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Waiting for the next module


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You just can't tell which direction BFC will jump anymore. Nobody expected CMFI's mainland module to show up so quickly. *Theoretically* we might see the modern war and Bulge titles before we see a CMRT module. But wasn't that what we said about CMFI module too? :)

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Given what BF did wih Normandy (the Waffen SS were not in Italy apart from some very small units and a brief major deplyment in the summer of 1943 which did not result in combat with the Western Allies) I wold consider it highly pronable the SS will be presen in the first module. SS Wikig were certainly heavily engaged in he Army Group Cntre Battlesand were engaged in some of the key battles such as a large counter attack near a place called #kleszczele on 23 July (Wikin formed the southern prong of the German pincer move (East Front Drama 1944 RolfHinze P275 - 283 Probably more in their divisional history Some further information canbe found in Viking Panzers (5thSS Panzer Reimental history) Looks like at leastone potential scenario around that counter attack. Even perhapsa shortcampaign

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You would have thought the addition of the SS would be a "low hanging fruit" - relatively easy to achieve given that it largely "only" needs theatre-specific TO and some skins; most (all) of their their equipment is already in as the Heer version. Similarly with Lend Lease stuff. BFC know that expansion would sell; the question I think is what else do they add to make it attractive to the portion of their OstFront players who are neither completists or obsessed with the SS. The expansion of the geographical scope presented with the game would be one feature. Addition of minor axis power TOE would be another.

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I don't think it will be long before we see Finland, given that they had a fairly substantial role, but that would probably require some new building models, along with the equipment that was unique to the Finns (various models of the Mosin, new MGs, SMGs, etc.).

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You would have thought the addition of the SS would be a "low hanging fruit" - relatively easy to achieve given that it largely "only" needs theatre-specific TO and some skins; most (all) of their their equipment is already in as the Heer version. Similarly with Lend Lease stuff. BFC know that expansion would sell; the question I think is what else do they add to make it attractive to the portion of their OstFront players who are neither completists or obsessed with the SS. The expansion of the geographical scope presented with the game would be one feature. Addition of minor axis power TOE would be another.

I agree but can't say I amm that surprised. It is the BF Modus Operandi. They know that, when we see the next module includes SS, Romanians, Hungarians, Soviet lend lease equpment in the next expansion - and I have a shrewd suspicion tht much of the above will be there, we will part with our money. It is in fact, I suggest, a pretty shrewd business policy on their part. One I can live with as long as the next module is available pretty quickly (ie a moth or two)

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What is it with wargamers and their hard-on for roleplaying the worst war-criminals?

In the words of ZZ Top "every girls crazy for a sharped dressed man".

I think it is just for the fact that everyone knows the name ss and assume that they all were fanatical super human, allies crushing machines who were never defeated. Plus it's weird because I don't really associate Germans with fashion, but it's hard to say anyone else had cooler uniforms than the ss. Plus the word ss is cool, like Camero SS, it's just cool.

Just like people like playing grand theft auto, it feels good to be bad sometimes.

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I agree but can't say I amm that surprised. It is the BF Modus Operandi. They know that, when we see the next module includes SS, Romanians, Hungarians, Soviet lend lease equpment in the next expansion - and I have a shrewd suspicion tht much of the above will be there, we will part with our money. It is in fact, I suggest, a pretty shrewd business policy on their part. One I can live with as long as the next module is available pretty quickly (ie a moth or two)

If you actually believe that BF will release a new module for CMRT within a "moth or two" then you should probably listen to Rob Halford and the boys:

With everything else on BF's plate for 2014 (1) patch for CMRT, 2) 3.0 upgrades for CMBN and CMFI maybe bundled with "packs," and 3) its 2nd modern war CMx2 release), I'd be shocked if we see another CMRT release prior to 2015. It'd be great, but my guess is that our vanilla Heer troops will not be joined by their SS and Luftwaffe comrades and/or Finnish and Hungarian allies for sometime to come.

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Cause they were well equipped war criminals.

War criminals or at the very least well aware of war crimes they may very well jhave been. Even the Heer (regular German army) was well aware of the Holocaust. And certainly battlefield executions (war crimes) took place - he Russians were culpable of this just as much as the Germans - the war on the Russian front was a bitter and often ideological struggle right from the start and that was the nature of that war right from the very start. An uncle of mine who happens to beGerman actually fought in this theatre and, when I once asked him about his experience refused to tell me very much other than that he had been wounded as the result of a grenade attack (and showed me the scar) It was only when I was older and read Guy Sajer's book The Forgotten Soldier hat I began to realise the true horrors my uncle must have experienced and to understand why he felt the way he dd even if only alittle. Thy say you can never really understand the horror of war unless you have eperienced it for yourself and that is very probably true.

And before we regard the Red Army as examples of virtue they were anything but. From the very first days they were committing brutal battlefield executionThe Germans were doing exactly the same. Who started it and where is probably impossible to say though Hitler's Commissar order may well have played a ole. The point is thiswas a particularly brutal war right from he very start.

As for the Waffen SS the premiere Panzer and Panzer Grenader Divisions were some of the toughest and most battle hardened, experienced units of World War 2.War criminal they may well have been as an organisation and some individuals (such as Peiper) were most certainly convicted war criminals but these units were also, most certainly an elite fiightimng force.

Not all SS units were of that calibre. Towards the end of the war there were new SSdivisions raised that were, at best, average given their performance. And there were other SS units used for anti partisa operations or simply against unarmed civillians whose performance, when thown into the front lines, performed abysmally.

When we examine the performance of the SS as a fighting force with the dispassionate eye of the historian we actually start to see a much more nuanced view. I am in no way defending the SS here. The regieme they fought for was one of the most evil in history and, to say the least even the elite Waffen SS were a very long way from being angels. But, as a fighting force they were respected and feared bothbecause they were a highly trained, capable and experienced fighting force and because survival was by no means cetain for those who surrendered to them.

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What is it with wargamers and their hard-on for roleplaying the worst war-criminals?

You cannot study the military history of,or wargame WW2 without having to consider the role of the Waffen SS. We hate what they sood for and deplore the way they often behaved but we also must acknowledge that certain SS units, in particular their Panzer and Panzer Grenadier divisions were feared and repected by Allied forces in great part because of their undoubted capability and effectiveness on the battlefield.

Naturally when gaming with these units we must also bear in mind their historical culpability for war crimes. As history this is, as I am sure you are aware,, one of the most controversial issues of he military hstory of WW2. I think you will find many wargamersare very well aware of thiscontroversy andthe reasons behindit.

If yu really cannot stoumach the SS you are certainly not forced to game scenarios involving them or you can choose to game the Allied side.

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Oh oh. This is an accident waiting to happen....

I'll admit, it was a trap to see who would start apologizing for the Nazis. It did not take long.

e: and yeah, I'm fine with them existing in games because they got the cream of the equipment and it's fun to play with formations full of rare equipment. But the number of people crawling out of the woodwork to fetishise people who were committed Nazis and were hated by all sides (including the German army) for being utter ****s who broke all the rules of war really is disturbing.

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MikeyD is right though, you never know which way Battlefront will bounce next these days, though I really think we'll see Black Sea next. From what I've been seeing on the Shock Force boards, the Modern Russian Army has as much uniform variation as the SS did.

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