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Should I buy it?

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First, let me start off by saying that I realize the folly of asking if I should buy a game, on the games forums.

But I'm not looking for unbiased opinions here.

I'll lay out the scenario for you here:

1: I have been unemployed for a long time.

2: I currently have a job (of sorts) giving me a not-so-decent salary, but it is enough for me to spend a bit on games (since i have no other "vices").

3: The job will most likely only last until the middle of October, after that I might be unemployed again and without benefits (unless I find another job before that)

So. The question is this: Having just bought CMBN again (the bundle this time) and fallen back in love with the games, should I spend that "little extra" to buy the CMFI bundle?

On the one hand, I already have CMBN and I could probably play that for a long while without having the urge to get another game.

But on the other hand, the 75$ ill spend on the CMFI bundle wouldnt do me much good once I am unemployed anyway, so its not like I'll be teetering on the edge of starvation if I choose to buy the game.

So I guess what I'm asking is this: Is it worth the money or is it basically just CMBN with different tanks? :P

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First, let me start off by saying that I realize the folly of asking if I should buy a game, on the games forums.

But I'm not looking for unbiased opinions here.

I'll lay out the scenario for you here:

1: I have been unemployed for a long time.

2: I currently have a job (of sorts) giving me a not-so-decent salary, but it is enough for me to spend a bit on games (since i have no other "vices").

3: The job will most likely only last until the middle of October, after that I might be unemployed again and without benefits (unless I find another job before that)

So. The question is this: Having just bought CMBN again (the bundle this time) and fallen back in love with the games, should I spend that "little extra" to buy the CMFI bundle?

On the one hand, I already have CMBN and I could probably play that for a long while without having the urge to get another game.

But on the other hand, the 75$ ill spend on the CMFI bundle wouldnt do me much good once I am unemployed anyway, so its not like I'll be teetering on the edge of starvation if I choose to buy the game.

So I guess what I'm asking is this: Is it worth the money or is it basically just CMBN with different tanks? :P

Personally, I don't think it matters what CMFI has or not. In your situation I wouldn't buy any new games. I wouldn't feel right about giving you any other advice regardless of the game.

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If you're really strapped for cash I'd say food on the table would definitely take precedence over the game, even this game. I am very fond of eating regularly, myself. If you're a personality type who is liable to go looking for diversions regardless, the game cost would be quickly eaten up by a couple trips to the movies and a couple six packs of beer anyway. Are you the sort of guy who goes 'looking for trouble' if he's bored? It might be more economical to keep you occupied at home.

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What is the social system like in Sweden? Will the state make sure that you have food on your table and a place to sleep if you are unemployed again, even if your are unemployed over a longer period of time?

I am both asking out of interest and in order to be able to give you a better advice.

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If buying this game is the only "jolly" thing you're going to spend your precious money on, you can do that. The amount isn't large enough to go bankrupt over, and your financial survival doesn't depend on a single manageable spending.

However, if you decide to buy the CMFI bundle, you will have to ask yourself whether this indulgence towards your (not so needy) needs is a one time and survivable thingy, or if it is a sign of an uncontrollable and reoccurring urge to comfort yourself by spending money that you cannot afford to spend. The latter wouldn't be so good.

I haven't bought CMFI/GL (because I'm still waiting for this never coming MARKET GARDEN game), but I can assure you that you won't regret buying a Combat Mission game. IMHO it's always worth the price.

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Having just bought CMBN again (the bundle this time) and fallen back in love with the games, should I spend that "little extra" to buy the CMFI bundle?


Consider waiting a while before buying. Focus on playing CMBN and see how that turns out. There's a large number of scenarios and campaigns in place. Exhaust them first. Then decide how to spend your limited money.

You may find CMBN keeps you fully occupied for more months than you thought it might. If not, you'll better know how much time you would be able to spend playing CMFI upon purchase. Good luck and good gaming.

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Of course you should by it! How much fish does $75 buy in Sweden? What, one day's supply? A sip of vodka? You'll only extend your existance for a day, but it would be a dreary, boring existance. Buy the game and live it up, even if it'll be for one day less!


Seriously? This is an economic decision that none of can make, or appropriately advise, for you.

Best wishes.


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Hehehe well I didnt expect quite so many answers this fast.

I'll try to answer some of them.

If you're really strapped for cash I'd say food on the table would definitely take precedence over the game, even this game. I am very fond of eating regularly, myself. If you're a personality type who is liable to go looking for diversions regardless, the game cost would be quickly eaten up by a couple trips to the movies and a couple six packs of beer anyway. Are you the sort of guy who goes 'looking for trouble' if he's bored? It might be more economical to keep you occupied at home.

Well I do get bored very easily (slight AD/HD and Autism, but fully functional) but I wouldnt go looking for trouble or spend money i didn't have.

I would, however, be bored out of my mind and since i have a tendency towards depressions, i try to keep myself occupied. (And the CM series of games are great for that).

What is the social system like in Sweden? Will the state make sure that you have food on your table and a place to sleep if you are unemployed again, even if your are unemployed over a longer period of time?

I am both asking out of interest and in order to be able to give you a better advice.

Well, it used to be great. The government wouldn't let you starve and you got just enough to pay the bills and buy food whilst looking for a new job.

Nowadays its not so great. After 7 years of a conservative government (and a semi-conservative one for a few years before that) its been stripped down and twisted to their ideals.

If you need social support now, you must first sell off any assets you have (like a house, apartment or car) and live on that money first.

If you have a spouse that could theoretically support you, they will have to do so before you get anything (leading to a very high rate of divorce if one partner happens to get into that position, since people who happen to fall into the social system usually are not married to partners with high-income jobs).

And if all that "fails", then you are usually forced to comply with the unemployment offices different "unemployment programs" wich means that you have to work for 8 horus a day, 5 days a week, with no vacation or pay, just in order to get your social security check (which could be as low as a whopping 431$ per month. Usually not enough to cover anything except the cheapest of foods. Ive had to live on that myself once).

And should you refuse to work 8 hours a day 5 days a week for that, the government will most certainly let you starve.

I, however, will never get there. I have been there once and I will never do it again. I would rather work for "under the table" payment or even become a criminal :(

I hope it does not come to that tho.

I will not starve tho, since I've had to move back to my mother. And when she retired this year she sold her house and moved into a flat to make her pension last a bit longer.

But a full grown man should not have to rely on his mother to survive :(

I suggest you sell your surplus CMBN license. IIRC you accidentally bought it twice. Then you could invest that money into more CM products.

Yeah, i would if i could. Unfortunately I lost it so thats why I thought that I might as well buy the package.

No vices? Serious? Quit your job and go to a monastery. Either that or go buy a nice cigar right after you buy the game. :D

Well I did use to smoke cigars. But I gave that up when I was on social security. Other than that, I don't really have any vices.

Except computer games :)

Ok, so after looking through all the answers I still have no idea if I should buy it or not. I'll have to think about it.

But I'm leaning towards buying.

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Personally, I'm enjoying CMFI much more than CMBN. The maps are much better, the period is fascinating. I just have more fun with it.

See, this is the kind of feedback i need on the game itself :)

(Plus it has New Zealanders)

Well ive only lurked on the forums for 2 days or so but i already figured out that you would be tickled by that :)

There are a lot fewer scenarios though - that is one drawback.

Again, perfect feedback on the game itself.

But do you mean that it ships with less scenarios or that there are fewer overall (fan made included)

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But do you mean that it ships with less scenarios or that there are fewer overall (fan made included)

Both. Personally, I'd advise a middle ground of waiting for the Market Garden module and buying that. FI is a different kettle, with some slightly different fish in it, but it's a smaller kettle, with fewer types of fish, and there aren't as many recipes for that fish just now. The kettle is slightly shinier, but the BN kettle is due a polish quite soon, and there's certainly plenty of variety to keep you interested until then. Even without FI, boredom won't be an issue any time soon.

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Well, if you are not directly in danger of falling into poverty, then i would say you yourself have to know how you spend that part of your money that you want to invest in free time activitys. For me, CM games are totally worth it. If i made a table that compares hours played/money invested, i would probably end up with less than 10 cents per hour.

But do you mean that it ships with less scenarios or that there are fewer overall (fan made included)

IMO CMSF + modules has by far the most stock/fan made content. I havent played CMFI in quite a while, but IIRC CMBN + CW has more content in total than CMFI + GL.

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I am somewhat torn actually...

I have not delved into the italian theatre of operations much in general, but i have fond memories of it from Panzer Elite.

My main interest is the eastern front, but considering that it seems to be less of an interest to the CM crowd (judging from the CMBB times I spent on the forums) I don't think that the eastern front game coming "soon" will be much more invested in by the fans than CMFI has been.

I really don't like the modern era so CMSF are completely uninteresting to me.

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i keep telling myself "eastfront is just around the corner" so i could avoid spending money on italy so far.

i got CMSF+2 module and CMBN. and i plan on staying with this till east front is out cause i know when EF arives all the rest becomes obsolete to me, would feel like wasted money to me.

i just miss makeing maps sometimes. id love to toy around with the EF editor.

but everytime iam drooling over some "new" CM stuff i have to actively tell me self to "zoom out" of that "battle" and go do something else, works every time so far.

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EF will be extremely engaging - and I also think that is the most interesting aspect of WWII by far - but I've always been very interested in the Italian theatre (did I mention there were New Zealanders there?).

Normandy is great too, but historically it was for the most part an exercise in brute force.

The maps and scenarios in CMFI offer some really interesting tactical puzzles. I've found them much more engrossing so far than CMBN (or perhaps bocage is just too hard for me) and they simply look great too - the earthy colours of the terrain and the vehicles - even without mods (my old computer is too slow to handle mods).

I'm currently playing a QB PBEM on barren mountain tops - it looks like Korea, or another planet. Have to pay a lot of attention to undulations in the terrain - it's terrific: difficult, but not in a frustrating way.

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I own them all from CMA and CMSF to CMBN and CMFI including all the modules. I like the diversity of being able to switch theaters and units in order to keep my interest up. I may stay away from particular CM game for several months sometimes. I can even stay away from all CM games for a while and then I read a book or see a movie which inspires me to revisit a specific theater or year in CM.

Half of my pleasure comes from roaming the battlefield close up and examining units and action. I guess that's why I'm not a particular fan of Battalion sized engagements, they just feel to complicated to handle with the current command layout and information that is presented to the player.

Anyway CMFI has a specific charm especially with GL. The maps are more interesting visually and it is easier to conduct operations without having to look for gaps in bocage.

Normandy suits however my style of play better, I like to sneak and hide then popup engage and dissapear again. I suck at advancing across open field which makes it much tougher for me in CMFI. Both are excellent games but I assume general player will find CMBN more interesting due to general Normandy exposure we all have received through TV and Books.

My suggestion would to to play CMBN until you're really bored with it, then evaluate the situation at that moment and if you really want something other to play and have enough money to spare then go for CMFI.

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Normandy is great too, but historically it was for the most part an exercise in brute force.

What war isn't? War is resorting to brute force when all else has failed or looks unpromising.

Anyway...Oddball, if I haven't said so before, it warms my heart to see you on the board again. I remember you from "back in the day".

Now, as to your question and how I would advise you: CM:FI/GL is a fine game and you should definitely buy it, but not right now. Hold on to your money until your situation improves and focus on improving your situation. Meanwhile, continue to play with BN/CW and if you find you can afford it, MG when it comes out. You might also look into finding other diversions that don't cost money, or at least much money. I don't know what is available in your area that might appeal to you, so I can't be specific I'm afraid, but there ought to be something.

There was a time several decades ago when I was down and out for a couple of years, so I know just what that feels like. About all I had going for me was the resiliency of youth and a few friends who didn't quite let me starve. But even from those hard and stressful times I retain memories of almost transcendent beauty. Find such moments and live for them.


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Welcome back, and I can definitely relate to the fiscal crunch you detail. Indeed, I'm fortunate to own the CMBN/CW bundle at all. Before plunking down scarce kronor/Euros or whatever you use there on CMFI, I'd recommend you first download the CMFI Demo and see how that sits with you. Am not sure, though, whether the Demo incorporates the latest features. Others here can answer that.

You didn't indicate whether you had straight CMBN or some version running up through 2.0 (Upgrade) or 2.01 (Upgrade and latest patch). These can make a major difference in gameplay and the gaming experience. Also, do you have CW for your CMBN? If not, a whole new gaming experience awaits. In fact, it's a different approach to waging war, what with pretty much everything changed from the U.S. model. Regardless, if it's a question of getting the most for your gaming outlay, then you're probably better off sticking with CMBN for now. Why? There are vastly more CMBN scenarios, troop and equipment options and maps to chose from (mod stuff) than there are for CMFI, which is hardly surprising, but that's the way it is.

Ultimately, it comes down to what interests you and what you like. In CMFI, Shermans are pretty formidable, there are no Fireflies, and the Germans tend not to fare well when Panzer IIIs encounter Shermans. Nor are things rosy from the other end, either. T30 HMC vs a Panzer IV/G isn't an easy way to earn a paycheck, but survival expectancy rises a bit with a M1897 (famous French 75) equipped M3 GMC. Pray for M10s, the best SP antitank weapon the Allies have! Oh! The Allies have really cool camouflage, as opposed to boring OD later on.


An extended fish metaphor? A CM first, but apt!


Your conclusion pretty much matches my CPGH (cost per gaming hour) analysis in another thread.


Ah! The KGCM (Kiwi Game Choice Modifier) surfaces!


Splendidly put!


John Kettler

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Yeah, i would if i could. Unfortunately I lost it so thats why I thought that I might as well buy the package.

I guess if you can identify yourself to BFC and ask nicely they might send you the registration key again. The key is all you need.

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Take up golf, the exercize will do you good, as will the fresh air.

Once you allow yourself to be seduced by CMFI or the other one you will be doomed to a hermit-like, shut in existence in which only the activities surrounding THE GAME will bring you any joy.

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