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CMRT - BETA AAR - Soviet Side

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It is possible that some of this problem may be emanating from your mice. I got a new mouse a couple of months ago that I like a lot, but it has a very sensitive left button. Combined with the way that I hold it, I find it clicking a lot of times that I don't intend. There may indeed be a problem in the game code somewhere—that should be looked into. But if it doesn't turn up there, you might want to take a look at your mice.


I understand how that could cause a problem, but IIRC, my moves were all "hunt," "move," or "slow" commands that continued as "fast" or "quick" moves. I could understand extending as the same command, but not changing to another command. Razar Naga mouse btw.

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It is possible that some of this problem may be emanating from your mice. I got a new mouse a couple of months ago that I like a lot, but it has a very sensitive left button. Combined with the way that I hold it, I find it clicking a lot of times that I don't intend. There may indeed be a problem in the game code somewhere—that should be looked into. But if it doesn't turn up there, you might want to take a look at your mice.


+1. I had a Logitech M505 that started giving me frequent double-click problems right around the time that the CMFI demo came out. I think I may have posted (or was about to post) about "game bugs" only to realize that it was my mouse!

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I saw something like this also as British(warrior mode) in an H2H of "My Honor is Loyalty." I had finished my move commands and decided to review them before hitting "Go." As I reviewed the move of each unit, I noticed fast or quick move commands emanating in random directions from each move terminus. I deleted the extra moves thinking I had messed up some how, and continued the game. I use a Mac too (Mac Pro). Perhaps it isn't specific to RT.

Sure you hadn't accidently double-clicked on a Company HQ and issued them an order ?

That can add random looking moves to the move terminus of each subordinate unit.

Just sayin' - we've all done that at least once :D

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Sure you hadn't accidently double-clicked on a Company HQ and issued them an order ?

That can add random looking moves to the move terminus of each subordinate unit.

Just sayin' - we've all done that at least once :D

Or thrice :D Yeah, the most likely cause of unexplained orders is accidentally group ordering. The glitch I found the other night is a new one and only produces one errant point.


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Scenes from the conquest of Gelb... one enemy unit on the objective, an HMG was wiped out by tank and finally SMG fire got the last guy.


At least one Hetzer (the previously unlocated Hetzer) has moved fast to try to catch my T34s.. I think he is going to find that engaging T34/85s is not like engaging the ISU-122s.. these are very capable tanks. I need to consolidate and reorient to meet this new threat.. I cannot tell if the second Hetzer and the Panther are also coming up here, but it looks like they might be.

In other news, it appears like he might be abandoning Blau as I saw a full squad running down the road away from the village. My ISUs will start shelling the buildings next turn. If they find it empty, then they will be able to engage the enemy armor from the rear as they try to attack my T34s. I like having options.


Squad Attack Drill

If you have read my blog then you know what a squad attack drill is.. this is an example of one in action, in a real game. 3rd Squad/1st Plt./4th Company that was formerly scouting for 5th company was given the task of taking out the HMG team that has been sitting on the approaches to Blau for several turns now...

The LMG Team and the Rifle Team made up my base of fire while the SMG Team was my maneuver element...

Elvis tried to extricate the HMG team but they ran right in front of the SMG team which cut down at least three of them (bottom image). Next I close and finish any survivors.


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Or thrice :D Yeah, the most likely cause of unexplained orders is accidentally group ordering. The glitch I found the other night is a new one and only produces one errant point.


Steve, don't know if you are sure that it is / have already found a coding glitch to explain this? Just thought I'd chip in that I have been experiencing similar happenings for a while, and wondered what was going on - but finally realised that it is from my sloppy operation of a Magic Mouse with my Mac.

I like the mouse generally, and especially the "mini-trackpad" on the centre top surface - very useful for Cmx2 view manipulations, in conjunction with other mouse controls.

But I realised that, being careless, in moving from the pad and then trying to right click to deselect a unit, I was pressing too close to the centre of the mouse (there being no "button" per se to find) and getting a left click rather than a right click: in movement order mode, it adds an unintended waypoint. Then a slight movement and pressure to the right, which is what I was intending, gets a right click and the deselection.

All went away when I was a bit more careful with my finger! :)

Any similarities?

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Nice ballsy assault on Gelb! I think that is the boldest move we have ever seen from you in any of these AARs Bil. I love to see those types of moves go good. The funny thing is I will experiment doing stuff like that single player, and one time it may work, and the other it doesn’t go as well or could be a total disaster. It really is a roll of the dice.

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Nice ballsy assault! I think that is the boldest move we have ever seen from you in any of these AARs Bil. I love to see those types of moves go good. The funny thing is I will experiment doing stuff like that single player, and one time it may work, and the other it doesn’t go as well or could be a total disaster. It really is a roll of the dice.

Thanks Vin!

You know, I thought long and hard about making this move... after 40 minutes of Elvis seeing me slowly and relentlessly advance and stick to the woods, I suspected that he would not expect a quick rush through the open into the rear. Yes it was a roll of the dice, but I think I was playing with loaded dice.

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On Gelb

With the Hetzer sitting in the field approaching Gelb as I noticed last turn, I needed to make some quick adjustments to best meet it.

Top Image - at the turn start you can see that T34-1 had his ass hanging out, rear facing the Hetzer.. if he gets spotted, he'd get killed. The woods on Gelb are not passable to vehicles so I had to drive him as fast as possible around the corner of the objective to get into a better more covered position.

I made the following movements:

1) I am sending an SMG squad over to the treeline in front of the Hetzer to get some eyes on this area.. information is a combat multiplier in CM.

2) T34-1 is moving FAST as possible around the corner to T34-2's position

3) T-34-2 and T-34-3 are both moving into huldown positions covering the location this Hetzer is in

4) I fired with both T34-1 and T-34-2 into the trees to the front of the Hetzer to add some obscuration and to make spotting difficult for the enemy tank destroyer (see the bottom image)

Second Image - safely behind cover at turn end T34-1 had a good solid spot on Elvis's Hetzer.. which you can see in the bottom image is buttoned.. it does not appear to have any spots on any of my tanks.

The second Hetzer was identified as being up near this one this turn... not the Panther however.




Some very interesting developments on Blau, Elvis seems to be abandoning the objective, not a bad choice considering what I have arraying against it... note the spotting round location that fell this turn. That is interesting... I'll keep an eye on that.

I am going to send a squad or two into Blau to investigate, no more until I know for sure that he hasn't left any Easter eggs for me to find.


Squad Attack Drill - the finish

The survivors of the enemy HMG team that I was attacking last turn surrendered as the squad's rifle team closed on the position... the SMG Team was back in support for this move and the LMG Team moved forward as well.


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Oh the things you can do as the human commander that are impossible for the AI!

Scott, there are many things the AI will not and cannot do: use the movement technique applicable to the situation, use any sort of Battle Drill, use recon effectively, ascertain the enemy intent from a few scattered sound and visual contacts, etc.

Its why I rarely play the AI and almost always play H2H.


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The Hetzer spot kept going in and out.. but it just sat there the entire turn.. I never got a whiff of the second Hetzer and am now starting to doubt my feeling that it is also up north orienting on Gelb. I need to locate that thing... a sound contact would suffice.

The Panther started moving north as well this turn. BOTH of these tanks are buttoned.



I am starting to move through Blau now, no enemy contacts spotted at all. Could be the thing has been abandoned.

Two spotting rounds fall north of Blau this turn... an artillery mission up there makes no sense.



The current situation shows:

5th Company - moving to seal off any escape from KT6. I do not need to kill the enemy units that have retreated into this mass of woods, I just need to make sure they can't escape.

All of my support assets are going to move to the center to support a push to ROT.

4th Company - clearing BLAU, if clear will immediately start moving on ROT, especially with Elvis's armor moving on GELB.

SMG Platoon (south of BLAU) - starting a pursuit of the enemy infantry seen running from BLAU

ISU-122s - as soon as I discover the location of the second Hetzer I may move them as indicated to hit the enemy armor in the flank.

T34 platoon/SMG platoon - preparing for a counter-attack on GELB - will hold positions until more information is gathered then will move to eliminate the enemy armor, or will wait and take it on as it moves in (if it moves in).


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