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Greets all!

Ok, so I've been tidying up the last of my undergrad assignments and I thought (having distracted myself a hell of a lot with the CM:RT demo) that I'd take the plunge and use the last of my week's budget to purchase the game... I'm looking forward to having some fun with it and I wanted to poke my head in, say hi to the community and ask a few questions...

Firstly; I've always been a huge fan of modding communities. I used to play a lot of silent hunter (III, before it got ruined ;) ) and although the game was always decent, the mods that came out later (grey wolves expansion, all the effects, ecterything) just expanded it beyond imagination. I still remember waking up to the sound of an unstable washing machine after a 12 hour binge and thinking 'ugh... is it my watch already?' The 2.5 hours sleep there probably didn't help...

Anyway I digress horribly. I've had a browse through the mods section and google and I found GreenAsJade's site (which I get is just one user hosting!) but found it tricky to navigate or sort which was good, popular ect... so is there any good 'go to' list or suggestions people might have for must-have mods?

I also noticed most of the mods are graphical/texture/map related... does the game not support engine modification (e.g. tweaking ballistics, armour ect ) or the addition of new units?

Some guidance there appreciated...

Secondly: Shout out from the arse end of the universe (and why you won't see many z's in my spelling!) I'm Australian and I was wondering if there were many/any fellow Aussies on here? I love multiplayer games, but I've never had much luck finding people to play with when it comes to strategy and tactics sims. The closest I've got is warthunder and that's.... eh. Fun but not the same?

Thirdly: I've heard discussion of historical tactical reference manuals being used in playing this game... anyone have any handy links or has established a wiki/repository yet?

Looking forward to chatting here and of course, playing more of the game!


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All of Aris mods are must haves!

JuJu's UI mods are another must have.

No tweaking or adding new units..if you could do that then BF would go out of business and we don't want that. The game\sim is designed to be as realistic as possible and when oddities arise they are fixed.

The game engine upgrade model where you pay $10 to keep the game upto date with the current engine (not a patch but when a new game is released with a later engine version) is superb as you can always keep the game upto date with the latest releases if you so wish, rather than it lagging behind in feature set from newer titles. Actual patch releases are free obviously.

Enjoy your stay.

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Greets all!

Ok, so I've been tidying up the last of my undergrad assignments and I thought (having distracted myself a hell of a lot with the CM:RT demo) that I'd take the plunge and use the last of my week's budget to purchase the game.

Welcome - hope you have enough for food for the rest of the week:-)

I see you have several answers to your first questions - one more thought for must have mods are Vin's animated text mod. If I had to pic one that would be my one.

I love multiplayer games, but I've never had much luck finding people to play with when it comes to strategy and tactics sims. The closest I've got is warthunder and that's.... eh. Fun but not the same?

That should not be a problem here. Here are some threads that discuss this (there are several options that are popular here):





Thirdly: I've heard discussion of historical tactical reference manuals being used in playing this game... anyone have any handy links or has established a wiki/repository yet?

This should get you started with the US anyway. Humm that might now be what you wanted for CMRT but hey it is what I got. Hopefully someone else will chime in with more.

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Secondly: Shout out from the arse end of the universe (and why you won't see many z's in my spelling!) I'm Australian and I was wondering if there were many/any fellow Aussies on here? I love multiplayer games, but I've never had much luck finding people to play with when it comes to strategy and tactics sims. The closest I've got is warthunder and that's.... eh. Fun but not the same?

Yes but we like to pretend they don't exist* :D Serious answer: there's even an Australian armed forces officer among the beta testers. The best way to connect with Australians is to go to the "Peng Challenge Thread" and tell you just came in from Oz, they will take a good care of you!

*There's even Kiwis but we like to pretend they don't exist either...

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Welcome to the game, and community Artemis! Lots of great mods out there. Best advice is to try different ones, and see which is your preference. I have some out there too that you make like. Mine usually have "Vin" as the prefix, and are usually geared toward practical changes.

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Welcome, Artemis. I totally agree with you on that SH3 thing, there. I remember us players practically had to beg Ubisoft for a patch (or was that SH4? Can't really remember).

SH3 was also the only other game beside CM I ever modded. I remember it to be an extremely frustrating experience. I mean, modding CM can be mildly frustrating at times, but not nearly as bad as SH3 was. ;)

Anyway, enjoy the game!

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Like others have said there are only visual and audio mods. As such, there aren't any really go to mods.

Although I would highly recommend Juju's transparent tree mod. Which greatly aids readability of situations.



For multiplayer you can always play via email which fixes most of the problems with living in Australia.

If you do intend to play H2H via email I highly recommend using the CM head to head helper. Which streamlines the process quite a bit.


If you are interested in trying out a H2H match shoot me a PM and we can set one up.

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Welcome aboard!

You are correct. Unlike, say, Panzer Elite and other sims, there is zero capability to a) get under the hood and B) create new vehicles. This is by design. BFC didn't want a situation in which players would have to minutely go through their games and agree upon weapon specs and performance before they could play, and it certainly wasn't going to ride herd on such an exercise. This has been true clear back to the first CM, CMx1's CMBO, just as there has never been a provision to allow the players to create vehicles. Players have been known to reskin vehicles to look like something else, though, but that in no way changed the way the game treated things. You can tweak-radically alter the graphics, the UI and the sounds, but you can't materially change the core game and its interactions.

Therefore, the weapons are the weapons, the effects are the effects, and the vehicles are the vehicles. The only way they change is if BFC finds something is wrong and fixes it or the Forumites find an issue, rigorously document the matter and send it in--with appropriate sacrifices and obeisances as needed! Even so, the BFC gods are fickle and ruled by the dread god called Business Solvency. Consequently, though thy Petition be however well formed, pleasing in aspect and dulcet toned unto their ears, yet may they reject thy most earnest plea. There beest, thous seest, only so much the Program when handle, even wert the Programmers available and the necessary other resources withal. Thou mayest have a brilliant idea, but be it sensible and doable? And if it be do doable, be it affordable? And at what other price or prices?

What the CM modders do is, rightly, the stuff of legend, but conjure de novo? That they cannot do.

And, yes, we have some of your countrymen here, as well as your next door neighbors from where WETA has its abode.


John Kettler

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Welcome aboard!

You are correct. Unlike, say, Panzer Elite and other sims, there is zero capability to a) get under the hood and B) create new vehicles. This is by design. BFC didn't want a situation in which players would have to minutely go through their games and agree upon weapon specs and performance before they could play, and it certainly wasn't going to ride herd on such an exercise. This has been true clear back to the first CM, CMx1's CMBO, just as there has never been a provision to allow the players to create vehicles. Players have been known to reskin vehicles to look like something else, though, but that in no way changed the way the game treated things. You can tweak-radically alter the graphics, the UI and the sounds, but you can't materially change the core game and its interactions.

Therefore, the weapons are the weapons, the effects are the effects, and the vehicles are the vehicles. The only way they change is if BFC finds something is wrong and fixes it or the Forumites find an issue, rigorously document the matter and send it in--with appropriate sacrifices and obeisances as needed! Even so, the BFC gods are fickle and ruled by the dread god called Business Solvency. Consequently, though thy Petition be however well formed, pleasing in aspect and dulcet toned unto their ears, yet may they reject thy most earnest plea. There beest, thous seest, only so much the Program when handle, even wert the Programmers available and the necessary other resources withal. Thou mayest have a brilliant idea, but be it sensible and doable? And if it be do doable, be it affordable? And at what other price or prices?

What the CM modders do is, rightly, the stuff of legend, but conjure de novo? That they cannot do.

And, yes, we have some of your countrymen here, as well as your next door neighbors from where WETA has its abode.


John Kettler

reading this made my head hurt..

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On that note: Are there any good maps of Finland/Finnish unit camos? Specifically looking at the Tali-Ihantala line... it's captured in one of my fave. war films by the same name (so many good tank scenes!) and the arms and equipment, as well as time period, are already covered by the game... In fact the 'stragglers' defence mission in the demo could almost be a reproduction of one of the scenes from the film...

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On that note: Are there any good maps of Finland/Finnish unit camos? Specifically looking at the Tali-Ihantala line... it's captured in one of my fave. war films by the same name (so many good tank scenes!) and the arms and equipment, as well as time period, are already covered by the game... In fact the 'stragglers' defence mission in the demo could almost be a reproduction of one of the scenes from the film...

I dont think so. I would love to see this covered by a CM game but i doubt it will ever happen. (i loved that movie too btw)

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...always with the hate. I remember, an American member of the first fps clan I joined (they played Medal of Honour: Spearhead and had it modified to be a tactical fps... wow so long ago :S ) purchased (apparently 'in my name') a rifle target that was a koala bending over and... er... challenging the shooter to 'do their worst' would be the polite way of phrasing it...

:P It must be because our beer is nicer :P

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...always with the hate. ...

:P It must be because our beer is nicer :P

Justified in my case, since I'm SAfrican and there will be no peace on the cricket field ! :D

PS: No your beer is pretty rubbish too. I really struggled to find a decent one when I was over there, Toohey's Dark was about the best of the mainstream, although the microbrewery stuff was decent. :)

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