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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Interesting stuff to think about and very cool diagrams. +1 The hard cap on visibility at night is especially interesting IMO. My understanding is the blue target line shows how far a unit can area fire (LOF). On a clear night this can be hundreds of meters while spotting distance may be a few dozen meters. At night LOF is probably longer than LOS. @Vanir Ausf B is somewhat of an expert on this stuff and might be interested in the above diagrams. If we're lucky maybe he'll notice this thread and have time to provide some useful feedback/commentary on the provided information.
  2. THANKS!!! Very cool. Their OP sheets are basically my Unit Tasking Form. Some interesting reading at that site. I think I can improve my Unit Tasking Form with some ideas from the OP sheets........................ very cool.
  3. Yep, you can get as complicated as you want with this stuff. As an example: I have a Unit Tasking form on a Word document where I generally record the current mission for each platoon (I usually play with a Company + so maybe 6 platoons). So if it was part of the original plan it is allowed (it can also be added with the appropriate time delay/communications). 1st platoon will suppress Hilltop #231 in order to support the advance of 3rd platoon. Also, the units can burn through ammo pretty fast so this particular example of area firing probably won't happen very much or for very long. All kinds of interesting rules you can adopt and modify to what interests you.
  4. You can also add the dismounted vehicle to the TOE of the unit you want the runner to be assigned. This will create realistic platoon. company and battalion runners within the C2 system. I actually wait for the information to be relayed through the C2 system before allowing a unit to react to it. Example: A tank can't fire on an OpFor HMG position until the tank has at least a tentative contact for the position. An infantry platoon sends a runner over to the tank. Generally in a minute or three the tank gets the tentative contact and is then able to react to the HMG. See the below link for peregrine's command layers. The scenario TOC uses several novel ideas that have not been used before. Most are explained with accompanying screenshots in the thread you linked. But in summary it provides the player with time sensitive actionable intelligence and the use of a grid system. The grid system and intelligence code make it possible for the scenario to report locations and times to the player (some intelligence also comes with a reliability rating). You "play the role" as the commander of a Tactical Operations Center (TOC) for a four hour shift. During your four hour shift you attempt to analyze and use your intelligence (SIGINT, HUMINT, TSE, SCIF, S2, UAVs) to keep control of the approximately 7.5 square kilometer area of operation. The TOC is located in a Forward Operating Base (FOB) that has a Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) where reinforcements will arrive, and other units need to exit from. There is an S4 section in the FOB that provides additional vehicles and ammo during your four hour shift. Logistics matter in this scenario. Another feature included in the scenario is the ability to destroy OpFor base camps thereby preventing the Separatists from receiving their scheduled reinforcements. Back to the original topic of roll playing if you do a search for "House Rules" you will find more information on this interesting topic. I use a modified form of @Peregrine rules when playing the AI. See link below. Also, as discussed above, dismounted truck drivers make good runners for the WWII titles.
  5. I've not tested this but I don't think they can if the ATGM team must deploy. They can't deploy while in the vehicle so they can't fire. Some teams that are not required to deploy, RPG, Javelin etc. might be able to??...................... Good question................. If the team was in ammo sharing distance of a vehicle or supply dump they could, in theory, scan, acquire, fire and reload. Of course if the vehicle catastrophically blows up when hit ...............
  6. Apart from ditches, dirt roads (Fortress Italy lacks dirt paths, so I have to use dirt roads) will also offer some protection, as I set them to be 1 unit deeper than the surrounding fields. Properly done (the road needs to be black, the surrounding fields blue)* soldiers can line up very neatly on each side of the road, with good protection (prone) and good fields of fire. * Does not work with all types of terrain. E.g. ploughed fields create edges that are too sharp. It certainly works with sand and wheed terrain. PS: Did you know? The engine casts shadows depending on the time of the day! I was smiling when I noticed that the shadows are cast to the northwest in the morning and to the northeast in the evening. Well I screwed up the the quotes above. Sorry about that. But anyways...... Why do you say it won't work in a Quick Battle? I didn't follow that. The raising and lowering of a road by using the "Ditch Lock" to make trench like terrain is an interesting idea. Combat Mission is a very cool game with a lot of detail. In the editor all kinds of cool things are possible.
  7. Only one supply dump will appear in the Acquire list. Not sure how the game determines which one will be the one to appear. You can however Acquire from any supply dump by moving the troops until the supply dump you want shows up in the Acquire list. (Moving to the far side of the one you want while placing your troops out of range of the one you don't want.) YOU would think of such a question........................
  8. Below are my editor notes from ammo dumps: Ammo/Supply Dumps: Multiple smaller supply dumps look cool and are easier to Acquire reasonable amounts of ammo from (instead of 1000 rds. of 5.56 etc.). Supply dumps are dismounted vehicles. They will combine into one supply dump if the dismounted vehicles are in the same platoon or are both directly subordinate to the same Bn. HQ. Make one dismounted vehicle subordinate to Bn. HQ, one subordinate to A Co., one subordinate to a supply platoon etc. This will create multiple ammo dumps. It does not matter if the dismounted vehicles are different vehicle types. A Humvee, Armored Knight & Truck will all combine into one supply dump if they are in the same platoon. If the dismounted vehicles are in the exact same chain of command additional ammo dumps that are added will always appear in the location the first ammo dump was place and automatically combine with it. Ammo dumps from different nationalities will also combine into the same ammo dump. If ammo dumps are in adjacent action spots there may be some weirdness. Keep at least one open A/S between ammo dumps. Next, in the editor, change the supply status of the dismounted vehicle from full to limited or scarce. This will help with allowing for smaller amounts of ammo to be obtained. There of course won’t be as much ammo in an ammo dump so create multiple limited supply dumps. Changing the quality (typical, average etc.) does not seem to change the amount of the ammo. Also as of April 2018 there is a bug in CMBS v2.1 Engine 4 where the OpFor ammo dumps are invisible except in Hot Seat play.
  9. Very nice screenshot. Judging from the smoke it must be a strong wind day.
  10. Four hours. Its set up to be a static campaign where you work a four hour shift in a Tactical Operations Center.
  11. @Sequoia Yes. I don't know the ratio but I think there were still many more M60A3s and M113s compared to the Abrams and Brads. I was in the 82nd and we still had the Sheridan tank and were getting lots of Humvees delivered. Our battalion still had 1/4 tons (jeeps).
  12. When the south or west edge of the map is lengthened or shortened units on the map will move the same amount of action spots and in the same direction (every map editor depth or width click will lengthen or shorten a map edge by two action spots (16 meters). When the north or east edge of the map is lengthened or shortened units on the map will remain in their original location. I discovered this a few years ago when I expanded a map to the west and all the units on the map were displaced the same distance to the west. So I thought no problem. I'll add the same amount of terrain to the east side of the map and all the units will end up back in their original positions but I'll have my extra terrain................. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that or it would be an easy work around.
  13. Yes. Thanks, I should have added that .
  14. Under - Mission - Unit Objectives there are up to seven unit objectives per side. With the choices Destroy, Destroy All and Spot. Eg: Destroy Strykers worth 200 VPs etc.
  15. Those all look good except you now need to add: Combat Mission Afghanistan v1.03 Combat Mission Red Thunder v2.0 Engine 4 Combat Mission Black Sea v2.0 Engine 4 I would hold off on Combat Mission Shock Force until Shock Force 2 is released.
  16. I crop the UI (at the bottom of the screen) out of the screenshot in Paint. As you probably know - "alt" "I" disappears the floating icons.
  17. I don't think so.......... Or if so I would like to know how . Triggers are terrain based (paint the terrain tiles) for friendly, friendly armor or enemy and enemy armor. Or I may not understand what you're saying ............... In parameters you can set % for conditions tied to VPs.
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