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'Fallen Eagle" movie: Test Trailers

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Just stumbled across these vids, which (at least one) are subtitled 'Jan 45, Hurtgen Forest', so I think it's on topic for CM: FB. Personally looks far too warm and sunny for that date..... But I know nada!

Note that like a post for a bomber movie posted elsewhere in the forums, these are clearly  'TEST TRAILER's shot by a 'drone' company (?), so there are boom mic shadows and all sorts of other issues. But the grogs amongst you may appreciate (or rip apart?) the technical aspects, cos you enjoy doing so.   ;D


Note: searched and couldn't find any existing posts on this....






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That's gonna be a movie? I like how war movies have become somewhat more accurate since the wars in the Middle East started, but this really seems like a dedicated effort to take the accuracy down to a level far below the worst seen before '01. I get that reenacting is about wearing the kit from the era, but just that doesn't translate into a movie, not even a bad one. I couldn't make out anything logical about even one single scene in either of those trailers.

Hope they haven't wasted too much of their own money on that movie...

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There's seems to be quite a lot of such 'test trailers' that don't get any further.


In this case, it may be more an advertisement of the (IDP) drone companies technical capabilities than anything else?


Edit: Now I've watched it more, it seems to be nothing more than (as you say) a bunch of re-enactors, with a drone....

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14 hours ago, DasMorbo said:

They love their drone but their cutting and composing is just booooring.

I could point out another 100 things that are off/unprofessional/stupid but it's not worth the time.

Yeah, if I could delete this thread, I would! I posted without fully watching the (rather poor) trailers. My bad!

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I seriously doubt that this is ever going to be a movie. This is reenactors with HD cameras, drones and (semi?)professional editing software. That enables you to make  HD footage in a stunning quality, but it is obvious that they don't know the first thing about how to shoot or edit properly. Not to mention the one thing that always cracks me up about reenactors trying to pass of their photos or footage as realistic: At least every third reenactor is at least 10 kilos overweight.

My point is: Having a high quality camera, editing and cool WWII gear wont make you a WWII movie maker any more that having the same stuff and a few cool sports cars will make you the director of Fast and Furious VII (or whatever number they've gotten to).

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"At least every third reenactor is at least 10 kilos overweight."   LOL.  I thought exactly the same, but was much too polite to say anything (you rude person, you...).

And yes, the largest problem is that everyone thinks moviemaking is easy, so why use professionals?  These clips are the sad result. 

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I mean, there's not much to be done about age, but considering all the bragging about what incredible experts reenactors claim to be, I don't think it's too much to ask that they in a film set in the Hürtgen forest don't wear the camouflage uniforms that were discontinued before they were out of Normandy, include paratroopers, or repeat the age old lie that the Waffen SS was elite.

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:P I knew it beforehand I'd trigger a reaction - in actual fact - it's so NO WWII movie isn't it. But it gets eyes turning. I think brads latest film - fury - is of similar caliber.?

so jokes apart - I used to think band of brothers was a decent series. Was is not ?

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I think the 3rd clip had a modern Sterling smg in place of a ww2 Sten. It wasn't very good, lots of emphasis on the dispatch riders. The 2nd clip wasn't bad except for the historical discrepancy of location and date. The SS seemed a little leaner anyways, and spoke German.

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13 hours ago, umlaut said:

Not to mention the one thing that always cracks me up about reenactors trying to pass of their photos or footage as realistic: At least every third reenactor is at least 10 kilos overweight.

Yeah. What is it about these grossly overweight (and usually overage) guys that makes them want to do this kind of thing? It's sad really. They must be trying desperately to compensate some lack in their lives, but they are only making themselves look pathetically foolish. So sad...


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If I were you, I wouldn't worry about personal backlash for positing it. In terms of environment, while it's not as bad as the Spain in the summer we saw, and railed against in this execrable thing, the terrain situation was extremely jarring and mood killing. This applies to the ground and the woods, which were Light Woods by CM standards. Here's the real deal. And that's a clearing on relatively level ground! Whether natural or ordnance produced I couldn't say. The contrast between what was portrayed and what we saw, couldn't be much more extreme. This was a huge credibility killer. There was also the small matter of Source is Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-J28303 / CC-BY-SA 3.0 [CC BY-SA 3.0 de (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/de/deed.en)], via Wikimedia Commons.  Here's another shot of the Forest, which has now only partially recovered from WW II. 


U.S. Army official. What passed for a road in the forest.  Image found on http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/after-battle/entering-germany-1944-a-87199-2/



Both photos were under dry conditions. Surely the re-enactors could've at least done better in terms of woods. And considering the period, why not either shoot in winter or at least do something with digital snow FX?

I'm not going to so much as attempt to address weapons and uniforms, though I did love the MG-42 armed motorcycle and sidecar.Made me want even more to have motorcycles in the game.

I was first stunned, then transformed into gales of laughter when they talked about KG something or other, after which the aforementioned appeared! But on the comedic front, nothing could touch their impressively ancient truck towing a Pak 36! Wonder why we didn't see more of that tank we saw the back end of early in the footage? The ripping sound when a tripod mounted  MG-42 was downright scary.


John Kettler

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;P Thanks John.


I think the 'amusement' (horror/disdain/bewilderment?) these videos have generated (and the feedback thereof) is more than compensating for my original guilt at not watching them properly before posting.  :rolleyes:


The ongoing commentary is certainly keeping me entertained! It's also helping alleviate (distract me from) some of  the pain I am currently suffering at the hands of various PBEM opponents.. Particularly one who recently used thunderbolts to essentially wipe out my entire ATG capability in the first 3 minutes... Groan....

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Fear not! There will be no flying tribunal over this. As for Thunderbolts and the pain they can bring, you're likely somewhat innoculated by the "Jug" (got to see one recently in Washington state--huge) and should therefor be able to watch this William Wyler (10 Academy Awards total to his epic "Ben Hur") fully remastered wartime classic.


John Kettler 

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15 hours ago, Raptorx7 said:

Of course its the SS, they are totally the coolest guys!


I don't think they differed much from their army collegues. Some units were very good, some less so. You don't make a unit elite, just by putting a stamp with 'SS' on it. Having said that, they deserve respect, because they fought for their country and their family, just like any other soldier. They lost everything, so at least give them that. 

If Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan proved anything, it is that the habbit of shooting prisoners wasn't invented by the SS. I like to watch it, since there isn't anything better, but it is still full of glorified Hollywood rubbish. :)

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