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What to buy??

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OK for those who own CMBN and CW and CMFI and GL I need some help.

I only own CMBN with the upgrade..so would you if you had to choose buy the CW module or would you buy the CMFI with GL bundle? Money is an issue really but if you think CMFI and GL far outstrips the CW module then I'm willing to stretch the budget for the bundle when it comes out..however if you think CW is a must and CMFI and GL can take a back burner please say so. A big issue is I haven't played CMBN that much..so I really need to get some play out of it and if CW really adds to it then please say so..the Brits and SS are temptong..but so are the German Airborne troops in CMFI\GL..as you can see I don't no what to buy.


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You really need to find some way to earn a little extra cash, Problem solved.

You might even try dressing up like a begger and look for handouts.

A little sign saying the money is to support treatments with CM, Sounds like a winner to me.

Now that I think about it, maybe I should do the same :)

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You really need to find some way to earn a little extra cash, Problem solved.

You might even try dressing up like a begger and look for handouts.

A little sign saying the money is to support treatments with CM, Sounds like a winner to me.

Now that I think about it, maybe I should do the same :)

Easier said than done..being disabled\single dad...

The bocage fighting was a touch annoying at times due to lack of variety. Though I fancy some Cain fighting..on the other hand I fancy some Monte Cassino fighting..

Oh I'm a single player only so that may help in you helping me..

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The choice you presented is almost a no-brainer. If you can have _either_

- upgrade CMBN to CW, but no CMFI


- Leave CMBN where it is, and acquire CMFI plus GL

then you must go the second, unless there is some specific CW unit you can't live without.

Upgrading CMBN to CW just gives you a few more units with which to bash around in the bocage. Acquiring CMFI brings a whole new theatre...


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The choice you presented is almost a no-brainer. If you can have _either_

- upgrade CMBN to CW, but no CMFI


- Leave CMBN where it is, and acquire CMFI plus GL

then you must go the second, unless there is some specific CW unit you can't live without.

Upgrading CMBN to CW just gives you a few more units with which to bash around in the bocage. Acquiring CMFI brings a whole new theatre...


Couldn't have put it better...

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Cool..I do know I'll get alot more game obviously with CMFI\GL..I just thought if CW is seen as a must have for CMBN and something people found increased their enjoyment loads of CMBN I'd best go for that as I said I don't feel I've got enough game time out of it..not because I don't love CMx2 I do, more really it only being the Americans and also all that bocage. The Brit module for instance for CMSF improved for me CMSF massively and added so much to the game including making it feel and play totally different. If CW had a similar impact on CMBN I'd buy it first..however I'm not sure it does.

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The CW AFVs certainly bring a new and different feel: that's fun. But it's incremental, not must have (a personal choice, of course). The nature of the fights is still quite similar. CMFI is truly a different theatre, and the nature of the battles is palpably different. And ... I like GL better. It is incrementally different to Sicily, but a good increment. I can't put my finger on it, but I wasn't wild about Sicily. A bit monotonous vines and stones. But I really like CMFI with Sicily & Gustav...


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for whats its worth,stick with normandy,get the CW module for the extra goodies,then of course you will have to fork out again for market garden,which as far as i know,is the next module for CMBN.

and i highly recommend playing some PBEM games with someone,the game commands you fight a human opponent.what you got to lose?

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I love the Normandy battles so for me the CM module added loads more variety, so recommended be me!

however the CMFI has a very difference feel/challenge to the bocage so as it sounds like you want to try something different CMFI is the way I think you should go.

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Fall/winter/spring terrain is the big thing for me, personally. It expands the scope of the game exponentially. And we probably won't see anything like it again til the Bulge battles. Unless they decide to set 'modern war' in winter which I think would be sooooo cool! :)

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This is so subjective it is really hard to advise Wodin. There is some great stuff in both CW and the CMFI/GL game. I think when it comes down to simple overall volume of stuff particularly for a solo gamer, CMFI/GL should win hands down. As others have noted it also provides for a much different experience than Normandy. How the bundle price would compare to an eventual purchase of CW and MG though is a different issue. If we assume that CW and MG are somewhat comparable to the CMFI/GL bundle then your choice becomes a bit stickier as you could get CW now and by the time you are played out, MG should be close to release I would think.

Personally I am really partial to CMFI right now. The sheer variety in it is pretty amazing. That is saying a lot as the Italian theater had not held that much interest for me prior and I never thought to hear myself say that.

edit - yeah what MikeyD said. Watching guys run around in the snow with greatcoats on is just waaaaayyyyy too kewl.

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I don't really have an interest in the Italy game and so I would opt for the CW module onto CMBN. Then you will have almost all of he units in GL anyway. Also, after GL Italy is finished where as there should be 2 more modules for CMBN before that is finished with.

Personal choice but if you want longevity I'd go with CMBN. If you can afford both of course then get both.

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I don't really have an interest in the Italy game and so I would opt for the CW module onto CMBN. Then you will have almost all of he units in GL anyway. Also, after GL Italy is finished where as there should be 2 more modules for CMBN before that is finished with.

Personal choice but if you want longevity I'd go with CMBN. If you can afford both of course then get both.

I am not sure I would characterize it as finished. GL only takes us up to June 1944. I do not know what BF plans to do and honestly I wouldn't say 100% that they are sure. They could very well decide hell, why not, let's do CMFI:Tunisia next or CMFI: El Alamein. CMFI caught us all off guard. I would expect part of that will be decided on how well sales do. If high enough it might reflect more interest in the theater than they expected and therefore perhaps them revisiting their plans.

CMBN at the moment only has MG planned as a module. Anything further in NW Europe would come with the Bulge game. CMFI actuall covers a much longer period and CMBN may never include winter scenarios. CMFI may actually become unique in that regard covering likely 18 months (and who knows maybe more) versus CMBN which is expected right now to cover 4 months. Bulge would cover MAYBE Sept 1944 to May 1945.

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I agree with Gaj.

CW has some real big and troublesome scenario's. The maps are mostly beautiful, but I found a lot of the battles difficult and frustrating.

Though I'm not going to buy FI and GL (I need my Market Garden first), the demo of FI showed a nice change of scenery, personnel and tactics.

If money is an issue, buy the FI and GL combo. When you win the lottery, buy CW too.

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If it is a matter of money I would wait for MG. Personally I buy all CM-games, even the ones I'm not thrilled about like Sicily or GL. It is a mix of greed and loyalty in equal measures. Greed for more games, which BF can make if we all buy their products and loyalty to a company that gives us more than we can handle.

As much as I like Normandy, Italy and Arnhem it is the Eastern Front and the Ardennes I'm waiting for. Snow, fog, dirt and blood. I dream of the day we will have them all.

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Well we all know I'm sure that our community here is second to none..and a very generous member has gifted me CW....so I've downloaded and installed and will pick up the bundle when it comes out!!

Again this community shows it's colours...and a HUGE thankyou to the forum member who was so very generous:)

So some SS and Brit action tonight! Can anyone recommend a great campaign?

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I...They could very well decide hell, why not, let's do CMFI:Tunisia next or CMFI: El Alamein. ...

Lol, if they decided to do either of those before Eastern Front, I would be round there like a flash with my torch and pitchfork.

Probably do no good at all ( Steve has tanks doesn't he ? <gulp> ), but you gotta try ! :)

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