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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. They are both very good but CMSF2 has many more nationalities, equipment, scenarios, campaigns (the user made CMSF1 scenarios, campaigns work in CMSF2). CMSF2 also has unconventional forces to include IEDs, VBIEDs and spies. Just off the top of my head.
  2. Yes. He is talking about adjusting AI plans in the Editor for a scenario.
  3. Ah, the details ...... . First to define scouts. Game mechanic definition: Scouts are obtained by the administrative command split for scouts that split off a two man rifle team or the three man purchase screen of scouts that generally have three dudes with SMGs. These above defined "scouts" generally have lighter equipment than the remainder of their squad. The rest of the squad has LMGs, AT weapons, etc. that they are the prime movers for. So the difference in equipment carried may have resulted in different fatigue states. That would be my first guess. Below are some notes I have that I thought you might find interesting. Most of the below notes came from some experiments run by @Josey Wales who looking at the four soft factors (Experience, Fitness, Motivation & Leadership). Fatigue states best to worst are; Rested > Ready > Tiring > Tired > Fatigued > Exhausted Keeping troops stationary recovers their fatigue relatively quickly. Hiding troops has no additional benefit. Troops will recover fatigue whilst at the Move but it is at a slower rate. Experience, Leadership and Motivation do not effect Fatigue states or recovery times. Fatigue has no effect on Morale either persistent or temporary. Fatigue has no effect on accuracy nor the range at which targets are engaged at. Fatigue will affect your movement options: Tired troops cannot Fast Move. Fatigued troops cannot Fast, Assault or Hunt Move. Exhausted troops cannot Fast, Assault, Hunt or Quick Move.
  4. A heavy load of ammo will cause troops to fatigue. Fitness definitely will effect fatigue. Using Hunt or Fast for 50 meters will, noticeably , cause fatigue. All movement commands will cause some level of fatigue except Move (walking). Troops can actually improve their fatigue state while using Move. My default movement command is Quick. Quick from cover to cover with Pause. Pause (since troops go prone or at least kneel) will help break any OpFor LOS on the team, will rest the team and allow the team to spot. Pause used at certain waypoints will reduce fatigue of all the movement commands except Move. Troops can use Move with no fatigue penalty. Of course it is often not practical to use Move (walk) depending on the situation. I generally use Hunt with Pause for scouts who I think are about to make contact but I'm not sure exactly when/where they will draw fire. On Hunt the team of scouts will halt and go prone. Then the overwatch and the rest of the platoon can begin to deal with the shooters.
  5. My first guess is that the mods are not showing because the txt file has upper case letters. Try lower case. Below are my mod tag notes. Place the tagged mod in the mod folder. Example: stream a [squalor] Create a txt file with the word squalor typed on it. The text file needs a single word, lower case for each tag. For multiple tags type all the tags on the same txt document separated by a space, comma, or line feed. (Once the txt is imported the tag names will display in the editor the same way no matter if they were entered on the txt with a space or comma or line feed between them.) Example: squalor, separatist, ramadi, coup Place the txt file in the briefings folder. Open the scenario in the editor. Go to Mission – Mod Tags – Import – briefing folder – mod tags – txt document with the tags Click on the txt document and it will automatically import into the scenario. Save May need to exit game and restart.
  6. What you described seeing above is an example of ammo sharing described below.
  7. If a team, from the same platoon as the truck, enters the truck and then uses the Acquire command a list of acquirable items will display. Click on the items you want. Trucks from the same platoon as the teams will also share ammo with the teams when they are within ammo sharing distance (2 action spots / 16 meters). So if a truck (from the same platoon) with mortar ammo is parked 10 meters from the mortar team the team will have access to the mortar ammo (the mortar ammo will show on their inventory) with out getting in the truck and using the Acquire command. They just can't move off more than 16 meters away from the trucks. I'm guessing you may be seeing a combination of these two types of behavior (sharing & Acquiring) and it is causing some confusion. You think a team has taken possession (Acquired) the ammo when in fact they are just sharing it. Then they move off more than 16 meters and it disappears from their inventory. When they use the Acquire command the ammo will stay with the team. Or maybe I misunderstood completely........ But I gave it a shot. Also of interest: Only ammo a team has the ability (room) to carry will show as a choice when Acquire is clicked on.
  8. The manual says the Hiding vehicle will "keep a low noise profile". It has also been posted on the forums that giving a vehicle a Hide command cuts the range at which the vehicle can be heard by half.
  9. Maybe a misunderstanding................ ? @ASL Veteran said twenty yards ............. not several hundred meters. See below. Cool video. I think the floating icons were turned off in the video. If so, that may explain why the tank was a bit of a surprise to people watching the video. It is very possible the player had a tentative armor contact for the tank prior to the tank getting a confirmed spot. It would also help explain why the player had a panzerfaust equipped team Hunting to that exact location. I suspect the floating icons were turned off while making the video but the player probably knew some type of armored vehicle was at that location. Just my guess.
  10. I'm not aware of any similar mod compilations. I just checked my CMRT mod folder and it looks like I downloaded my mods individually. Mostly Aris vehicle mods. The closest to a compilation are Aris vehicle packs for individual vehicles. Example: Aris Stug Mod Pack CMRT. If there are any other mod compilations @Erwin would probably know. I'll tag him here and he'll stop by next time he makes his rounds.
  11. Ah, sorry about that. Mods are still in the process of being transferred over from III to IV. I count 59 CMRT vehicle mods at CMMODS III. Below is one link for T-34s. If you use the modification jump list on the right side you will see all the categories organized. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=314
  12. I've never played any of the GT games, only watched a few U-tube videos, but this command "bandwidth" sounds interesting.
  13. The one stop shopping for mods, maps, scenarios and campaigns is in the below link. After you get to the page (I linked the mods page) you can see the links to the other stuff in the ribbon near the top of the page. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/ On a Windows 10 PC (actually any PC) the CMRT mods go in - This PC - Documents - Battlefront - Combat Mission - Red Thunder - User Data - Mods. Additional folders can be created and used with the mods folder to organize various mods. @Erwin is probably one of the resident experts on the mods folder. On a PC the CMRT scenarios go in - This PC - Documents - Battlefront - Combat Mission - Red Thunder - Game Files - Scenarios. Have fun!!
  14. If you conduct a frontal assault on an un-suppressed MG in any CM2 game you will generally suffer high casualties and fail.
  15. In general I almost always split my squads into teams. For the Pop Smoke drill A Team (Administrative command Assault split) is split from the squad, moved 20 meters from the location smoke is needed, A Team gets the Face Command and the Pop Smoke command. After the smoke is formed (about a minute to form) teams cross the danger area (typically a street). Most Platoon HQs can also Pop Smoke.
  16. I think all the US infantry squads of a US infantry battalion are able Pop Smoke once. If you make an Assault Team split, as the first split (team A), they will have the smoke. Also Platoon HQs can Pop Smoke. Infantry Pop Smoke Drill: 1. Check wind direction & strength1. 2. Position throwing team so the 20 meter thrown grenade lands where needed. 3. On the turn of the throw don't move the unit popping the smoke (Team “A”). 4. Give team “A” a Face command in the direction you want the smoke thrown. 5. With team “A” still selected, choose the Pop Smoke command. 6. Next turn, Fast the moving team across linear danger area (If Quick they may stop to shoot). Notes: Smoke (not HE) hand grenades are automatically thrown 20 meters by the AI (three action spots). 1) Wind strength not more than medium. General Vehicle info: The range of WWII Pop Smoke, for both vehicles & infantry is 20m. Soviet WWII vehicles & infantry do not have Smoke. The game UI advises Modern Russian & Ukrainian vehicles have a Pop Smoke range of 20m however the actual range varies by Modern Russian/Ukrainian vehicles from 48m to about 135m.
  17. THIS. This sounds interesting. To late for CM2 but maybe something along these lines would work for a future CM3?
  18. +1. Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing. I wonder what caused the eight misses. Just bad luck or something else..........
  19. I've been playing CM as my main game/hobby since about 2012. There are many, many scenarios & campaigns I have not had time to play. Not sure if you are aware of the below site: Scenario Depot. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/ Between the stock content that ships with the games and content at the Scenario Depot (which also includes campaigns) and the stuff in the pipeline I would suspect we will all be very busy for a very long time. Modders / scenario designers also come up with many new ideas like the southeast Asia CM: Everything from historical operations, to missions on different continents (outside the stock releases) to fictional stuff to police mods: The editor is a entirely different game / addiction.
  20. This is not something that is mentioned very often on the forum so is easy to forget. However from the v4.0 Engine Manual, page 68: Leadership help "direct fire to be more effective". To be fair I never tried to test this but it is in the manual..........
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