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Everything posted by IICptMillerII

  1. Took a break from other work to play a little Combat Mission: Afghanistan. I come back to it every now and again when I'm in the right mood. Its hard to pass up the 80's era Soviet OOB. Some VDV assault a hilltop defended by dug in Mujahideen, and a very close range firefight/grenade duel erupts:
  2. The bug is known and has been addressed. A fix will be released when the fix is tested thoroughly and is shown to work. Said testing is currently in progress.
  3. IIRC troops in CM will not fire the Thompson at spotted targets that are more than 100 meters away. (100 or 150m, can't remember) That's about the max effective range of the Thompson in real life anyways, and the same goes for most submachine guns.
  4. CM is certainly not dead, I can assure you. Part of the relative silence is the typical "calm before the storm" on the forums that occurs before every anticipated release of a new title/module. Essentially things tend to get rather quiet once it is known that a new release is in the "soon" phase. Unfortunately there is also an issue with the CM mod website, and has been for some time. Due to the transition from one version to the next, uploads are very limited and only Bootie can upload anything. Its been this way for a long time and it appears to have drastically slowed CM modding/scenario uploads. Best advice right now is to wait it all out. For what its worth, most non-converted CMSF1 scenario's work and play very well in CMSF2, and there are a plethora of those scenario's out there. Might as well give them a go.
  5. Fair point, I should have been less general in my statement. I meant more that the T-72AV in game is comparable to the T-72B in capability, not in its technical specifications. What I mean by that is, the T-72AV in SF2 has roughly equivalent fighting capability as the Soviet T-72B had in the 1980's. There are differences, yes, but as far as things like ammo fired, fire control, spotting and relative armor, it is comparable. Put another way, a well crewed company of T-72AV's in SF2 can achieve the same battlefield results as a T-72B equipped Soviet company could in the 80's. Of course, the T-72AV has more modern and lethal threats to contend with, but the overall combat performance is similar.
  6. Thanks for the kind words! There is still one more post to come, with the final casualty tallies, a summary of the operation and a quick post-battle analysis. I just haven’t had time to finish the final post, but I’m hoping to have it done soon. I agree that it’s a good proof of concept for combining the two games into a hybrid AAR. I had a lot of fun putting this together and seeing it play out, and I have a few different ideas for future projects as well. Again, it’s just a matter of finding the time to actualize it.
  7. Think that might just be a difference of definition. CMFI’s module was considered a “monster” due to the vast TO&E additions and changes, between all of the newly added nations and how much they changed between 1943-1945. CMRT’s module will be large in that it will bring a lot of formations (mostly German) and will cover a fairly diverse spread of battles (urban, winter, open, etc) but not a monster in the same way that the CMFI module was. I'm sure @MikeyD was talking about the amount of stuff being brought to CMRT, not the workload required when he said the module is going to be a monster.
  8. True, but more of the work as far as weapons go is done than not. My point was that there are enough existing assets already present in WWII CM games that it would reduce the overall work load. For example, most of the US forces are ready to go as is, and adding the USMC wouldn't take that much work to do.
  9. I always like seeing more cinematic video's of CM. Nice stuff!
  10. I would love a 1950s Korean War game from CM. A lot of the work is already done from the WWII titles as well. Really, it would just be a lot of TO&E work for the communist forces, as well as some new uniform textures, and the rest would be maps/scenarios/campaigns. I also think that CMFI is a good proof of concept that the CM engine can handle the type of fighting found in Korea. Rocky, hilly terrain, snow/winter conditions, a handful of dense urban environments. I think it would be a fantastic addition to CM. Though, with the amount of stuff BFC is working on, I'm not sure there would be room for the project anytime soon, unfortunately. But who knows, maybe at some point!
  11. I can tell you for a fact that the bug is known, and it is being worked on right now. I get the frustration, trust me. But it is being addressed. I want to see this thing fixed just as much as you do. There is a bocage-specific bug that only Normandy suffers from at the moment. Again, this bug is known and being worked on.
  12. Trust me, I share the dream. However, CMA has a lot of issues that makes it not viable unfortunately. First off, it is stuck in the very old engine. Very little of the game data is compatible with the new CM engine. For example, it was possible to model swap the Syrians with the Soviets in CMSF1, but you cannot do the same in CMSF2. A lot of the artwork for CMA is also not compatible with CMSF1/2 out of the box, and requires reworking in photoshop (or another .bmp editor) to make it fit the models. I think this was done to keep the work done in CMA exclusive to that title, but I digress. The other main issue is a TO&E one. The Soviets only ever sent their category b and c units to Afghanistan, with category a being the best, b being slightly well less equipped, and c having mostly old worn out hand-me-downs. All of their best equipped units stayed in Europe and did not participate in the fighting, with the exception of some of their light forces like the VDV. For example, even in 1989, the only Soviet tanks in Afghanistan were the T-62, whereas most heavy Soviet divisions in Europe were equipped with much more modern and capable variants of the T-72 (T-72B obr. 1985/1989 for example), T-64 (T-64B/BV for example) and T-80 (T-80BV for example). The Soviet TO&E present in CMA is actually closer in composition to East German and Polish units in Europe (equipment wise) than it is to category a Soviet formations. I agree with this. The Syrian army in CMSF2 is (with its top tier equipment) essentially equivalent to Soviet category a formations in 1985. The BMP-2 is the same that the Soviets operated, the mechanized infantry are largely organized similar (though in SF they use AKM's instead of the AK-74) platoons are units of 3, the self propelled artillery is the same (2S1s) and the T-72AV is essentially equivalent to the Soviet T-72B obr. 1985. Of course, there are some significant differences in the details though. One of the main examples being the ammo fired by Syrian tanks being of lesser quality than ammo that Soviet tanks were firing in the 80s. The only Syrian tanks firing high quality ammo by 1980's standards are the T-72AV TURMS-T and the T-90. Overall though, equipment-wise, the Syrians are a good fill in for the Soviets of the mid 1980's. The two biggest things they are missing as far as tactical equipment goes are T-64 and T-80 variants. The Soviets never exported either of those series of tanks in large numbers, so they are very unlikely to ever show up in CMSF2. The Syrians in CMSF2 could simulate an East German armored division very well though. The T-72M1 and BMP-1 in SF2 are exactly similar in quality and weapon potential to the East German's of the 80's. There are a lot of other equipment similarities as well, but I wont belabor the point. All that said, I still hold out hope that one day in the (distant) future we might see a CM game based during a cold war gone hot in the 80's. I would also love an updated version of CMA, but that likely isn't going to happen anytime soon, if at all. Besides all the legal/copyright issues, BFC simply has too many other projects they'r working on/have planned to carve out any more time to update the game to the new engine. The update for CMSF2 took longer and more effort than they originally expected, and I don't think they'll be looking to take on a similar project anytime soon.
  13. Thats a nice bit of publicity! Glad to see CM in the number one spot where it rightfully belongs in my humble opinion. Although careful what you wish for. With the increased publicity, I can already see the forum posts from confused newbies asking why this game isn't more like Starcraft! (Tongue in cheek of course)
  14. Hey, someone finally tagged @kohlenklau I've done it again so hopefully the notification spam gets his attention. I know hes been waiting for this vehicle for a long time and I'm glad that he finally gets his wish to have it in a CM game!
  15. The module takes CMRT from the end of the Bagration era (September 1944 iirc) and brings it all the way through to May 1945. So yes, it adds fall, winter, and spring to the game. Not entirely sure what you mean about assault squads, but the Volksgrenadiers featured in CMFB will be present in the CMRT module, and they are basically assault infantry when armed with the MP44. The module also adds in the SS, Luftwaffe field divisions, Kriegsmarine, and Volksturm for the defense of Berlin. So there is plenty of stuff to play with, both new and old.
  16. Thanks for the kind words. I never had any intention of uploading the mod. Unfortunately the mod website is a bit FUBAR'd and has been for some time, and I don't have the dropbox space to upload it at the moment. Maybe at a later date I'll be able to upload it though.
  17. Upload them to imgur.com. The forum will automatically embed the images when you copy the image link over. Thats what I do.
  18. As far as new content goes, BFC is currently working on a module for CMRT that brings the Eastern Front to the end of the war, to include the Battle of Berlin. Check out the threads here: There are some screenshots and info in there to get you excited. Its a massive module with a lot of new content. As far as a 198X cold war game, it has been number 1 on my wishlist ever since I played the modern CM games. Unfortunately for both of us, if they ever do get around to making a cold war gone hot game, it's a long way off. I'm still holding out hope that we might see something eventually, even if it is a fools hope.
  19. Always nice to see another well done, informed AAR on the forums!
  20. Yes, just a little uniform mod I threw together for a bit of fun.
  21. This isn't an exaggeration in the slightest. Don't forget that this module is also adding some pretty significant corrections to the base TO&E in CMRT as well. The amount of content in this module must make it one of the largest modules released. The hype is indeed real.
  22. As promised, I'm finally able to get back to this AAR and wrap it up. The following is the second to last part of this AAR, and the conclusion will follow shortly. Despite being delayed by that pesky Real-Lifetm this AAR has been fun to do. I also think its been a successful proof of concept for hybrid AARs, and I definitely plan on doing more in the future. Hope those following along enjoy the ending! THE US CONSULATE Back on MSR Liberty, things have become eerily quite after the explosive exchange of fire with the two BMPs. 2LT Branch begins to get his 3rd platoon moving again. The second story building on the corner directly to the front could still have enemy combatants inside. Elements of 3rd squad, 3rd platoon advance up to a side entrance and prepare to breach and clear the building. The building is cleared with no incidence. Having secured the building, the Marines of 3rd platoon begin moving further down MSR Liberty towards the consulate. Meanwhile, a flight of two Super Cobra’s are called in to provide overwatch to hopefully prevent any more armored vehicle surprises, and to assist the consulate in defending itself against any more attacks from the adjacent neighborhood. 3rd platoon moves down MSR Liberty and arrives at the US Consulate without further incident. It appears that the violence of the day, combined with the orbiting Cobra’s, has finally convinced the enemy that discretion is the better part of valor. The Marines quickly establish security and overwatch positions on the consulate. Those not pulling security assist the consulate personnel in securing all the sensitive equipment and data and prepare them to be evacuated. Based on the condition of the consulate, and the overall tempo of the battle, a change in plan is suggested and approved; the consulate personnel and Marine security (to include 3rd platoon) will be flown out of the city by heavy lift helicopters from the Wasp. Initially this was not considered due to fear of local MANPADs, but with Cobra’s orbiting over the city and not drawing any fire, it appears the MANPAD threat is either thoroughly suppressed or nonexistent. Three CH-53E Super Stallions take off from the Wasp and arrive without incident at the US Consulate. The loading is somewhat complicated due to the limited landing space, though this too proceeds without incident. The consulate is fully secured and evacuated via the Super Stallions, which return to the Wasp. As the CH-53’s are egressing from the city, the Marines begin to fall back towards the beach. With the airspace considered to be safe from MANPAD’s and other enemy air defense assets, more Marine aircraft are called upon to assist in the egress of the landing party from the city. Four MV-22B Osprey aircraft and the fourth CH-53E Super Stallion fly to the beach to load Marines and captured enemy personnel. The rest of the Marines board the AAVs and head back to the Wasp. The egress is a chaotic logistical event, but proceeds without any interdiction from the enemy. The airspace remains clear, and Regime forces in the city do not attempt to contest the departing Marines. Three and a half hours after first making landfall, the Marines successfully depart, and Task Force Wasp begins moving out to sea, away from the city.
  23. Anecdotal evidence is not evidence. If you want to demonstrate an issue, you need to create a test and run it many times, upwards of 100, to get a sample size. For example, if you created a test where you had a squad get hit by one mortar round and 75% of the time the only casualty suffered was the squad leader, then you would have real evidence to make an argument with. Thats just an example though.
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