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  1. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from Eicio in Bear claws   
    Just finished Bear Claws, great fun dropping the buildings with the Sturmpanzers to get LOS/LOF to tanks and clear out those pesky US infantry.  Thanks to @MeatEtr! 
    All Sturmpanzers survived but my infantry took some sorry punishment.
    Was interested in the Allied air support which was new to me, and which buzzed around for what seemed like ages.  What the heck did it drop here?

    Anyway it appeared, just as my flakvierling was moving up.  First turn with it on attack, strafed my infantry with little result.  Second turn, same again a bit more damage this time.  Third turn, strafed its own infantry, say no more but I was grateful.  Fourth turn flakvierling fired twice on it, and it strafed distractedly with no results.  Fifth turn, with no obvious reason my flakvierling crew dismounted and ran off (perhaps ground fire from a long way away).  Sixth turn, as per picture above, no damage done at least to my troops.  Seventh turn, a more nasty straf on my infantry.  Eighth turn still buzzing around.  Ninth (I think) had turned for home.  I suppose 9 minutes on target is not a lot but it seemed like forever?
  2. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from Lucky_Strike in Lucky Strike's Mods: Hedgerow Hell - it's here!   
    1030 on Sunday night and I finally get to check out the forum.  @Lucky_Strike these downloads worked fine for me.  A quick look (with the easy high res version) looks lovely.  Will try more tomorrow...
    I did have one problem, I was trying to get to some extra low level to take a close look at the flora 😄.  Excellent work and happy gaming birthday 👍.
  3. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from kohlenklau in North Africa Mini Mod   
    I also played the KRG 'teaser' battle the other day and had some fun.  Sadly I lost to a Panzer III right at the end, oh well.
    I've currently switched to your Wacht am Rapido campaign, another great piece of work.  So far so good, but I feel pain might be coming...
    As for aliens, I thought you have them all in Area 51?
  4. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from George MC in Few Questions   
    Blood or no blood, matters not to me.  What matters to me is knocking out the enemy's armour and if his infantry gets in the way, well they can die with or without blood.
    Of course we should remember the sage advice 'if it bleeds we can kill it'.
    Yes it's a Friday night 😉.
  5. Like
    Vacillator reacted to kohlenklau in North Africa Mini Mod   
    Dennis,  am very happy you enjoyed it. I had fun making it. So many years ago. Comments taken and accepted, no worry.
    Maybe space aliens will land in thousands of years on an uninhabited earth to find all our various CM mods and creations.
  6. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from Lethaface in Bear claws   
    Just finished Bear Claws, great fun dropping the buildings with the Sturmpanzers to get LOS/LOF to tanks and clear out those pesky US infantry.  Thanks to @MeatEtr! 
    All Sturmpanzers survived but my infantry took some sorry punishment.
    Was interested in the Allied air support which was new to me, and which buzzed around for what seemed like ages.  What the heck did it drop here?

    Anyway it appeared, just as my flakvierling was moving up.  First turn with it on attack, strafed my infantry with little result.  Second turn, same again a bit more damage this time.  Third turn, strafed its own infantry, say no more but I was grateful.  Fourth turn flakvierling fired twice on it, and it strafed distractedly with no results.  Fifth turn, with no obvious reason my flakvierling crew dismounted and ran off (perhaps ground fire from a long way away).  Sixth turn, as per picture above, no damage done at least to my troops.  Seventh turn, a more nasty straf on my infantry.  Eighth turn still buzzing around.  Ninth (I think) had turned for home.  I suppose 9 minutes on target is not a lot but it seemed like forever?
  7. Like
    Vacillator reacted to StieliAlpha in Vehicle mods for FI   
    I should have most of Aris‘ mods. Drop me PM line and open a large Dropbox-Folder....
  8. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in The Queen of the Battlefield   
    Yes I've seen Pete's name on a lot of good things, so it was much appreciated.
  9. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in The Queen of the Battlefield   
    Yes I've seen Pete's name on a lot of good things, so it was much appreciated.
  10. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from JM Stuff in Lucky Strike's Mods: Hedgerow Hell   
    LOL, we both are 😄.
  11. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from Lucky_Strike in Lucky Strike's Mods: Hedgerow Hell   
    LOL, we both are 😄.
  12. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from Lucky_Strike in Lucky Strike's Mods: Hedgerow Hell   
    I'm ready when you are 😉.  Looking forward to it 👍.
  13. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in The Queen of the Battlefield   
    Now that is a fantastic service Pete 👍❤️.
  14. Like
    Vacillator reacted to JM Stuff in Lucky Strike's Mods: Hedgerow Hell   
    FOR sure I'm ready when you are 😉.  Looking forward to it 👍.
  15. Like
    Vacillator reacted to Lucky_Strike in Lucky Strike's Mods: Hedgerow Hell   
    Something's stirring in the hedgerows ...

    ... this weekend get you download folders ready ...
  16. Like
    Vacillator reacted to Pete Wenman in The Queen of the Battlefield   
    Try this
    MG Borderland_vp.btt
  17. Like
    Vacillator reacted to Freyberg in North Italy QB maps   
    I just checked dropbox and everything looks right.
    I copied the link again - here is the link straight from my dropbox Public folder:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/auilzpybhm0w206/FI map pack in prog May20.zip?dl=0
    Some people recommend changing "dl=0" to "dl=1" (I know you have to do this to embed images), so here is the same link with that edit made.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/auilzpybhm0w206/FI map pack in prog May20.zip?dl=1
    Thanks for your interest
    If it doesn't work, PM me
  18. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from John1966 in The Queen of the Battlefield   
    A quick summary of your evening 😁.
    Being British I normally play as German, but yes it can come down to 'little things' tipping the balance.  Well played 👍.
  19. Like
    Vacillator reacted to John1966 in The Queen of the Battlefield   
    Last night I was playing an MG scenario as the Brits (inevitably) defending (I won't name it).
    It was the usual thing. Taking on tanks with infantry and running out of ammo against repeated German onslaughts.
    But I thought I had it in the bag with about 20 minutes to go. Why haven't the Germans surrendered though? There can't be more reinforcements, can there? Yes, there could.
    Massive attack right down the middle and one to the right. As luck would have it I'd called in a long call time arty strike on the right "just in case" and the Germans walked right into it.
    But my middle was completely exposed. The previous attacks had drawn my paras to the flanks where they were depleted and low on ammo. The reserve had been committed elsewhere. There was no-one to plug the huge gap.
    I scrabbled around looking for anyone who could cover. The gap was largely open until it crossed a road at the foot of the hill the Germans were rushing down. Once they crossed that they were into the woods and there'd be little I could do to get them out. I pulled in mortar teams who'd run out of shells, HQs, AT teams, ATG crews out of HE, dismounted jeep drivers, anyone with bullets who could fire at the German flanks.
    Then I looked at my rear. There was the battalion HQ and a nearby Bren carrier.
    Major Cousens boarded the carrier with his team and started the journey round the woods to the road at the bottom of the hill. It would take three minutes to get there.
    The guys who were firing on the attack were doing a good job but it wasn't quite enough. The lead Germans were reaching the road.
    Then the Queen of the Battlefield roared into view at full speed. The gunner spraying the Germans crossing the road. As it continued, the Major and his HQ stood up in the still fast moving carrier, firing their Stens into the wheat field the other side of the road. There were red crosses everywhere.
    When I hit the end of turn, the Germans surrendered. We made tea.
    Nothing will make the Germans surrender quicker that a British major with a Sten riding the Queen of the Battlefield at high speed.
    I felt thoroughly British. 🧐
    Wish I took a screenshot.
  20. Like
    Vacillator reacted to MOS:96B2P in New Mini-Campaign/Scenario: Alarmeinheiten   
    HQ Runner horizontally delivers tentative contact information to a squad that is out of C2.  Every Platoon in the scenario has a 50% tank hunter team assigned as a runner.  This is for players who want to use Hard-Cat C2 Rules v2.  Or they can just hunt tanks.   
    On the march. 

  21. Upvote
    Vacillator got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in New Mini-Campaign/Scenario: Alarmeinheiten   
    Never liked partisans anyway 😁.
  22. Like
    Vacillator reacted to MOS:96B2P in Best way to get pixeltruppen to toss grenades at tanks/AFVs?   
    Below, in italics, is a post by @YankeeDog that I have always found useful. 
    Infantry will not attempt to close assault vehicles from inside a building; you have to order them outside. Also, NEVER give infantry a TARGET order if you want them to close assault a vehicle or bunker. The TARGET order tells a unit to use whatever weapons it has against the target, regardless of effectiveness. This can be useful, e.g., when you want a unit to shoot small arms at a tank from one direction to distract it, while another unit assaults the tank from a different direction. But the close assaulting unit should be left to make its own targeting decisions. Possibly a short cover arc to prevent it from engaging other, more distant enemy, but nothing more than this. Generally speaking, as long as an infantry unit is in good order and has hand grenades, it will use them on any armor or bunker that is in grenade range.
    Rule of thumb; a fire team must be outside a building to close assault.  However grenades and demo charges will get thrown from the upper floors on to open topped vehicles.  
    Below is my Grenade CQB vs Armor: 
    1. Use a fire team with a lot of hand grenades (typically an assault team).  The fewer grenades the AI has it seems more reluctant to use them.  
    2. Give fire team a 360oTarget Arc1 of 24 meters.
    3. Exit building.  (teams must be outside to close assault vehicle) 
    4. Fast fire team to within 2 A/S of the flank or rear of the tank.
    5. On their own the team will throw grenades.
    6. Prepare for the tank crew to dismount shooting.  (When they bail it will be like the OK Corral )  
    Notes: 1) An Armor Target Arc will not allow the fire team to fire on the bailed out tank crew.
  23. Like
    Vacillator reacted to Erwin in Artillery control advice please?   
    In terms of strategic thinking re what spotter/FO to use for which arty piece, it doesn't matter when doing preplanned barrages so long as the barrage is desired to end after a certain duration/number of shells and not be adjusted. 
    However, if you expect to want to adjust the fire of any preplanned arty (eg: you choose HARASS, MAXIMUM adn excpect to choose different targets as your troops advance), it's best to make sure that the best spotting unit (ie fastest to call the arty battery) is the one to allocate for that battery.  The better the experience and speed to battery call, the faster the adjustment and the more accurate the FFE.
    And yes, it is safest to use a different spotter for each battery just in case one wants to adjust that battery later.
  24. Like
    Vacillator reacted to rocketman in Artillery control advice please?   
    Note though that if you want to adjust one of the pre-planned missions, the FO will adjust both to the new target. Also, if the pre-planned had a tme delay, that delay is added once more. Don’t know if these things are intended behaviour or bugs. The same thing goes for HQs.
  25. Like
    Vacillator got a reaction from Titanius Peck in Few Questions   
    A big hello to you too. 
    Yes it's a bit pricey but as others have said well worth it, if it's your 'thing'.  I tried the RT demo, played one battle (Monster Mash) and bought the game the same or next day.  It was definitely 'for me'.  Since then I've added BN and FI (so far) so enough said.
    What you say about gore mods reminded me of when I got Silent Hunter 3 quite a few years back.  I had to have a mod to show the correct Kriegsmarine flag, and in looking for it came across the Grey Wolves mod, which was immense and more like a new, far better game.  The flag was not important in comparison.
    Anyway, in summary press the Buy button if what others have said hasn't put you off. 
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