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  1. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Mattis in Vehicle reaction time   
    He definitely knows what he is talking about, which is a rare trait in the internet.
    Also there is no reason instantly start fiddling around with your stopwatch just because you´ve seen a random Steel Beasts video. It is perhaps the most definitive tank simulation but still far from reality, at least the version for the private sector.
    For example a military grade joystick may give better results than a lagging mouse simulating this joystick, also the override... I think it isn´t potrayed completely correctly but damn close. Then imagine a fellow that probably spent countles hours with a virtual simulator, in the life tank with sim equipment, and then in life fire excercises.
    Beside this not all tank features especially newer inventions and confidental ones are represented in Steel Beasts L2A4, C2, and the other tanks there.
    Furthermore most commanders wouldn´t call out a slow HEAT round for a >2k meters moving APC target like SB´s AI does there but just stick to the high velocity KE-based rounds like APFSDS. You hear occasionally stories about the danger of overpenetration without causing any damage but these people have no clue. Hits are highly likely mission kills. Yes it will overpenetrate but you and your friends inside that APC definitely will notice when a 120mm KE says hello when passing by and you´ll consider twice if you continue your journey if you´re even in the state then to do so.
  2. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to xacto in Xacto's “Chaos” Theme Menu Mod for CMSF2   
    Yes, I was going for something with a little attitude.  However, funny you say this... I am almost finished with a new theme that shows men running into battle. Stay tuned....
  3. Upvote
    The_MonkeyKing got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Vehicle reaction time   
    We were instructed to not use laser rangefinders when possible. Because of time you lose by using it (around a second or two) and the new detection systems. CV9030s bushmasters APFSDS-T rounds are so fast (near flat trajectory) that you can set the guns range to 700m and hit any AFV sized target from 0-1500m when aiming center mass. We called this "battle sight".
  4. Upvote
    The_MonkeyKing got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Vehicle reaction time   
    My experience comes from being a CV9030 gunner.
    Let us start with a very real live example. CV9030 company is moving along a road surrounded by dense forest. Enemy contact is possible but not imminent. The company is "traveling" so mounted and expected to move somewhat quickly. Leading CV9030 is moving slow enough to be 100% ready to open fire instantly, the gunner is constantly "pre-aimed" to the next corner on the road ext. and the gunner will engage on his own initiative.
    So let us say a meeting engagement happens. What happens in the lead tank?
    - Gunner sees the enemy AFV and opens fire.
    - Commander knows without words what is happening (gunner shooting + direction the gun is pointed) and acts out his part of the script. Says to the intercom: "reverse, fast!" and flips a switch that pops smoke. Gunner gives a report as fast as he can while/after shooting: "IFV, destroyed"
    - Commander informs the platoon/company radio shortly: "contact, heavy" (heavy meaning mechanized force) Also sometimes lead tank intercom is directly connected to platoon radio so the information is as fast as possible and if the lead tank is lost the information is not.
    - Commander gives the driver instruction on the reversing (left, right, hard left...)
    - Commander and driver have packed up a short distance to the side of the road and the commander gives "dismount, left" order for the dismounts. Same time more information to platoon/company radio.
  5. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Kinophile in Is Fulda Gap most likely never in the cards?   
    Very good point re Fulda Gap being way more analysed and detail planned (in RL) than BS.
  6. Upvote
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to MikeyD in Best order for building entry   
    That's the advantage of using MOUT infantry in CMSF2. Each infantry squad comes with four demo charges.
  7. Upvote
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Holman in Best order for building entry   
    This is where those .50 cals and grenade launchers on your APCs are so helpful.
    Pouring 30 seconds of such fire into a building can heavily suppress everyone looking your way, even better if you can target different floors.
  8. Upvote
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Euri in Best order for building entry   
    It better to resist the temptation of entering and clearing buildings.  Better bring the building down with tank and AFV firepower. 
  9. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Jace11 in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Imported UCP uniforms from SF2 Demo
  10. Like
    The_MonkeyKing got a reaction from domfluff in Which Demo scenarios are the best ones for pbem?   
    Well, now I have started all the scenarios as pbem matches... I will report on the multiplayer potential of each when I am done.
  11. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Thomm in Demo Feedback   
    At least during the setup phase of the "Beach Assault" scenario I saw trench sections vanish when placed in certain configurations. I think it was T shapes or right angles.
    They were still selectable by their symbol but the 3/D object became invisible.
    Best regards,
  12. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Sir Lancelot in Demo Feedback   
    The LAW launchers are extended even when shouldered.  I noticed this with the UK troops in Breaking the Bank, but I haven't checked other factions for this problem.
  13. Upvote
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Sublime in Redfor Campaign?   
    All we really need is someone to convert Paper Tigers excellent MASSIVE  Redfor on Redfor "Road to Dinas" campaign, which also is branching and so big your wins and losses really seem to affect things and progress. Versus other campaigns Ive had where Id lose a mission terribly - knowing because the briefing I was the absolute last chance - and fail and after the battle still progress.
    Excellent campaign and sooo prescient, people talk about BFC guessing hotspots but PT even got the civil war thing right.
  14. Upvote
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Hilts in New troop behaviour   
    I have to say I'm quite impressed with the new troop behaviour under fire. Not tried it with entrenchments yet but in the Bank scenario I've got several exciting inter-building firefights going on which would have been impossible before as everyone just ran away. Seems like Combat Mission is fun again! I'm looking forward to the release of the patch to bring the other titles up to this standard. Well done Battlefront!
  15. Upvote
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Combatintman in Redfor Campaign?   
    Unlikely - there has been no mention of a Syrian campaign in any of Steve's posts. The consistent theme from BFC for this title has been simply to update CMSF1 to the new engine so with a few minor exceptions such as on map bridges, water features, mortars and UAVs, I would work on the premise that the scenarios and campaigns (albeit updated to take into account new editor features) will be the same as those that shipped with CMSF1.
  16. Upvote
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to AttorneyAtWar in Redfor Campaign?   
    There was no REDFOR campaign in Shock Force 1 so no Shock Force 2 will not be shipping with one.
  17. Upvote
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to IICptMillerII in Redfor Campaign?   
    As already mentioned there are a handful of user made RedFor campaigns and scenario's out there for CMSF1 that work with CMSF2. @George MC did a great scenario called "Daraya Tank Raid" that I've confirmed works in CMSF2. Highly recommend playing it when CMSF2 comes out. Not sure if George will be reduxing it at all, but as is it's still great. 
    Here's the link to the scenario and accompanying PDF on The Few Good Men:
  18. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Combatintman in Which Demo scenarios are the best ones for pbem?   
    Depends on your preference of course but, bearing in mind I've never done PBEM, I would say that @George MC's Passage at Wilcox would be one of the better bets.
  19. Like
    The_MonkeyKing got a reaction from Ivanov in CMSF2 Demos Released!   
    Fulga Gap!
  20. Like
    The_MonkeyKing got a reaction from Dr.Fusselpulli in CMSF2 Demos Released!   
    Fulga Gap!
  21. Like
    The_MonkeyKing got a reaction from Thomm in CMSF2 Demos Released!   
    Fulga Gap!
  22. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to stikkypixie in CMBS Rolling thunder do is difficult.   
    I found a video AAR of this battle on youtube:
    *** Spoilers ***
    Do you guys also encounter this <LASER WARNING> - <SMOKE CYCLE>? In my playthroughs I found that I have no choice but to brute force my way through. All avenues of approach are being covered by heavy weapons it seems.
  23. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Artkin in Shock Force 2 Beta Showcase Video   
    FULDA GAP!!!!
  24. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Thomm in Shock Force 2 Beta Showcase Video   
    Please be advised that every post containing the words "Fulda Gap" gets upvoted by me.
    Best regards,
  25. Like
    The_MonkeyKing reacted to Dr.Fusselpulli in Shock Force 2 Beta Showcase Video   
    Did someone just say Fulda Gap? 🤩
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