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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. That looks like the Separatist mod you have there. Very cool................... +1
  2. In the description of the scenario at the Scenario Depot 3 links to the mods are provided (near the bottom of the description). The links are good. I just did a quick double check. I don't know if the authors will ever place them at the mod site or not. Since they never have I almost doubt they will . @Kieme(ITA) has an entire thread of many very good mods............... I hope you enjoy the scenario. It is intended to be more interesting than difficult. If you have any questions I am happy to assist.
  3. +2 Interesting AAR. Just what is needed as we wait for CMSF2. Thanks for taking the time to do this. All of @George MC scenarios are very good. It will be interesting to see the improvements made to this scenario for CMSF2.
  4. Erwin, there is a group playing Arma3 over at The Few Good Men (FGM) gaming club. They have a team. Below is a link where they talk about the WWII mods and the battles they get involved in. They also have a video or two. I'm sure they would be able to answer any questions you have. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/ww2-arma-3.28070/
  5. Thank you for playing the scenario and taking the time to comment on it.
  6. I may try that for the wire obstacle as well. Well, I screwed up the quotes. But anyways the long window for reinforcements that, when they appear, appear on a trigger is clever. An interesting thing for barbwire was that in CMBS breach kits carried by grunts will not Blast it. Only demo charges carried by engineers. And of course wheels can't crush barbwire, only tracks. I don't think fortifications (barbwire) can arrive as reinforcements. I attempted this with minefields and it did not work. Barbwire can be randomly placed (in a roadblock location) with AI setup zones. But I think the size of the barbwire roadblocks need to be consistent. Example: All roadblocks are three sections of barbwire and all AI setup zones for the Barbwire AI groups are three action spots long. The direction of the AI setup zone does not matter (north to south or east to west). Not sure if diagonal could be made to work. Then with multiple AI plans for the barbwire AI group the location of the roadblocks will be different depending on which AI plan loads. Very cool. This could also work for "The long road home". Well,...............as long as no tracked vehicles were involved. At least until near the end.
  7. I admit, I'm not sure what this means or how to do it but it sounds interesting. Looking forward to see what you come up with.
  8. You could use OpFor barbwire to block certain routes to friendly wheeled vehicles. (Provide or not provide demo charges would be a design decision. Or provide demo charges back in the setup area 20 minutes or so into the mission) The player might think he knew the route he was going to take until he came across the FOW barbwire roadblocks and had to detour (or dismount and go on foot?). The player could have an idea of two or three possible crash sites from the briefing. Maybe have the possible crash sites marked on the map? A big crater at each with burning civilian trucks and taxis marking the locations with pillars of smoke? So as not to waste time the player must decide on at least one location and starts out for it (encountering roadblocks and having to make decisions about detours etc along the way). Then maybe 10 or 15 minutes into the mission (whatever works best) the friendlies from a down Blackhawk appear as reinforcements at one of the three possible locations mentioned in the briefing which then triggers an OpFor unit to................ Something along these lines might get detours, wrong turns and not knowing exactly where you should be going.............
  9. This is is a good point. It also occurs to me that since I play on Iron I probably should not be looking for ways to reduce the FOW. "Sigh" It's almost as though in RL you get paid to analyze and point out facts to people......................
  10. +1 Very cool, timely idea. I use all your floating icon mods and look forward to this. I was thinking of the AAR you and Bil played reference the stock FOW icons. Your updated mod should solve that problem. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
  11. + 1. To be fair you sometimes have a good point. Sometimes...............
  12. Okay . I thought you meant you couldn't see (find) the scenario, Tactical Operations Center, at the Scenario Depot. When I first uploaded the scenario the "download button" for players was not visible. @Bootie fixed that. I sent him a PM at the FGM about the comments section. Maybe just a glitch of some kind................ Thanks again.
  13. Thanks for testing it. The link is below. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-black-sea/cm-black-sea-add-ons/tactical-operations-center/
  14. I have a few different drills I use for buildings depending on if I think the building is empty, occupied and/or if I think the OpFor has LOS to the building. Of course many times I'm not sure if the building is empty, occupied or in the OpFor has LOS (especially if the OpFor has LOS). Always a command decision and often a tense 60 seconds...............
  15. Below is my current drill for Blasting walls, bocage and wire. I have found this drill is not reliable for Blasting buildings (sometimes it works with buildings sometimes it does not). @Erwin this may be why you have had problems with this drill if you are attempting to use it on buildings Wall, Bocage & Wire Blast Drill1 1. First turn give the demo team a Quick waypoint2 next to the obstacle. 2. Highlight and give the Quick waypoint a Face order into the obstacle. 3. Give demo team a Blast waypoint 1 or 2 parallel A/S away from Quick/Face waypoint. 4. Demo team will Blast at the location & direction of the Quick/Face waypoint. 5. After the Blast the demo team will reposition to the Blast waypoint. Notes: 1)Drill is not reliable with building walls. 2) If team starts next to obstacle, Face order will be cancelled by creation of the Blast waypoint.
  16. I think there is some truth to this statement. I also like the one minute play back phase where you are forced to sit and watch the consequences of your orders without being able to intervene. It is like a command delay for the human player. Now that is sig. line material................
  17. +1 Very cool!! Although I don't want to get attached to any because I know you'll probably change them all 20 more times . The fighter dude in the top row has writing on his headgear?
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