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modules and features?

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You are mostly correct about the "no new features" in Modules. However, if you go back and look at my posts where you see me saying this you'll see I made three exceptions:

1. Weather related necessary for the Module's setting

2. Terrain related necessary for the Module's setting

3. Unit features necessary for the Module's forces

Think about it this way. Can we have have a battle in January without winter uniforms, textures, and weather effects? No. So to have a Module in that timeframe we must include these features even if no other game before it has such things.

Normandy, on the other hand, does not have battles in January, so these new features are "useless" for it.

Normandy does not have AAA vehicles, so having an Upgrade that supports AAA stuff doesn't do anything for the Normandy player.

So what would a new version of the game engine for Normandy have in it that was useful? Nothing. Now, if you guys want to pay us $10 for nothing... well... that's a nice thought, but I don't think that's what you want to do :D

With that said, when Arnhem comes out there will be a similar bunch of unique things for Normandy just like Gustav provides for Italy. Some of them are the same. Which means when Arnhem comes out you can get some of the features that Gustav offers and some that Gustav doesn't.

Engine upgrades are designed for things like new user interface, new basic gameplay improvements (like improved TacAI, Editor features, etc.), basic changes to 3D effects, etc. It doesn't include new time frames, new units, new uniforms, etc.

I hope that clears things up a bit!


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Oh, and one small footnote. I have said that Modules may introduce modest new features as we have in the past. One example of that in Gustav is the new "Movie Mode". But that will be automatically available for all Normandy players as soon as Arnhem is released. Even if you don't buy Arnehm, just like Italy users will have it even if they don't purchase Gustav Line. Which means no Upgrade is necessary since you get it for free. Again, if someone wants to pay us $10 for free features... I'm OK with that :D


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Oh, and one small footnote. I have said that Modules may introduce modest new features as we have in the past. One example of that in Gustav is the new "Movie Mode". But that will be automatically available for all Normandy players as soon as Arnhem is released. Even if you don't buy Arnehm, just like Italy users will have it even if they don't purchase Gustav Line. Which means no Upgrade is necessary since you get it for free. Again, if someone wants to pay us $10 for free features... I'm OK with that :D


Bil and GaJ have revealed (they said you said they could) that the FOW now extends to the unit info panel in GL. Is that going to come to BNv2.xx in a patch, along with "movie mode" (there has to be a patch, right, to incorporate these changes?)? Are the additional goodies that made it into BN 2(.01) and the MG parameter changes going to be released as a patch for CMFI sans GL? Will GL-added installs be compatible with non-GL FI (within the usual restrictions of only using common content), or will FI need to be patched?

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I like the option to customise uniforms in he 2.0 version of Nrmandy and was a little surprised that it does not seem to be available in Italy (yet)

It might change in Gustav Linewhenever that is available - the sooner the better Battlefront. Hint mode re-set to the ""Off" position :D

Off the top of my head, the customization options in CMBN weren't applicable to the base game CMFI: there was only one airborne division present, the panzer wraps weren't being used by infantry, etc.

The Appearance options come back in Gustav Line, with Great Coats and Shorts.

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Will AAA reach CMBN with Arnhem release?

follow up question.... and AAA become available way back to D-Day?

Yeah - I am hoping they will appear in Arnhem - and therefore be available for use in normandy ...

I am presuming if they are in arnhem - then the only thing stopping their use in normandy would be something to do with availability dates - which obviously should not stop them appearing in normandy in any case.

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Quick bunch of responses:

1. Yes, small gameplay improvements (like FoW unit names) for one Family are automatically incorporated into the next FREE patch for another Family. Because we are using one core game engine for all Families the only reason to hold them back is to shamelessly force you guys into paying for them. I know that's what other game companies do, but we do not. When we announced the Upgrade system the usual grumblers said that's what we're doing, but as usual they have no clue what they are talking about. Actually, if you have a question about our strategy you can go to our most ardent critics and whatever they say we are/aren't going to do, the opposite is what we actually will/won't do. Because if they are one thing it's consistently wrong :D

2. The code for handling uniforms in CMBN 2.0 is the same that's in CMFI right now. As Normal Dude said, the differences are in application of that code. It just so happened that Normandy had a lot more uniform variations compared to the Sicily timeframe. But with Gustav, the number of uniform variations is greater than that of CMBN.

3. Correct, "movie mode" is the new lighting option. I probably shouldn't call it that because it does sound like something it isn't. I also have to stop calling it "Arnhem" because we're calling it "Market Garden". Development names die hard amongst people who work on the projects.

4. Timeframe for Market Garden's release has yet to be determined. All I can say is it is in an advanced stage already. Testers have had an early version for a couple of weeks now. Now that Gustav is largely done we'll accelerate development and testing.

5. Correct that timeframes for unit purchases is never an issue. For example, Commonwealth Module came out and the units in it are useable for the same time period as the Base Game's units. Same thing for Market Garden where applicable. For example, a vehicle that is only available starting in September would still only be available for September, not June. But for something like the M51 Quad 50 or SdKfz 7/2... sure, they will be available from June on.

In fact, we made some code changes so that they are purchasable "inside" standard Base Game TO&E. For example, the Germans have AAA Platoons attached to many Battalion level formations that you guys have been using since the first release. After installing Market Garden you will notice that those formations now have AAA Platoons. If you don't buy Market Garden you won't see them. This means better historical accuracy and yet no worries about having to purchase the Normandy version of a PzGren Battalion vs. the Market Garden type. It's just one type with options depending on what you have installed. Pretty seamless.


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Quick bunch of responses:

1. Yes, small gameplay improvements (like FoW unit names) for one Family are automatically incorporated into the next FREE patch for another Family. Because we are using one core game engine for all Families the only reason to hold them back is to shamelessly force you guys into paying for them. I know that's what other game companies do, but we do not. When we announced the Upgrade system the usual grumblers said that's what we're doing, but as usual they have no clue what they are talking about. Actually, if you have a question about our strategy you can go to our most ardent critics and whatever they say we are/aren't going to do, the opposite is what we actually will/won't do. Because if they are one thing it's consistently wrong :D

2. The code for handling uniforms in CMBN 2.0 is the same that's in CMFI right now. As Normal Dude said, the differences are in application of that code. It just so happened that Normandy had a lot more uniform variations compared to the Sicily timeframe. But with Gustav, the number of uniform variations is greater than that of CMBN.

3. Correct, "movie mode" is the new lighting option. I probably shouldn't call it that because it does sound like something it isn't. I also have to stop calling it "Arnhem" because we're calling it "Market Garden". Development names die hard amongst people who work on the projects.

4. Timeframe for Market Garden's release has yet to be determined. All I can say is it is in an advanced stage already. Testers have had an early version for a couple of weeks now. Now that Gustav is largely done we'll accelerate development and testing.

5. Correct that timeframes for unit purchases is never an issue. For example, Commonwealth Module came out and the units in it are useable for the same time period as the Base Game's units. Same thing for Market Garden where applicable. For example, a vehicle that is only available starting in September would still only be available for September, not June. But for something like the M51 Quad 50 or SdKfz 7/2... sure, they will be available from June on.

In fact, we made some code changes so that they are purchasable "inside" standard Base Game TO&E. For example, the Germans have AAA Platoons attached to many Battalion level formations that you guys have been using since the first release. After installing Market Garden you will notice that those formations now have AAA Platoons. If you don't buy Market Garden you won't see them. This means better historical accuracy and yet no worries about having to purchase the Normandy version of a PzGren Battalion vs. the Market Garden type. It's just one type with options depending on what you have installed. Pretty seamless.


Does (4) mean that Gustav Line is now "imminent. Hint mode shamelessly switched back on again? :D

Presume Market Garden will be covering earl battles for the Siegfried Line incouding Aachen and earlier phases of the Hurtgen Forest campaign meaning we will see theSeptember 1944 Panzer Brigades and the first Volksgrenadiers,

If so maybe "Siegfried ine" miggt be a better and more accurate title. Just a thought.

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If so maybe "Siegfried ine" miggt be a better and more accurate title. Just a thought.

It would, but Market-Garden is a more recognizable, and therefore marketable, title. No doubt after some of their early naming debacles BFC is now running prospective titles past focus groups.



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but Market-Garden is a more recognizable, and therefore marketable, title

I've been lobbying for them to go the 'movie route' and simply use non sequitur names. Like 'Cloverfield' of 'Prometeus'. Wouldn't you buy a combat sim named "Bag-o-walnuts" or "Screwdriver"? Isn't that pretty much what they did naming 'HALO'? :D;)

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This may not be the right thread where ask this question, but I'll try anyway.

So, I've recently moved to a new apt and don't have internet connection yet (or rather, I do have a crappy wireless connection that will take days to download anything bigger than 2mb). When GL will come out can I purchase and download it with my work computer, save the file on a pen drive, and install it on my home computer?

Thanks for the answers!


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can I purchase and download it with my work computer, save the file on a pen drive, and install it on my home computer?

That's how I did it for years. You do have to jump through a few extra hoops getting the game registered offline (more shuttling back and forth to work). The sticking point might be the installer size. I haven't seen it but it might be big, 2 gigs kind'a big. Unless they can magically boil it down to a smaller package. So just make sure your drive has the carrying capacity. I recall awhile ago Moon suggested that direct downloaders back up their game on a cheap portable drive just in case.

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That's how I did it for years. You do have to jump through a few extra hoops getting the game registered offline (more shuttling back and forth to work).

Thanks for the answer. For online registration I imagine that the crappy connection I have right now should be enough... is really that much data that need to be sent/received? (I was a little exagerationg when I said about the 2mb, still it won't be able to download the full 2gb expansion).

Thanks again

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I don't know what the final size of Gustav will be, but you can purchase 4GB thumb drives for peanuts these days. If you have SOME connection to the internet at home then you can register online from there after installing. Piece of cake. As MikeyD said it only gets annoying when you have to register without any internet connection at all.

Details about the contents of Market Garden will be released soon after Gustav Line is shipping. And no, it won't be a long wait :D But know that the Market Garden Module is focused on that and not on other parts of the front, though it is possible to simulate a lot of it (especially if you have Commonwealth Module).


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