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on to battle #3 in US campaign.  It's a complex assignment that requires good knowledge of the tools & assets available.  Definitely req'd some learning for me, as I started and ran for just a couple minutes a few times, not so much to cheat but because I wasn't understanding the gear/terrain situation well enough.  Learned a few things then haven't restarted again.  Brilliant battle design that really highlights what makes CMBS special. 

Quite a fight, lots of russian assets are junked.  My losses are low except for one helo & one F16 despite my having knocked out ~5 tunguskas before launching any air strikes.  A couple russian tanks break off to attack the pesky americans that are hitting their left flank.  They come on quickly and penetrate my TOW/javelin screens.  Now are right in my forward infantry. 


Javelin team was hit a minute ago and survivor is fumbling for the weapon, giving the tanks time to move in.  I've got infantry and an MGS stryker.  Most of the infantry has AT4s. The MGS gets a kill shot on one tank!  I've got hope!



this greatly angers his buddy, who goes full on berserk down the street, shrugging off AT4 & MGS hits!



for some reason he rotates to his left, and MGS send round through his wheels.  Turn ends with both guns on target at point blank range!  Who's gonna fire first?  (I actually don't know, I am posting this before finding out)



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and the winner is ..... the reserve platoon farther down the road that hit with a javelin.  This tank looked like a lion inside a pack of hyenas, w MGS & AT4 & small arms blasting away, then came the kill shot.


DUDE!  BEHIND YOU!  Totally did not see this one coming!


takes an AT4 on the left flank, then MGS penetrates & destroys.  This was a very very close call, I could've had serious losses in this.  Meanwhile, on a battlefield filled with BMPs and tanks, F16 pilot decides to risk his life to take out two recon jeeps??  The jet fuel alone costs more than those two vehicles.



So, I'll admit to something that would never ever happen to me in WW2.  What is this russian tank?  T90?  T80?  T64?  I have a hard time telling them all apart, especially w the extra armor.



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A big learning for me in this one is that intel from drones can be used by others, not just the observer who's controlling the drone.  That's mighty handy!  I stumbled on this accidently in this mission.  Black Sea is full of surprises.  Best of all might be the precision arty rounds, those are second only to javelins -- powerful dark magic for sure :)

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