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Monty's Mighty Moustache

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  1. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    One more caveat: 
    A big difference in American politics now from even 7 years ago is that there is a lot of actual intimidation going on on the Republican side. GOP pols get swatted (i.e. have bogus hostage/shooting calls made to police with their address), their kids get targeted online, they deal with waves of threatening emails, calls and texts if they publicly break with Trump. Nikki Haley was swatted in December at her home and just applied for Secret Service protection because of the unrelenting and violent comms she gets. When 20 GOP Senators who would have killed for this border bill in 2015 run cowering from it, it's not because they suddenly had a change of heart. They were scared off it for both political and personal reasons. 
    One of America's parties has entered a very dark phase and it's not going to get better unless they lose and keep losing.
  2. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to A Canadian Cat in The year to come - 2024 (Part 2)   
    I am a coder and 64 bit would be the default for new development. The reason to do 32 bit work would be to support something legacy - either your own code or some specialized library or something.
    Yes, more working memory would lead to the ability to support larger maps, more forces. In the modern context more memory available for a 64 big application is somewhat decoupled from graphics performance since that would be handled by the GPU. However CM has traditionally used a lot of CPU power for CM specific work so it is unclear how this would play out in a new architecture. At the time the old engine was made GPUs were not as advanced and BFC wanted to make sure the game could be played without top end GPUs. I imagine the considerations will be different now but how that actually plays out in the design I have no idea. I am not a game developer so I lack any insight in how those choices are / could be made in a modern context. 
  3. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I afraid, nobody can say real reasons. Zelenskiy said "I'm thinking about rotation of high military command and not only military leaders, we need to give new pulse to leadership of country. We can't despair, can't give up. We should push everybody in one direction". 
    The minister of vetaran affairs resigned today.
    There are rumors that Zelenskiy is going to substitute also chief of General Staff general-lieutenant Serhiy Shaptala.
    But who can sit oт their places? President's Office (Yermak) is allegedly searching candidatures, but... who dares to take huge responsibility on this duty? Rumors say Sysrskiy and Budanov as most loyal to president rejected to be on the place of Zaluzhnyi and even stood for Zaluzhyi has to remain on own duty. But probably Zelenskiy is very dissapointed by summer campaign results and those who planned this operation - both Shaptala and Zaluzhnyi now should be "punished", especially after Zaluzhnyi in straight way told about "dead end" of war, which can be resolved onlt by significant technological superiruty, and criticized political leadership that they didn't do anything to encourage citizens go to army.
    Among soldiers Zaluzhnyi also slightly lost own popularity. Despite he continuously talks that stupid Soviet way of army managment and bureaucracy is almost gone, but soldiers say Soveit marasmus in army is growing month by month. Of course this is mostly work of MoD, not of Chief-in-Command or General Staff, but private Mykola see around the same "sovok" and naturaly blame all top-brass including Zaluzhnyi too.
    So, if Zaluzhnyi resigned (and this will be terrible mistake of Zelenskiy), I doubt we will see "march on Kyiv". Troops just accepted new chief and will do own work   
  4. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think this is an extension of the whole Zelensky/Zaluzny thing.  Politically towns and cities matter very much.  Militarily the answer is far less cut and dry. 
    Looking on the map:

    Adiivka has next to zero operational value.  It is stubborn salient that the RA is breaking a division upon - that is its military value.  If Adiivka falls it means next to nothing unless this is somehow the lynchpin of the entire UA defence in this sector - which we know it is not.  No natural obstacles, no transport infra implications.  Any core resources or communications tech centered on Adiivka?
    This whole "not one step back" plays well to the public but in reality land war is a lot of trading ground for options.  And right now the RA is not buying anymore options through this whole exercise. 
    "But if we lose it, we will just have to take it back."  Well true, but if the RA breaks another division there, perhaps it might be much easier to take back afterwards?  And frankly this whole sector is an offensive nightmare - you take back Adiivka...so what?  Next stop is an urban hell called Donetsk.  This is a side show the RA is being pushed into politically and blowing itself all to hell over.  So Ukraine should keep it just as long as it keep delivering 10:1 loss ratios for the RA.  After that pull back and find another Bakhmut/Aviidka and let the RA smash itself to pieces.
    As to Bradleys and Abrahams - sure keep them coming but they are not what this fight will ride on.  C4ISR, unmanned, infantry and guns - get those right and then if there is room on the plane, load a Bradley.
    The RA is not some bottomless behemoth.  It is a mess of a military that is playing chicken with itself.  Eventually it will lose.
  5. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    There are several layers to it. In crude terms, it's that Zalushny has a different vision going forward for how to fight the war that includes, inter alia, very large mobilization and an emphasis on drone warfare. He also feels quite comfortable talking outside the chain of command and in public to attempt to make his vision of the war apply going forward. Zelensky has what could be described as a more political take on the war but really it seems like the biggest issue is that he believes that the civilian primacy over the Ukrainian commander should be complete. It should not be a competition, whatever tensions may exist within the relationship and Zaluzhny has to some degree made it one...even if with pretty good intentions. 
    I tend to agree with Zalushny's assessment in military terms but I think in the long run Zelensky has the right of it. If Ukraine is really going to reject the "Eurasian" model Putin sells than it has to fully buy into elected, civilian control of the security services writ large.
    My 2 hryvnia. 
  6. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to holoween in Attack Lanes   
    The tropps from position 1 are not in a position to threaten my flank. They can reinforce the other positions, move to the objective or stay put. If they tey to flank they run right into my fire support. If they reinforce the other positions they fight where i want to fight and so can concentrate my fire and that is if they arrive in time. If they move to the objective ivcan defeat tem in detail. if they stay put i dont even need to fight them.
    Now this approach requires good terrain analysis or it will become difficult.
    If the enemy deploys vastly different he isnt conforming to the terrain and simply wont be much of a challenge to defeat.
    Id also challenge the idea that there is less freedom to manouver with my approach. I have an uncomitted platoon so i can react while broad front approach may find itself engaged everywhere at the same time. That might work in its favour if you have a massive firepower advantedge but id rather not count on that.
  7. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Lieutenant Ash in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    Charge of the comets (my new wallpaper).

  8. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to MeatEtr in CM Final Blitzkrieg Tournament   
    No its not, its part of the game. Opposing forces quite often fire on one another without seeing each other. Often referred to as suppressive or harassing fire. Although it does give the player an advantage vs the AI since the AI doesnt do this.
    But if you dont like area targeting thats fine too, find an opponent that will play by this odd rule. Just dont expect something like this in any tourney.
  9. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Vet 0369 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Welll, unless they’ve also put in place a comprehensive method of eliminating said drones if they violate the “drone no fly zone,” it isn’t worth the paper it’s written on, because, criminals being criminals, couldn’t care less if it’s illegal! It only affects law abiding individuals.
  10. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Mr.X in Locking my BattlePack topic   
    This will be my last comment on this topic:
    1. I will not defend myself against accusations that are absolutely grotesque. What do you think? That I am selling Battlefront products illegally via their official forum? To earn what? 150 Dollars ? 😂
    2. I have invested a lot of time to create such a huge BattlePack. It was primarily for my personal pleasure. Why did I invest so much time ? I don’t normally post any personal backgrounds, but in this context let me give a short explanation: 
    After working in Level A hospitals for 15 years, during the last year I was member of a medical intervention team. My job is to wait for emergency calls. Sometimes there isn‘t any of these so that you are waiting for endless hours. During this time, I am payed AND I can do what I like: sleeping, reading books or watching TV … or doing some PC game stuff like CM. For example: some month ago, last September I started my day and we had to resuscitate a three year old boy who had a cardiac arrest when suddenly stop breathing while he was sleeping. His diagnosis was a huge brain tumor and he passed away some weeks later. Some hours later, I had to open the chest of a 24 year old girl in the ditch who was trapped under her own car. 
    Between these two rescue missions, I created CM stuff, as a form of relaxation. 
    3. Of course, if one creates such stuff, it is nice to share the result with a community like in this forum. I did contact Battlefront in order to get (may be) some logistical support (especially for playtesting) and to offer them to use my work for their own - without any financial interest !!! I thought there was some enthusiasm there for such projects, but this idea was completely naiv. Did I care about that? No, I didn‘t. I continued with my project because it was my own pleasure.
    4. Why did I go the way of „pre-ordering“? Sometimes, if you make content and it is placed on an uploading platform, it feels as if your content is swallowed by a kind of blackwhole. So, I have decided to make it this way, in a more personal form. When the content is ready, I will send it to all the guys who like to get it. Nothing more…no payment, no abuse of mail-adresses, only some harmless files of a OC game.
    5. My personal happiness does not depend on such game stuff. I have enough real life, children etc.
    If players like the content, it will be a pleasure for me. If they don’t like it, it is absolutely ok. And even if my computer should crash and all my stuff was destroyed - so what. It is only a hobby, little fun, nothing more. 
  11. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Bearstronaut in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    My background is Korean Peninsula analysis and I speak the language but I haven't really focused on North Korea professionally for a few years. That being said, I do try and keep up on news even if not to the level I used to. 
    The timing seems off. If he waits a year it is possible that he may have his buddy Donny Trump back in the White House. Trump has repeatedly expressed his opposition to the entire notion of USFK and I suspect he would try to withdraw all our forces from there if he wins the election. 
    Additionally, South Korea is going through a truly unprecedented demographic crisis. Their birth-rate is something like 0.78 kids per woman. That is existentially bad for society in general but also catastrophic for a nation that relies on universal conscription for its national security. If Kim waits even five years before making a move the ROKA will have a massive problem fielding enough soldiers to effectively fight the KPA. 
    KJU is a relatively young (if unhealthy) man and he has time if he is truly dead set on re-uniting Korea by force. I think trying something now would be extremely foolish. 
  12. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Beleg85 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yes , but how that benefits Ukraine? Russia may buckle down in timespan of 5-10 years, but it will be enough to wear down its enemy before that time. Also Russia was never meant to be compoletelly isolated...one can see at Africa and Middle East, they don't seem to shrink their presence and have some undisputed successes, like pushing Frenchmen out of some African states. Hopefully temporarly; but it is sure entire world does not see Russia as a dead horse as we would like.
    About US really exerting power we need to wait till elections...it seems for now it is USA that is much more undecided than Russia, with current champion for th seat calling Putin his buddy and that he will end war in 24h. Now it's Trump, so his hands may end in very different place than his mouth was, but who will sit in White House it will be deciding point of 2024 and likely this war. It is UA who is on trajectory for dramatically shrinked options in this phase rather than RU (unless muscovite economy is so bad it will somehow collapse earlier). If UA get lucky, they will play into another round and then perhaps Russia will face their own phase of doom and gloom.
    On other side, they did arguably replugged what they could quite effectively regarding industry and bypassed sanctions wherever they could (Kazaklhstan noted something like 1000% yearly growth more in certain business areas). It can be argued that defeats already gave Russian military impulses for change in certain fields- namely, precision fires and specifically drones- that were unthinkable before 2022. Electronic Warfare is for example still their trump card and they produce enough missiles to sustain another air campaign (if it is really directed at achieving most effects is another matter).
    There are pros and cons; I personally don't think we have enough non-anecdotal evidence to claim who is militarly on winning curve right now.
    Well, this we actually know..."if it doesn't quacks like duck, doesn't walks like duck it probably simply isn't a duck ... If there would be massive examples of disobey, civil unrest and other signs of visible opposition for this war- we would surely see them by now. Several actions of extremelly few brave souls are noble, but don't change overal trajectory.
    Well sure some sanctions are better than no sanctions, there is probably nobody here arguing that. It is also difficult to say if even in ideal world, with hardest, longest economcial stick from enraged West Russia could be isolated- world is simply to connected for it. But on other side, hoping sanctions and Russians  do something is not viable long-term strategy for victory. And certainly not the one that can be sold to keep Ukraine in game; a country that already face massive mobiliziation/morale problems at least as severe as Russian ones. Keeping national morale in Ukraine at stable level will likely be one of points of this game in 2024.
    Exactly, also my talking point in this debates for something like last 1500 pages. That is why Prigozhin march was for population like watching two pokemons fighting on limited arena, not some existential thing like Russia suddenly breaking (even civil war) or even more phantstically, partitioning itself into regions, like some in western Hemisphere (and silently even some Ukrainians) seemed to expect. Nothing of this sort happened even around Wagner disobedience.
    By means of "grudging, cursing and complaining" I meaned "social glue" and common human interactions that are thriving on it in Russia; yes, West managed to turn them into political arguments and ultimatelly define rules of civil society to tame them. It internalized, destilled and crucially politicized quarells as packages of issues (we call them ideas or values) to deal with in civilized way and go on. This is very different than post-Soviet way of complaining as social activity for sake of itself. And the latter one can be misleading for untrained eyes.
    Ok, this is direction of this debate that ges nowhere- I was never sold for this "clueless Westerners and cassandric Eastern Europeans" narration nor propagated it here by any post; in fact I made several times a talking point we have in PL limited view of this conflict due to lack of nuclear perspective, like USA/Russia has. *
    That being said- popular perception is what rules populations, and politians must hear their voters in long term. So about Russian will to continue war: yes, I think overal Western European public seriously underestimate role of certain areas of Russian psyche, while skipping over others. We literally observe how stereotypes are proven real on our eyes- Russians are throwing their males into meatgrinder with zeal that (most of) us would think impossible after WWII, without major sign of collapse, and seem to like it, or at the most- shrugg their shoulders. I tend to do a roundup over Russian infosphere  (pro-Z, "opposition" and most important one- people following nachuism- i.e. not caring about it at all) every month or so in more details, and sadly don't there any visible signs of breaking or serious discontent. Even smallest, frankly. Yeah, they complain that winter is harsh, eggs are pricely and officials are corrupt; but so what?
    I mean, comme on- after two years they still take actual volunteers into Storm-Z detachments, where chances of survival are like playing (nomen omen) Russian rulette with single-shot breechloader. Nobody will convince me this is normal in non-existential, non-religious war, that has all its cruelties streamlined online like if dozen Hannibal Lecters would suddenly open own legal YT channels. And yet, they go.
    * Btw. I am not Eastern European. I am Central one- that was formated by Latin culture and republicanism, very distinct from mix of orthodoxy and despotism that influenced (or was imposed on) terrains of modern Belarus, partly Ukraine and Balts...and Russia itself- the region we can correctly call Eastern Europe. This is common habit of throwing everyone east of Oder river into one sack "former Warsaw Pact". But historically, it isn't real.
    That is good example of beformentioned misunderstanding...how many Russians not directly involved in war actually flew from windows (or met their deaths) since 2022? One dozen? Maybe two? Somebody important- an oligarch, his mistress or son? A politician perhaps? Nope. In Russian terms-often expressed in fears of real persecutions burned in their collective psyche by generations, with hot iron- Putin is still benevolent and very rational leader. It is his greatest claim to authority and fame; that is one of reasons he avoided mobilziation and wide repercussions for so long time, apart from material factors of course.
    I didn't see yet any data regarding their spending on internal security alone...it is interesting issue we didn't discussed here, btw.
    Oh, 100% agree it is not. But before it realizes it is in dark s..thole (and cause of whom), a lot of water in Volga will need to pass, like some old Russian writer told. Btw.- take adjustment on sheer size of this country; any social processess there takes very slow turn. UA doesn't have such comfort.
    Yup, we - or rather Ukraine- are in clinch phase of conflict, at least till late spring. I am not at all in "doom and gloom" camp here, but frankly I am very concern by Kremlin's reading of events and overall attitudes in second half of 2023; they visibly managed to catch breath from something looking like deathspirall. Even Putin seems to be more and more frank with its population, calling SMO war pretty freely and admitting it will take at least 2-3 years of slaughter until West "come to its senses".
    Anwyay, we will see. Both camps here are watching into tealeaves at the moment and hoping.
  13. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to chrisl in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Many years ago I worked on a space mission concept that was doing super high precision astrometry, that is, measurement of precisely where all the stars in the sky are and where they're going (because they're moving and we can measure sensitively enough to care).  It was science driven, but the Navy was working on a competing concept and I had to think for a while about why.  But it was a little after Gulf War 1, with all the precision bombing, and when I did the math on mapping the precision back to a sphere the size of the earth, it amounted to being able to aim not at a door (as they did in GW1, mostly with laser target painting), but at the doorknob using mapping and nav without needing a SOF guy with a laser.  And that was decades ago.
    ISR+massed precision == just don't even try it
    All of this is within the capability of existing technology.  Aircraft systems have been doing essentially this for kind of a long time (see above) with less compact equipment.  You can put a little LIDAR rangefinder on a rifle or a drone and couple it to precision GPS and compass.  The thing that makes your phone big is the need for you to see it and manipulate things on it with your fat fingers.  The size limiter on your proposal is probably the GPS antenna (small) and the laser optics (small).  It probably all exists in prototype somewhere, maybe linked to a VR goggle set that's linked to a local server so a whole squad or platoon can spread out and have borg spotting that's delivered to each other and the rear echelon with the action-at-a-long-distance stuff.
    (ETA: you're not just coupling the GPS+compass to other hardware, but also to a detailed GIS model of the area that's enabled by the massive ISR cloud watching the whole thing)
  14. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Ultradave in Is CMBS dead?   
    Get the whole FI package when you do. There's a LOT of variety in forces and equipment in, especially in the DLCs, and some great scenarios all around. It's a very different experience from the hedgerows and the steppes!
  15. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    UKR M1A1 Abrams with ARAT ERA kit

  16. Upvote
    Monty's Mighty Moustache got a reaction from sttp in Pre-orders for the CMFB module Download are now open   
    For the record I tried to play your Blue Hills scenario in FB as PBEM and whilst it was an interesting scenario it was unplayable due to performance issues, and whilst I don't have a top end PC it's no slouch. We had to abandon the game not long after starting as my oppo was having issues too.
    So perhaps it was a conscious choice by the designer? To simply label them lazy is very judgemental, Walt Whitman would not be impressed
  17. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Aragorn2002 in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    Yeah, that will teach them a lesson. 😄
    Here's a thought. After BF has finally closed business (and long mey they rule), NO ONE will ever produce this kind of complicated and labour intensive wargames anymore. So let's praise ourselves lucky we've already got his much.
  18. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The Russians Around Krynky Counted On Storm-Z Units To Absorb Ukrainian Fire. But Now The Storm-Z Troops Are All Dead. (msn.com)
    Wonder if that is the new Russian Army slogan - "be the meat".
  19. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Seedorf81 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I always wondered why armies didn't use old(er) people. (Except for the German Volkssturm in ww2, of course.) Not frontline troops, that's a no brainer, but driving ambulances or trucks, for instance. Doing repair stuff and doing maintenance, cooking and cleaning. Communications and what not. All the jobs that older persons (yes, also women) can do, and that will free younger people up to do the frontline fighting.
    Since Ukraine is struggling with manpower, why not using fifty or sixty-year old (or older, even) men and women to fly drones? I know, a lot of older people are not good with modern technology, but a: there are loads and loads of old people (I'm 61, by the way), b: at least a part of them could learn how to use drones and c: they're more expendable than young people, future-wise. (I know, dubious argument for some, but still valid.) And d: because they already live on a pension, you don't even have to pay 'm much!
    I'm serious. For flying a drone you do not have to be physically superfit, you need to be smart. And some old people are smart. Shouldn't be too difficult to find 5000 clever pensioners, would it?
  20. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache got a reaction from FlatEric999 in Pre-orders for the CMFB module Download are now open   
    My computer was only one year old when I tried to play it, so it was not old by any means at the time. The point of my post was not to criticise, merely to point out that calling someone lazy when you don't know what decisions were made for the FR scenario and why is probably a bit harsh.
    I may return to the Blue Hills once the performance improvements come in Engine 5, it was an enjoyable scenario when it ran.
  21. Upvote
    Monty's Mighty Moustache got a reaction from AlexUK in Pre-orders for the CMFB module Download are now open   
    For the record I tried to play your Blue Hills scenario in FB as PBEM and whilst it was an interesting scenario it was unplayable due to performance issues, and whilst I don't have a top end PC it's no slouch. We had to abandon the game not long after starting as my oppo was having issues too.
    So perhaps it was a conscious choice by the designer? To simply label them lazy is very judgemental, Walt Whitman would not be impressed
  22. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Ithikial_AU in The year to come - 2024 (Part 1)   
    Thanks. More than 70km2 of maps to fight over in this Battle Pack. I'm still creating two more smaller maps for two scenarios. Using a lot of BIGOT maps from 1944 and aerial photos for reference. Some master maps will have variants that will also be provided with the historical German Fortifications placed and ready to go. (<-- That took a while...)
    As per last year's bones on the pack, geographically the fighting is focused on the Utah Beach area itself and the area heading south towards and beyond Carentan. All scenarios/campaigns occur between 00:05 hours on 6th of June through to the evening of the 13th of June. Don't expect all of them to be brutal slog fests, particularly the D-Day ones where the Allies at times had significant advantages. I'm going for more of a focus on narrative and experiencing that first week coming off Utah Beach rather than slug fests designed for competitive tournament play. (Master Maps are there if you want to create your own matches though). If you play the pack chronologically and come out the other end content and with a greater appreciation of the challenges the forces faced, then I've done my job.  
    The content in this part of the Normandy theatre, though popular, couldn't be created by BF as part of the CMBN base game given the absence of Fallschirmjager and Waffen SS forces in the WW2 titles at the time.
  23. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ok so let's end all this horsesh#t.  The great thing about the US is that they put everything out to the public.  No other nation on earth is as transparent.  So here is what Miller actually said:
    First as to "no more money"
    "QUESTION: Thank you. Let’s discuss Ukraine a little bit. How long will the latest package that you guys have sent already in December will give operations until they run out of funding again?
    MR MILLER: I will let Ukraine speak to that because that pertains to – and my colleagues at the Pentagon may have some additional insight to offer on this. But ultimately, that’s a question to Ukraine to speak to because it goes to their rate of expenditure and other really military questions.
    But I will say that we do need Congress to act. We are out of funding here. We know that we need to continue to support Ukraine. They need – they rely on this assistance. They rely on it to continue to fight what is a brutal Russian assault that continues, even over the – that continues every day. And so it’s important for Congress to act to continue to fund this democracy that is continuing to defend itself."
    That is all about pushing Congress to act.  Inside DC baseball, not a US intent to cut off all funding.
    As to current state of the war:
    "QUESTION: And would you say that, given the latest developments, that the war is turning in Russia’s favor?
    MR MILLER: No, I wouldn’t say that at all. I think people forget oftentimes the actual stakes of this war and what Vladimir Putin’s actual goal was, and what Ukraine has actually achieved and what it continues to achieve. Remember that Putin launched this as a war of total conquest where he wanted to take over Ukraine. He wanted to throw the government out of power. He wanted to subsume Ukraine inside Russia. Not only was Ukraine able to prevent that from happening, which everyone sort of takes for granted now but it was very not – it was very much not a settled question at the start of this war – they have managed to retake around half of the territory that Russia seized in the opening weeks of the war.
    And even in the past few weeks, they continue to make battlefield gains. Remember the – over the last summer we were talking about the difficulty when Russia pulled out of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, and it looked like Ukraine wasn’t going to be able to continue to export grain. Well, because of advances that Ukraine made to open a Black Sea lane and expel the Russian fleet from certain parts of the Black Sea, they are now able to continue to export grain, which is critical to their economy.
    So there are going to be battlefield developments back and forth, where you see each side gaining or losing territory. But when you look at the ultimate stakes of this war, it’s quite clear that Ukraine is going to exit this war independent, strong, with an improved economy, and looking west when what Russia wanted at the outset was not just a Ukraine that was looking east but Ukraine that was actually part of Russia."
    Boy this sounds familiar...because some on this thread have been saying it all along.
    And as to the statement that has some people running around like the panicky idiot in a bad plane crash movie:
    "QUESTION: As long as it takes?
    MR MILLER: As long as it takes. That does not mean that we are going to continue to support them at the same level of military funding that we did in 2022 and 2023. We don’t think that should be necessary because the goal is to ultimately transition Ukraine – to use the language that you repeated back – to stand on its own feet and to help Ukraine build its own industrial base and its own military industrial base so it can both finance and build and acquire munitions on its own. But we are not there yet, and that is why it is so critical that Congress pass the supplemental funding bill, because we are not yet at the point where Ukraine can defend itself just based on its own. And it’s why that it continues to be important for Congress to support Ukraine and continues to be important for our European allies and others throughout the world to support Ukraine."
    From a State Dept talking head no less.
    Oh, ya that totally says that "Ukraine is totally cut off and will have to build its own tanks from here on out."  You know we should totally freak out now and point to every Russian leg twitch as a major victory, while screaming "Ukraine is doomed!!" From the heights of the thread.
    So "yes" I am saying the US will backstop a Ukrainian MIC as it plans for a transition away from tactical handouts to long term strategic sustainment...just like they did in South Korea.  But hey you wanna be "soundbite panic guy" on the thread, go right ahead.  
  24. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Tux in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The generous response to this would be 'you are reading too much into the article - that's not what it says'.  In the UK we have a less generous, single-word response that I think is probably more appropriate, though.
    Fixed that for you.
    You do seem to spend a lot of your time intentionally 'interpreting' what people write in order to fit your 'all is lost' narrative.
    The point of the response you laughed off here was, I think, to ask what Ukraine's plan is?  For the first year or so, Ukraine were in panicky, dear-god-they're-invading-help-please-send-whatever-you-can mode.  Where is Ukraine now?  Two years in, what is Ukraine's strategy for winning this war?  Surely it's not to rely on free equipment sent in by foreign nations?  I mean, I think Ukraine can rely on US/EU providing as much support as they can (given the various other factors at play) but it would be idiotic to rely on that and make no other plans to defend your country, right?  Perhaps if we knew more from Ukraine about what they are trying to do then we could all offer more insightful opinions as to how the US/EU could help.
    Your apparent understanding of how Western European people think is frankly stunningly inaccurate.
    To be blunt, people in Western Europe don't give a solitary, flying **** about Russia.  They don't.  No-one talks about Russia, worries about Russia or even less considers Russia's strength when they go to the ballot box.  Ask people in the UK about Russia and they will talk about Salisbury, the World Cup and the ongoing war with Ukraine.  Some of them might remember 2014.  A few more will remember the Kursk tragedy because the Russians turned down British help to rescue the crew.  Beyond that it's probably all Yeltsin and pre-90s stuff.
    What you think seems to be a reflection of Russia's own internal propaganda line -  that the West spends all its time envying and plotting against the mighty Russian people.  It's just bollocks (oh, there we are - the one-word response made it into print after all).
  25. Like
    Monty's Mighty Moustache reacted to Centurian52 in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    That's really uncalled for.
    My impression is that you, and a lot of people, are angry because you think Battlefront is slow to release products. But are they slow? Do you have a baseline? How long should it take? Is that even a good reason to be angry? I encourage you to go back to page 30 and read Lethaface's comment about the holy trinity of quality, budget and time (seriously, comment of the year, everyone needs to read it). The TLDR is that the commitment to quality means that they need to be flexible with time. If their commitment was to time, then either budget or quality would need to be flexible. I know I play Combat Mission because it is an extremely high quality game series. You may be angry that it takes them a long time to develop a product (again though, does it? compared to what?). But I know I would be absolutely furious if they started compromising on quality in order to crank products out faster.
    I can't see behind the scenes, so I don't actually know exactly when their team starts development for a specific product. It looks to me like ~2-3 years may be about the normal development time for a Combat Mission base game or module. So, is that a long time? We'd need some sort of baseline in order to answer that question. Certainly Combat Mission is more detailed than most games. But a good starting point might be to ask how long it normally takes to develop a video game. And isn't game development normally measured in years? If a game came out after only 6 months of development wouldn't that be considered a blisteringly fast pace?
    Edit: And I know that Yahtzee Croshaw developed 12 games in 12 months. But first, those were extremely small games, and second, the man was on the verge of a nervous breakdown by the time he finished.
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