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AAR-AXIS - Clearing the Niscemi Highway

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I think the Grille is a close contender though. That thing makes BIG BOOMS. Both when it shoots and when it gets hit! An utter terror if it gets a chance to shoot at infantry safely. I said earlier that it explodey'd its way into my heart.

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LoL, I am going to be playing CMAK tonight cause when I load up CMBN there won't be any Italians!!!! The terrain here kind of reminds me of CMSF, higher quality, but the area is much closer then NW Europe of course. This is my must buy game of the year already, and CMSF:2 is on the way as well. Oh happy days!

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Hey guys, I apologize for not getting this started yet. Had a storm blow my power out day before yesterday (well me and 180,000 of my closest friends) and it didn't come back on until the middle of the night, and yesterday I had to say goodbye to my dog and best friend of 15 years (man that was hard), so was not in any mood for this AAR.

I plan to get a turn (maybe two) up tonight.


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Hey guys, I apologize for not getting this started yet. Had a storm blow my power out day before yesterday (well me and 180,000 of my closest friends) and it didn't come back on until the middle of the night, and yesterday I had to say goodbye to my dog and best friend of 15 years (man that was hard), so was not in any mood for this AAR.

I plan to get a turn (maybe two) up tonight.


Wow! A twofer.

Sorry to hear it. A pet can be like losing a family member.

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Hey guys, I apologize for not getting this started yet. Had a storm blow my power out day before yesterday (well me and 180,000 of my closest friends) and it didn't come back on until the middle of the night, and yesterday I had to say goodbye to my dog and best friend of 15 years (man that was hard), so was not in any mood for this AAR.

I plan to get a turn (maybe two) up tonight.


Looking forward to the AAR, just don't forget your other work;)

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Hey guys, I apologize for not getting this started yet. Had a storm blow my power out day before yesterday (well me and 180,000 of my closest friends) and it didn't come back on until the middle of the night, and yesterday I had to say goodbye to my dog and best friend of 15 years (man that was hard), so was not in any mood for this AAR.

I plan to get a turn (maybe two) up tonight.


Let me get this straight. You are apologizing for a power outage and dealing with the passing of your dog? I know we can be a tough crowd at times but we aren't THAT mean. Heck with the AAR, take the time man.

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Let me get this straight. You are apologizing for a power outage and dealing with the passing of your dog? I know we can be a tough crowd at times but we aren't THAT mean. Heck with the AAR, take the time man.

I'll second that... I don't know you personally but I know what it is like to lose a beloved pet, hang in there brother.

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The First Minute

Not a lot of action this first turn, I will give more description of the action in the second turn. I wanted to start by showing the make up of a Bersaglieri Squad. In this image you can see that a Bersaglieri Squad is made up of a 5 man HQ element and a 10 man squad. This 10 man squad is not able to break down into teams.


In the first minute I stupidly drove a truck full of infantry right into the sights of the American's damned HMG located in the villa. The result was several holes in the truck, and one casualty from the squad.

First blood to Abnormal Dude.

This image shows my team scampering out of the truck and seeking safety. I should have stopped them behind the bend a little further back.. but I was curious if Normal Dude's troops could reach out this far.. well, I got my answer didn't I? Good news is that the truck is still drivable.


Finally I wanted to show a comparison between a texture with and without the shader in the game. Look at the detail of the truck in the top image, and then the lack of it in the bottom. Frame-rate difference is negligible.. in fact in these screen captures the Shader On image had a slightly faster frame-rate, but your mileage may vary.


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Couple observations...

Texture shader looks very cool. Really makes the details pop when you compare.

Uniforms are really nice as well.

I see the the Bersaglieri have that feathery thing sticking off their helmets...that's a first...bodes well for the future of having camo stuff stuck to helmets.

I also caught that the Bersaglieri suffer from "Syrian, player can't split you" syndrome. That's gonna probably cause a ruckus. I never understood why we couldn't split the regular Syrians and probably won't understand this...I know it's a "doctrine" thing but...you know, it's a game too.


P.S. Sorry for all your bad news, man...hope things get better for you.

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The Second Minute

At the end of the last turn I had spotted an unidentified infantry (see the new icon?, this represents an unidentified infantry unit). My lead tank I ordered to stop and Fire Briefly at this units location. Notice that 21 seconds remain on the Target Briefly clock.


On my right side my tanks will continue to provide suppression fire on anything they see on The Orchard objective and to move down and scout the treeline straight ahead.


On my left a Bersaglieri squad advances into a treeline to take up an overwatch position over the objective.


On my left I am starting to form my assault on the Orchard objective with a three sided assault. Hopefully I can catch whatever U.S. unit is there before they can un-ass the area.


Stay tuned it will get very exciting very soon.


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My instant thought upon looking at the screenies of those huge Italian 10 man rifle sections is that every single moment they aren't actually moving and are outside hand grenade range, those boys ought to be Hiding. Otherwise, they're going to get picked off like flies by the Americano automatics and be near useless as a combat unit by the time they get to grips! There's just too much human flesh packed into a small area, and that's the only workaround I can think of.

My other thought is: Sicily is a lot more arid than Normandy and wouldn't support large girth tree trunks. And most trees that did reach that size would also tend to get cut down by the voracious population: hint, there's a good reason so much of the US Italian population hails from Sicily and Calabria). North Americans: think Texas chapparal. Is there any way for Charles to tweak the wireframe? You can leave the foliage as is (modders will take care of that). Even better would be to have 2 smaller sized deciduous trees (e.g. the olive tree from CMSF) instead of 2 big ones. Map designers: use those big trees sparingly! Oh, and note the gullies (i.e. sharp folds in terrain that provide great cover for all those poor Italian kids in their stifling parade uniforms). Gullies gullies gullies.


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Could it be possible to maintain, on tactical views, a similar direction? That is looking toward the enemy lines with eventually an arrow sighted on a know landmark (Villa Castalletti). That way we won’t make a wrong interpretation of the shot.

That is relevant for other AAR.

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