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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Thanks @Josey Wales. This is one of your best explanations yet. Each time you are asked to explain it I think you get a little better . +1
  2. You're right. I just tested a US Weapons Platoon in CMBN. Killed the CO. The XO in the support team became the new platoon HQ. It even worked within a US infantry platoon. Not sure why I thought this didn't work at platoon level. I'm glad it does, at least in some circumstances. So @Bulletpoint I'm not sure if what you are seeing is intended behavior or not. Thanks @General Liederkranz. Glad you caught that. +1
  3. I don't know my friend. I wish it did. We attempt to keep the squads in command radius to keep them in C2. C2 = the vertical and horizontal information flow. Example: A fire team from 1st platoon spots a tank. A few minutes later the Company HQ is aware of the tank. A few minutes more the Company HQ informs 2nd platoon and battalion about the tank (provided they are all in C2). Also from experiments completed by @Josey Wales: Troops within C2 range of their HQ unit are less affected by the temporary impact of suppression upon Morale. Troops within the C2 link are less stressed about being shot at. For example, a Platoon HQ being in close visual C2 link with its Company HQ provides a clear resistance to the temporary Morale effect of being suppressed. My Note: C2 helps with suppression but not with casualties.
  4. It would be cool if the assistant platoon leader took over from the actual platoon leader. Especially in this case since the platoon leader is in his own HQ support team. However this does not happen at the platoon level in the game (at least no examples I can think of). Instead a company HQ can fill in for a platoon HQ. It seems once the platoon leader is KIA he can't be replaced. EDIT: My mistake. It does happen but apparently not all the time. Sorry for any confusion.
  5. Maybe. If the assistant had his own team (the XO or 2IC team for example) he would have an effect on his own team while the leader was still alive but in a separate team (the HQ team). When they are both in the same team and the leader is alive the assistant would not have any effect. Also something I learned from @Josey Wales and related: A Leadership modifier for a HQ unit does not filter down to subordinate units. The Leadership modifier only applies to the team/vehicle of the leader. For example Lt Bean has -2 Leadership and is the leader of 1st Platoon HQ. His Leadership modifier does not affect the rifle squads under his command, only the 3 other troops in his HQ team have to put up with his poor team leading skills. The Leadership modifier for all units (from Bn. HQs. to Platoon HQs. down to squads and teams) only effects the team that the modifier is for.
  6. This is my understanding: All US vehicle smoke is IR-blocking. Black RUS / UKR vehicle smoke is not IR blocking. White RUS / UKR vehicle smoke (e.g. Shtora) is IR-blocking.
  7. The mushroom cloud look is cool. I wish some of the explosions in CM (probably secondary cook offs and ammo dumps) had this look.
  8. If possible it would be really helpful to have the four-way wall/fence intersection included in the CMSF2 editor. For MOUT scenarios especially since so many of the buildings in that part of the world have walls around them. In CMSF1 scenario designers end up making some strange looking wall layouts as a work around to not having this tile. The other tiles would also be nice but the four-way wall intersection would make urban design much easier & realistic. If not now maybe in a future pack................
  9. To be fair, CMSF1 is an excellent game. To have it brought up to Engine 4.0 standard with almost all the features of the other CM games is great. CMSF also has it's own unique features: Uncons, spies, IEDs, VBIEDs, the different nationalities etc. CMSF2 will rock and we will be able to create a lot of cool scenarios with it. After CMSF is at the 4.0 standard it would hopefully be possible/easier to add packs to it. Maybe BFC will consider adding more content. Maybe some of this content will include independent buildings and other items that don't make it into the CMSF2 initial release. In any case CMSF2 will be great and maybe the best of the CMx2 titles. @sburke there are way more cans of beer than coasters..........
  10. Even in CM tracked vehicles take track damage by crossing/moving along rails.
  11. No worries. As long as BFC includes Uncon specialist teams they will be dudes that have the Uncon look and they will have weapons. Whatever they are named in the editor, scout team or small team or something else they can be plugged into the TO, renamed and made to work.
  12. This is good. A lot of cool stuff can be done with this. From a Syrian infantry company: 1st platoon leader is the bomb maker and has trigger men and VBIEDs assigned to him. 2nd platoon is intelligence and has several spy teams assigned, 3rd platoon leader controls the death squads with scouts, breach teams, RPG teams etc., 4th platoon leader has the technicals. They work for the company commander who is renamed The Murderer of Mosul. Or something along these lines............. . Thanks for the information. +1
  13. Uncons in CMSF1 are very cool. An Uncon battalion grouping would make them even better and provide a command structure to decapitate. As a work around, since I don't expect BFC to create Uncon battalions for CMSF2, maybe an existing OpFor battalion could have the conventional platoons removed and replaced with Uncon specialist teams in the editor/purchase screen. (If we get specialist teams for Uncons.) We'll have to wait and see. +1
  14. YES!!! This!! Maybe BFC could put independent buildings into any CMSF2 pack also. In the editor in CMBS you can change modular building roofs between flat and sloped. I hope this ability is added to CMSF2 and CMFI. Especially CMFI since flat roofs would facilitate North Africa scenarios.
  15. I did a quick test using the US Apache helicopter. The Apache is armed with the following weapons in four different quantities depending on the load out chosen: 30mm HEDP 70mm HE Hellfire ATGM A Point Target against a building was used. For a light mission 30mm HEDP was used. For a heavy mission Hellfires were used. For a medium mission Hellfires were also used. After all Hellfires were expended on a heavy mission then the Apache used a combination of 70mm HE and 30mm HEDP. So it also depends on what the helicopter (Apache in this case) has available. If the Apache is given a heavy mission but only has 30mm HEDP left it's going to fire the 30mm. I didn't do in-depth testing with the Apaches but it seems the mission types Light, and Heavy will get you just that as long as the AI still has light and heavy. It suspect medium gives the AI some autonomy over which ordinance to choose. Medium may be best for a large Area Target type missions when you don't know if the helicopter will spot infantry, light armor. armor or soft skin.
  16. Screenshot of the Area of Operations (AO) looking northwest. Ukrainian troops conducting a presence patrol in the town of Belz.
  17. There are three types of air missions: Light, Medium & Heavy. This refers to the ordnance to be used. Light = bullets Heavy = bombs. Medium is a combination which I think may include rockets. For UAVs (drones) there can be up to three types of missions (Gray Eagle) Observe, Heavy and light. Heavy may fire all four Hellfires. Light may fire two Hellfire missiles. The Gray Eagle carries a total of four Hellfire missiles.
  18. I was thinking/hoping along the same lines. +1 @MikeyD that's a great answer. You could probably be a politician . Just the African mods would be great. Others could create the scenarios/campaigns. I know I would use them in scenarios. Those mods open an entire continent for scenario designers. I just discovered your African mods in 2017 when @Combatintman made the excellent scenario Op-BARRAS - A Coy 1 PARA http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-shock-force-2/cm-shock-force/op-barras-a-coy-1-para-sierra-leone/. From Op-BARRAS From a moded start screen From The King Copper Mines
  19. This normally happens due to an elevation change. Which means there's an elevation mismatch between the ground your engineers are on and the ground floor of the building they're trying to enter. I can't tell from your screenshot but this elevation mismatch would be my first guess. You can usually tell when there is an elevation mismatch because one or more sides of the building is sunk into the terrain. In my TACSOP for Blasting one of the first things I do is to check the building to see if it is sunk into the terrain at all. If it is I plan accordingly. Generally with engineers or an infantry breach team I try to time the Blast (WEGO) so the Blast occurs at or near the end of the turn. ( Example: Regular engineers take 15 seconds to Blast. So if they are given a 45 second Pause the engineers will wait 45 seconds and then Blast just as the turn ends.) Next turn I will generally have an infantry fire team (Assault team split from Administrative commands) enter the room and cancel the engineer's movement order into the room. This helps to preserve the engineers for their specialty jobs. If it's an infantry breach team instead of actual engineers I will let them clear the room. Also having the Blast occur near the end of the turn gives the player (WEGO) a chance to intervene if the troops are going to do something unwanted like run around the building to use the front door. It can be very frustrating to watch them do something suicidal for 40+ seconds before you are able to intervene......
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