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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. As @Sgt.Squarehead said the god's eye view only starts when/if you are KIA. Then your soul floats above the battlefield as a spectator and you watch your teammates finish the battle. However you have no communication with them so can't tell them what you are seeing of the OpFor dispositions. I was watching some other u-tube videos about Squad and I think you can also have medics that come along and unrealistically heal your casualties and immediately return them to battle. I think I would prefer the float above the battlefield until the match is over setting. But I really don't have time to devote to this game so I am resisting................ it is tempting.
  2. I've never played a FPS before but this did look very cool. Floating around and watching the battle from above after becoming a casualty was also cool. +1
  3. In RL I think it would cause the IED to detonate or at least disable them. It would be cool in game to be able to locate, mark or maybe disable an IED. In the game I've had luck using smoke. The triggerman has to see when OpFor is in the kill zone. When possible I deploy smoke in all choke points. Smoke grenades carried by the troops will usually work (unless the wind is to strong).
  4. +1 Thanks for sharing that tip. @Sgt.Squarehead did you see this?
  5. +1 Nice screenshots. It looks like the attack was a German victory?
  6. Me too. All the CM titles are excellent. CMSF uniquely so.
  7. This would be cool. Similar game mechanics to CMSF uncons but re-skinned and named partisans. Would also have to get rid of all the IEDs ......... unless maybe the wire IED? Not sure if the partisans had something comparable to the wire IED.
  8. +1 Very, very cool. I thought your old mods were just fine until I saw your new ones . These new one really rock. I think the one labeled "BONUS" is probably my favorite. I look forward to downloading all of them when they are ready. This will be one of those must have mods. Thank you for all the time and effort you are putting into these mods. VERY COOL!!!
  9. You might be able to open it in the editor and cut it in half. After that you might be able to open the two separate halves independently. I understand this is not helpful if you are wanting to use the entire map for one scenario...................
  10. Yep. Some very cool features in CMSF. Below are some screenshots (with mods) of the unique features from the old CMSF1. I can't wait to see the updated look for CMSF2. Four different size of IED and a combatant group. VBIED. Look in the back seat . Spy forward observer. .
  11. Yes! This. Also more terrain objectives since the 15 terrain objectives also have to be shared with triggers.
  12. It does have advantages, especially for conserving ammo, as long as the player is aware of the situation.
  13. The user interface will allow you to give a team that contains a Thompson Target Light however the Thompson will not fire. The other weapons in the same team (M1s etc. will fire). I just double checked at 34 meters and 10 meters. The Thompson did not fire on Target Light. Even when the other weapons ran out of ammo. It may have behaved differently at some earlier point. It was about two years ago that I noticed.
  14. The Thompson will not fire at all past 160 meters due to the hard coded range cap. Under 160 meters the Thompson will only Target. It will not ever Target Light. It has been this way for a long time (over a two years since I noticed?) in all the titles. I thought it was intended behavior.
  15. Uncons for CMBS would be very cool. Some mods were made for Separatists. I wonder if it would be possible to make a uncon mod with dudes running around in civilian clothes and / or a mix of military & civilian clothes. Also after CMSF2 is released and the uncon, IED, VBIED, spies are at the 4.0 standard maybe it would be worthwhile for BFC to include them in CMBS in some future CMBS module................
  16. Yep, this can be a bit of a jumbled mess. No matter how carefully you plan things out something is almost always added out of order at some point. One thing I found with fortifications that help to keep things organized is to name the fortifications in the editor. The name is only visible in the editor and helps to remind me where it is used on the map. Example: Foxhole (crossroads), Barbwire (West Obj.) etc.......
  17. +1. Keeping tabs on and understanding the C2 during a battle is interesting and provides more immersion IMO.
  18. +1 Cool. I see pillars of smoke rising in the background from the direction the panthers came from. Also some hit decals on the front panther. I bet there is a cool story that goes with all that. I hope your new scenario (or is it a campaign?) is progressing to your satisfaction. Thanks for sharing the screenshots.
  19. VBIED detonation. CMSF1 scenario Hornets Nest.
  20. And I was lurking around to read this one .....................
  21. Interesting information. Thanks for sharing. So it sounds like the wire IED would have a better chance of working, compared to cell or radio, when Blue ECM was high................ cool, cool game. Also CMSF has ‘Civilian Density’ setting in the data menu. The greater the civilian density the harder UNCONs are to spot.
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