Gunner the driver uses this as his cue to put her into reverse and is just waiting for the Driver Reverse command so he can quickly get the vehicle back under cover or concealment.

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Oh yes almost forgot, how about increasing the amount of Smoke Grenades the unit carries.

The Ammunition Carry Bag was a common issue item to units. They were issued to submachine gunners, rifle grenadiers, BAR Ammo Bearers (x2 bags), LMG  sections and HMG sections. And selected individuals in a squad.

The bag could carry 4x 48 round bandoliers of rifle ammo, 14x 30 round SMG magazines, 10x 20 round BAR magazines, 1x 250 round belt of MG ammo with or without the container, 5x rifle grenades, 18x hand grenades or smoke grenades.

We didn't have the luxury of such a item during my service time. We would just give one smoke grenade to selected individuals to carry. The platoon leader could then request smoke grenades from the squads as needed. Also one of the Platoon HQ personnel would carry a "Butt Pack" that held 8 to 10 smoke grenades.

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  • 1 month later...
15 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

Very strange. I've never observed this in my own games, which lead me to suspect it has something to do with your equipment, GPU or something. Have you tried opening a ticket on the Helpdesk? You could at least find out if they have encountered this problem before.


It's not only him; I get it too. Thought it was just a basic part of how the game is programmed actually. Are you sure you don't see it?

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1:Vehicles that have periscopes that can be risen and lowered for reconnaissance should also do so in CM games.Looking at you Shock force Fenneks and CM2 soon.

If the cant 60% of the intended use of said vehicle is simply castrated away.


2:Round buildings.

No relay, everything is boxy and squared.

3:Buildings having interiors.

Also we can just start with walls and staircases and expand it over over time.

let the tac ai and pixel Soldaten maneuver and fight thru the corridors and so forth.

4: Fortified buildings!

Yes let my troops prepare to make a fortress out of a building!!!!

Throw carp on the stair cases, build second walls and not let them stand in windows to be shoot and be spottet instantly.

Battlefront has skiped one of the most important defensive options out of the game.

where are my sandbags?sand on floor!roof removals grande traps and so forth.

Where the sneaky options to fortfiy a building that lets it look like a normal building but its fortress in disguise!!

Its getting even more important as technology punishes troops caught in open instantly with death and there is no second chance like in WW2 or up the 2000 for troops.

Looking and CMBS/CMSF and if you ever do a CM Cold War because of airburst ammo for every one and his Sergeant´s mom.

Not on the run as its self understanding that such things need preparation but for the defending side in a game it would be a great force multiplier.

5: Storming buildings not just thru the front door!!!

Troops have ropes assault Ledders can climb on vehicles and so forth to reach the second floor of a building and fight the way down.

Have the options for troops to have urban assault gear to take down citadels of defiance.

Not just stomping thru the front door.

6: Make bigger maps be less resource hungry.

The bigger the map gets the worse they run.

7:Please for the love of god bring back command delay and the requirement to be lead the battle thru the eyes of your highest ranking formation leader at least for IRON mode, I do understand when you dont want the option for lower difficulty but removing this that was before in combat mission beyond overlord makes the game more gamy. It takes out a important part of CC, braking it and so forth.

Please bring that back at least for the highest difficulty settings. 


8: Reinforcement´s in PBEM and online play

Please add this for games that you do on quick battels where you can choose formations or units to show up on the map after a certain time for you in your set up zone. It would prevent massive traffic and set up jams in general and would add greatly in battels.



Edited by =Marder=
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