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Quick Battle Maps in Combat Mission Fortress Italy

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You will see no more sdp ITA QB maps for the Italian Theatre in CMBN... but an awful lot of them in Fortress Italy!


Giving You a taste of the assortment of QB maps that ships with CMFI - QB maps that range from tiny maps for encounters in small towns crammed on the Sicilian hilltops to vast open maps for long range duels.


Some 200 QB maps are included in the initial release of CMFI, with a special focus on tiny and small maps for those really up-n-close quick battles!


It's been a privilege putting together these QBs - and so much faster and less work with the new editor. The changes to the editor in the 2.0 upgrade may seem small, but they make an enormous difference to the scenario/map maker!


You can expect the QB maps to have AI plans for both sides - 3 plans for each side. And each plan has 2-4, sometimes even more, AI groups - which should offer an interesting challenge to both beginners and experienced players.

Oh, and the QB maps have been tested in both day and nighttime conditions! ;-)




- and yes, this is the reason why I have been absent from the forums... ;-)

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sdp, I'm very glad to hear BFC asked you to contribute maps for CMFI. I have enjoyed your Italian Campaign Mod for almost a year, and the Italy map packs you did for CMBN are superb...I'm playing SP QB on one now. I was wondering how/if I could import them to CMFI. No worries now!


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- and yes, this is the reason why I have been absent from the forums... ;-)

Obviously this is the least that BFC chosen you to try the map editor, whereas you had cut them, grass under the feet when you released your own mod italy campaign!

For what I've seen your building mods are very good for Italy, and I hope we can implement them in CMFI!

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Gorgeous maps. It really has come a long way since CMx1.

+1 to MarkEzra getting such fantastic help on this and hearing sdp say how much faster and easier it was bodes well for lots more community contribution than BN has inspired, thusfar.

One thing there- As was pointed out to me recently we rave a LOT about modders (Aris, Mord, Juju etc) but rarely give the scenario makers their due (and I am at least as guilty of this as anyone else if not more). Part of the inspiration to the community comes from our feedback. Scenario creation is hard- really hard. No offense to the modders you know I love your stuff, but it is one thing to create a fixed item that the player can not really do anything but look at and admire. It is quite another to create something that requires you try and get in the players head to create something that will at least give the perception of interacting with them.

I am slowly learning just how hard it is to create a scenario for the single player that will take into account the difference between RT and WeGO, differing playstyles and experience/skill levels etc All too often our feedback is limited to what we personally feel about a scenario and does not take into account that how I may play it is totally different than what someone else does and my tweak could make it completely unplayable by another.

Worse- we often give no feedback at all so folks have no idea if we even liked it. I have heard the suggestion before that BF have something on the site that could provide for more rating of scenarios. I am on the fence on that one, but there is a comments section in the repository - leave some feedback. Folks would really appreciate it and it may just help encourage them to do more with a better idea of what it is we like and don't like.

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Not seeing much cover in these screenies. Tricky to advance w/infantry. Lots of hull down possibilities, however.

I think LLF had posted a comment suggesting folks pay attention to adding gullies etc on maps. Depending on the terrain used for those that could either mean slow, but covered movement or a rapid avenue into your flank. IIRC correctly the Germans at Campoleone Salient, Anzio were able to make quite good use of that type of feature for infiltration. How much they are used in Sicily I don't honestly know.

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I dont know about you but I think I will miss the bocage. I feel that in CMBN engine there are no strongholds for defending infantry, a secure place where your men can take cover and apply firepower effectively. Walls dont provide enough protection, woods feel very random and transparent, buildings seem paper thin and sometimes a death trap. Bocage was ideal for infantry battles, the leap froging one step at a time thing, kinda like the woods in old CMx1.

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I know. Infantry have a hard enough time as it is already in CMBN. It looks like CMFI will be even more armor oriented. And artillery, with the cleaner lines of sight for spotting.

I will buy CMFI but I expect I will continue to spend most of my time with CMBN.

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Infantry have a hard enough time as it is already in CMBN. It looks like CMFI will be even more armor oriented. And artillery, with the cleaner lines of sight for spotting.

Yes, it seems that attacking with infantry will prove a challenge for the Allies in FI. Naval fire save their butts several times, e.g., Gela. My issue with the bocage is it's so damn intricate; getting lines of fire, scouting, searching for gaps, etc. It's got to be a difficult theater to simulate but BF did a bang up job, imo. A universe away from CMBO.

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Not seeing much cover in these screenies.

I doubt this'll be much an issue for CMSF veterans. Nothing says 'lack of cover' quite like barren Syrian desert, especially when you're facing an ATGM crew with a 3000m range. Sicily looks downright lush in comparison! ;)

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I doubt this'll be much an issue for CMSF veterans. Nothing says 'lack of cover' quite like barren Syrian desert, especially when you're facing an ATGM crew with a 3000m range. Sicily looks downright lush in comparison! ;)

Is that like "It was this way in CMSF (only worse)"?

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