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Grenades distance? US vs German...

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Not sure of the Throwing distances...However, everytime I'm in a close-range firefight ( within 25 meters ), it seems everyone and their mother are using Hand-Grenades ( more so then their small arms ) as if a rain of Mortars are coming down all within 10 secs.

On top of that, it seems at least a 50/50 chance a Grenade will give an immobile to your Armored Vehicle.

This gives far to many unrealistic Combat Results far to quickly.

I prefer to see one person throwing a Hand Grenade per Fireteam per minute ( 2-3 Grenades a minute ).


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if you are close enough to throw a grenade and you are in terrain that makes it hard to not see the enemy. Then you are going to use your grenades.

Personally, I think the game has it about right, I have not noticed any overuse of grenades in general.

As for them immobilizing tanks. Well, normally I never give the infantry a chance to use them, so no problem. If I am moving close enough for that, my guns are a blazing. so in general, not much return fire is happening. But I have seen enough to know that the odds are not that bad. But the grenades are doing damager and if enough hit. the tracks will become immobilized.

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Funny, what I got out of that is Ian Leslie is a famous cricketer. And here I am thinking his big item is enjoying combat mission.


Ian Leslie Pont (born 28 August 1961 in Brentwood, Essex, England) is an English former cricketer. Known for a powerful throw and a brief foray into the world of baseball.

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This is a relatively famous bit from All Quiet, which granted, is fiction, but the author spent some weeks at the front:

"Haie and Kropp begin with the hand-grenades. They throw as fast as they can, others pass them, the handles with the strings already pulled. Haie throws seventy-five yards, Kropp sixty, it has been measured, the distance is important. The enemy as they run cannot do much before they are within forty yards."

two points to note: hurling grenades as fast as possible and second the measured distances.

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I agree. Something along those lines would strike me as just about right.


Yes...I even prefer it if Bomblets...err, I mean Grenades weren't used at all over what it is now, since I doubt any changes are to be made by next patch.

I don't know, but can Small Arms be altered in such a way to reduce Grenades for a Team/Squad ?

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Why do you think grunts would be "judicious" in their expenditure of grenades once within grenade range with an acquired enemy target? Is that infantry SOP, as learned at Drill Sergeant S.O. B'stard's knee? Or is it just guesswork?

One way to restrict the usage of grenades in-game is to split the AT Team off first, and not commit it to grenade range. They'll scurry off to the back carrying almost all the grenades, so the other poor gropos can't use 'em. When the rump squad has used theirs (if they do; willingness to use is at least partially related to quantity available), you can remerge the squad and resplit the AT Team, and they might share a couple of 'nades with their buddies.

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Yes...I even prefer it if Bomblets...err, I mean Grenades weren't used at all over what it is now...

Not me. I love grenades (just not receiving them so much). I am basing my impression on the volume per turn of their usage on wartime footage of soldiers. That may or may not be typical, I can't say at present. But as far as I can recall, I've never seen more than one per target used in the time span of a minute.


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Why do you think grunts would be "judicious" in their expenditure of grenades once within grenade range with an acquired enemy target? Is that infantry SOP, as learned at Drill Sergeant S.O. B'stard's knee? Or is it just guesswork?

That was my thought too. I know my Dad (Kwajelein and Saipan) always thought well of grenade showers...outward bound. But then, he was in the largest Banzai attack of the war, so that might have skewed his thinking a tad.

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Throwing multiple grenades in quick succession is a part infantry training; true in WWII and true today. Not used for every situation, but definitely used in some.

However, it's important to recognize that grenades are agnostic -- they're dangerous to everyone in the vicinity, friend or foe. And while the radius within which a hand grenade is likely to kill (50% casualty radius, or whatever you want to define) is fairly short, the radius within which a grenade might kill is much larger. Most types of grenades produce at least a few large fragments that fly a fair distance.

So such multiple grenade salvos take careful preparation and coordination in order to reduce the chance that a friendly misses the signal, leaves his ass hanging out in the breeze, and as a result accidentally gets fragged. It's usually less of a "grenade shower" and more of a volley of 2-5 thrown more or less simultaneously, follow by a long pause while everyone takes cover and waits for the grenades to detonate.

Then rinse and repeat, if necessary.

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Not me. I love grenades (just not receiving them so much)...

+1. When the grenades start flying, it's always exciting. You never know what is going to happen.

Sometimes it's one. Sometimes it's two. Occasionally, it's more.

Sometimes, a whole barrage causes no casualties. Others, a single grenade takes out a whole team.

I like the way things work now.

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I don't have a problem with the way the game handles grenades. Just laugh when my men give it to the enemy, and curse when mine get hit by a couple.

Going back to the OP, I think that you got more leverage with a stick grenade, and therefore, in theory they could be thrown further under ideal conditions. But lobbing one as a last ditch way of defending yourself and your mates which is what quite often happens in game couldn't be described as ideal. And, I've not really noticed much difference in the distances between Allied and German troops, when using them.

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Shouldn't grenade use somehow correspond to the circumstances?

Fighting in buildings and trenches, grenades make a lot of sense, but if you turn a corner and see an enemy squad in the street 10 metres away, wouldn't it be more effective simply opening fire rather than to start lobbing grenades at them?

I'm genuinely not sure if the squad AI takes this into account.

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Shouldn't grenade use somehow correspond to the circumstances?

Fighting in buildings and trenches, grenades make a lot of sense, but if you turn a corner and see an enemy squad in the street 10 metres away, wouldn't it be more effective simply opening fire rather than to start lobbing grenades at them?

I'm genuinely not sure if the squad AI takes this into account.

I very often see squads hrowing grenades when assaulting/clearing trenches etc. You as the CO have no control over whn a squad uses grenades. However, I suspect squads are more likely to employ grenades on certain orders such as Assault. However I have done no testing to comnfirm this other than observation,

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Shouldn't grenade use somehow correspond to the circumstances?

Fighting in buildings and trenches, grenades make a lot of sense, but if you turn a corner and see an enemy squad in the street 10 metres away, wouldn't it be more effective simply opening fire rather than to start lobbing grenades at them?

I'm genuinely not sure if the squad AI takes this into account.

As always, that depends on the circumstances and conditions. As a Marine, I was much more prone to toss a grenade and duck back behind the corner where they couldn't hurt me. Unless of course they tossed a grenade just past the corner:eek:

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