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CM Final Blitzkrieg - AXIS (Attack) BETA Battle Report

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Well, adding a new type of linear feature is a lot less work than changing a fundamental design choice.  But that is just a thought. The fact is the streams can be made to look really nice. Even if you spent the effort to allow water to exist at multiple levels that would not really make creating streams easy at all. What they gave done is allow the creation of nice looking steams.

I highly appreciate a new streams feature added in CMFB. :) Can you tell yet if this is just a simple texture overlay without yielding further effects, or does it also have terrain mesh sculpting capabilities (negative ditch locking), as well as movement or cover effects for any CMX2 units moving into or through that new terrain? (my preliminary guess would be no for the latter, for beeing too small a terrain feature)

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I highly appreciate a new streams feature added in CMFB. :) Can you tell yet if this is just a simple texture overlay without yielding further effects, or does it also have terrain mesh sculpting capabilities (negative ditch locking), as well as movement or cover effects for any CMX2 units moving into or through that new terrain? (my preliminary guess would be no for the latter, for beeing too small a terrain feature)

i'd prefere BF sorted out already present ditches (in normandy for example) which troops don't recognize and climb onto them instead standing beneath in cover. completely ruins the immersion and renders this terrain feature utterly useless even if it should be important part of planning for defense as well as offensive factions.

however, it is good thez introduce new types, just i'd like them being usable if they are already there.

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i'd prefere BF sorted out already present ditches (in normandy for example) which troops don't recognize and climb onto them instead standing beneath in cover. completely ruins the immersion and renders this terrain feature utterly useless even if it should be important part of planning for defense as well as offensive factions.

however, it is good thez introduce new types, just i'd like them being usable if they are already there.

Hm....do not forget the ditches (or berms) are not meant to be combat trenches, or anti tank ditches and the like. The +-1m ditches work sufficiently well and you can do a whole lot of useful things with these, the more if used creatively. Like in CMSF there would be the requirement of hardcoding the ditches to be recognized as combat trenches, something BFC most likely will not return to again. The current engine is apparently not layed out to deal with overly steep slopes (-2m ditches) and pixeltrooper distribution within an action spot, so we got to live with that until BFC developes something better, beside overhauling the fortifications system generally. My hopes remain for V4 and beyond.

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Hm....do not forget the ditches (or berms) are not meant to be combat trenches, or anti tank ditches and the like. The +-1m ditches work sufficiently well and you can do a whole lot of useful things with these, the more if used creatively. Like in CMSF there would be the requirement of hardcoding the ditches to be recognized as combat trenches, something BFC most likely will not return to again. The current engine is apparently not layed out to deal with overly steep slopes (-2m ditches) and pixeltrooper distribution within an action spot, so we got to live with that until BFC developes something better, beside overhauling the fortifications system generally. My hopes remain for V4 and beyond.

all true. There is a lot of related issues here most coming back around to the action square size and the demands on cpu.  The ditch lock as a trench doesn't work so well because of how it relates to the size of the action square and the size of the action square is defined by impact on CPU from the spotting demands. The compromises make it work, but mean you have to accept the limitations.  Frustrating but it is what it is. I look at the ditchlock trenches as ,ore of an additional flavor item versus an actual combat feature. 

As as to the water element, I like the stream as a compromise. When creating the Schmidt map in CMBN it was frustrating to not be able to do the stream in the Kall gorge due to water level issues.  It is a map I intend to revisit now that we have additional terrain items and larger maps (and an overlay!  In doing that map I first created a grid using terrain tiles and you can still see them in the map :(

Edited by sburke
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Update from the last turn :

It was pretty quiet until suddenly ... nothing happened :P

Troops moved forward. Yankees did not reveal themselves by shooting ( *cough* unlike a comic GI *cough* ). Some of the guys in the woods have been driven too hard and are already Tired or Tiring. They're on MOVE now.

Oh the exciting news is ... we've had our first Bogging Event. :o
That halftrack on the left that was reversing back to pick up more guys ? Well, it bogged as soon as it left the road. Time will tell if he will fulfil his mission. The driver kicked his buddy out with a spade, hopefully he will dig for victory :)

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Update from the last turn :

It was pretty quiet until suddenly ... nothing happened :P

Troops moved forward. Yankees did not reveal themselves by shooting ( *cough* unlike a comic GI *cough* ). Some of the guys in the woods have been driven too hard and are already Tired or Tiring. They're on MOVE now.

Oh the exciting news is ... we've had our first Bogging Event. :o
That halftrack on the left that was reversing back to pick up more guys ? Well, it bogged as soon as it left the road. Time will tell if he will fulfil his mission. The driver kicked his buddy out with a spade, hopefully he will dig for victory :)

Got a sore throat? Grrrr

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Good news from the front. The halftrack gunner dug it out and it reversed back to the small wood where it is picking up the men there.

Bad news from the front. Tank sounds heard to the front ( on the right side ). Also another possible halftrack. More moves are made to attempt to get more eyes on those areas.
I'm moving one of the 2 Panthers forward to the outskirts of the wood ( no LoS to any of the enemy positions yet, but I want it closer to reduce time required to bring it into play.
As there is no urgency yet, it is using MOVE in the hopes of reducing bogging chance.

No pictures yet, I'll only have time in the morning.
I will leave you with one quick atmospheric shot whimsically entitled "PBI" ;)


CMFB PBI bw.png

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Can you tell yet if this is just a simple texture overlay without yielding further effects, or does it also have terrain mesh sculpting capabilities (negative ditch locking), as well as movement or cover effects for any CMX2 units moving into or through that new terrain?

Answers in the "Some Final Blitzkrieg basic details" thread: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/121406-some-final-blitzkrieg-basic-details/?do=findComment&comment=1643801

Edited by IanL
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Pictures as promised.

HMG team (A) picks up the sound of 1 or 2 tanks. Forward scouts in the forest (B) pick up the sound of a lighter vehicle.

CMFB 040 right contacts.png

On the left, the halftrack which unbogged completes its movement back to pick up the 2nd squad and the boss.
The team it originally dropped off move up towards the high ground. Both those woods are higher than the town and I must therefore ensure they belong to me. Plus I should be able to see a lot more the rear half of the map from there. I'm sure Bil wont let that observation happen without a fight, but I feel reasonably confident that the MP44's will be very helpful in any forest fighting.

In the centre, the guys who ran across the road are Tired, but in position. They can now support the rest of the guys moving up. On the right, another team pushes forward to see into the town. I decided to put a couple of rounds of HE from the overwatch Panther into the house that the enemy vehicle was behind, just to keep prying eyes to a minimum.

CMFB 041 left moves.png

On the right of the map, the Panther moves forward. Other infantry movement continues (slowly) through the underbrush.


CMFB 042 right moves.png

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Things hotting up - We're taking fire ! ( to be fair, we started it :lol: )

On the left, the Halftrack-that-would-not-bog is on the move bringing up 1 squad and the CO. Other teams also move up towards the edge forest.
In the town, a new contact appears, clearly identified this time. This is in fact spotted by the guys crossing to the woods centre left ( pic 2 ).
And is identified as a .50 cal armed jeep.


CMFB 050 left.png

CMFB 051 Spottee A.png

CMFB 052 spot A.png

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On the right flank, Scouts ID the vehicle they heard last turn - another jeep. I am puzzled by the fact that it's loaded with men - unless they are scouts pulling out, I'd have expected it to be empty. It's well in the open too. Odd. No doubt Bil has some insanely cunning reason for it to be there.
The small wooded spot where infantry were earlier heard, becomes a trouble spot as we take fire from it on the right in the woods. It sounds like a .50 cal too.
At the end of the turn, a Tank icon appeared there. Might just be an armoured car, but it's annoying. Accordingly, the forward Panther is nosing forward just a tad to try to see it.
Meantime, I'm laying fire on that wood - with my HMG in the house, the scout's halftrack and my mortar team ( hopefully just one or two rounds as they dial it in ). Final pic is my composite to show the Target Commands.


CMFB 054 right.png

CMFB 055 spot B.png

CMFB 056 taking fire.png

CMFB 059 Composite fire chart.png

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Oh one thing I forgot to mention.

Remember how I said "I decided to put a couple of rounds of HE from the overwatch Panther into the house that the enemy vehicle was behind"

Well, he fired 3 rounds in the 30s window I gave him.
First was high ( how do you miss a building ? :blink: )
Second was on target ( I do hope someone was hurt ).
Third ,,, managed to find a twig between the Panther and the house. Naturally a nearby man took a splinter :angry: Those teams don't have an MG42 man, so it was the leader ;)

So .. first blood to us ... is ours :rolleyes:

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Oh one thing I forgot to mention.

Remember how I said "I decided to put a couple of rounds of HE from the overwatch Panther into the house that the enemy vehicle was behind"

Well, he fired 3 rounds in the 30s window I gave him.
First was high ( how do you miss a building ? :blink: )
Second was on target ( I do hope someone was hurt ).
Third ,,, managed to find a twig between the Panther and the house. Naturally a nearby man took a splinter :angry: Those teams don't have an MG42 man, so it was the leader ;)

So .. first blood to us ... is ours :rolleyes:

Nature of target area fire I think. It oftentimes overshoots an area, for covering more area in depth maybe. To "correct" this I found targeting AS in front of the desired area (1-3 AS or more) gets oftentimes more shells and bullets where you want them to. If appropiate LOS/LOF to those AS is available off course.

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Naturally a nearby man took a splinter :angry: Those teams don't have an MG42 man, so it was the leader 

I have the feeling, leaders get hit often by HE shrapnel or splinters...They're magnets for this kind of damage too



good luck in your game and thanks for the AAR


Did they change the colour of the setup phase ? It's no more that ultra-red? I like it...


Edited by Vencini
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More like the whole damn forest :) your luck in that CAAR sucks like mine all the time ...



The colour of the setup phase made me suspect that the snow lightens the setup colour. In non-snow settings I think it looks like it always did, unless I misremember.

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I'm a little late to this party... you are doing a very good job so far (I'm referring to your screenshots and descriptions, since I'm looking at both threads you won't get more than that for now). Considering Bil's track record in these affairs I tip my hat to your willingness to lie on the alter. Thanks Ian I hope you pull this one off.

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I'm a little late to this party... you are doing a very good job so far (I'm referring to your screenshots and descriptions, since I'm looking at both threads you won't get more than that for now). Considering Bil's track record in these affairs I tip my hat to your willingness to lie on the alter. Thanks Ian I hope you pull this one off.

Heh, it did occur to me that I could just not tell anyone about the friendly fire casualty... :lol:

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Right - looks like Bil's skill is beginning to prevail :(

Whatever is in the Trouble Spot is sporting a pretty hefty gun as well - it calmly despatches my brave 215/3 scout halftrack. From the size of the hit ( and the fact it went right through ), I'm going to guess he has a Chaffee up there.

CMFB 060 Death.png

The problem is that, being Bil, he has located a position (C) from which I have yet to spot him - a '?' is all I've seen so far.
My Panther has Reverse Slope sightline on that location, so should theoretically see a tank. I could creep forward - (A) to (B), but that would open up the Panther's right side to the other enemy tank '?' (B).
Given my spotting so far, that probably means one dead Panther. In order to move further to the right would open up the Panther's left to the unknown (C).
Trapped ! <shakes fist at Bil> How does he do it ?! :o


CMFB 066 overview.png

Accordingly, I'm also moving my centre Stummel forward. His sightline is also "Reverse Slope", but that at least gives me two 50-50's to see something.

CMFB 067 stummel.png

Sadly, my HMG is affected by non-LoFitis and fails to fire on the woods. My mortar did drop a few shells there. Naturally, all fell approximately 10 seconds after some infantry were seen running away from the location. It might at least button whatever armour is there though.
Composite screenshot of mortar shells and enemy infantry :

CMFB 061 composite.png

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