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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. From the scenario: Mission to Maas. Early morning rush hour east of Stoumont. A Forward Observer team with the Cheneux column watches on as the requested smoke mission forms. While the smoke screen forms the commander, of the Cheneux column, advises that the first tank to cross the bridge will earn a bottle of schnapps.
  2. @Jace11 +1. Very nice screenshot. It could be printed, framed and hung on a wall.
  3. A column of Kings blasting their way towards Stoumont.
  4. A mortar team from the 12th Company FJ fire a support mission in the vicinity of Cheneux.
  5. Hmm, not sure why it won't show up for you. When I right click on the btt file and look under Properties / General it shows as 1.39 MB. Under details I can also view the file path. When you check does everything look okay?
  6. I found a King Tiger mod at the older CMMODS 3 site.
  7. No difficulty. I'm playing it now. I did rename it Mission to Maas. But I don't think that matters since it showed for @Wicky with the original name. Are you on Windows or Mac? What are you calling the correct folder? This would be my first guess, that it's not in the correct folder. Sorry, but just to double check, it goes in the CMFB scenario folder. If you have the game running when you drop the file in the scenario folder you may have to restart the game for it to show (not sure). Edit to add: My second guess would be there is something wrong with the downloaded file. If you right click on the file and look at properties, details etc. does it seem correct? If not maybe another download.
  8. Well, I went looking for mods and got distracted ............. "sigh".
  9. After passing through a secured La Gleize 11th Panzergrenadiers and elements of the 501st Panzer (KT) continue the advance towards Stoumont. Hmm, I think I'm going to have to look for a mod for the below King Tiger. It looks a little to clean.
  10. CMFB Mission to Maas. 12th Company FJ and 2nd Panzer Company (Panther) receive orders to by-pass La Gleize to the south and advance towards Cheneux. Below is an overhead screenshot of the 4 x 2.3 km map. It would not all fit at the max zoom but this is most of it.
  11. I don't know of a way to set points. However, in the scenario editor, you can pick the force you want and points don't matter as they would in a Quick Battle. To save a custom formation when building TOE open the QB map or scenario in the scenario editor, drop in your force from the core file (import feature). (If QB add the force you want to fight against and drop it into the OpFor setup zone.) Set up your force how you want. Then save the file in your scenarios folder (I'd recommend renaming it too, to avoid accidents). When you start the new scenario the AI should set up your opponents randomly and take over from there. I created a Core Units Files sub-folder in all my CM Game Files folders. To create a core unit: 1) Open up the scenario editor. 2) Select desired units. 3) Save in Scenarios 4) Name the scenario file. Example - Core US 1944 Armored Inf. Company. To import core units into a scenario: 1) Open up the scenario in the scenario editor. 2) Go to units and delete the units you are replacing with your core force. 3) While still in Units click on Import Campaign Units. 4) The scenarios file will open. 5) Select the desired core force. 6) Click Deploy Units and place the core force in the setup zone. 7) Save with a different name to preserve the original scenario.
  12. From @theforger's new huge scenario Mission to Maas. Set on a 4 x 2.3 km map and four hours long Mission to Maas is more like a static campaign and has an operational feel to it. Very cool scenario so far (one hour in). http://community.battlefront.com/topic/136156-mission-to-maas/#comments Overwatch. Maneuver element. Tip of the bloody spear.
  13. 2nd Platoon / 10th Company acquire additional ammo after clearing a farmstead. After acquiring ammo 2nd Platoon heads for their next job.
  14. @Zveroboy1 nice work. These mods also work in CMFI . Recon unit from 5 Commando in a remote village in the Congo.
  15. +1 I remember these guys. I had many of the Airfix sets. +1 I see you're living up to your forum handle.
  16. 1st Platoon HQ team / 10th Company coordinating the attack while a Pz IVJ provides fire support.
  17. At 0914hrs 1st Bn / 1st Pz Reg. Commander Poetschke provides a SitRep to Commander Peiper. Commander Peiper then enters the Tactical Operations Center.
  18. A column of Panzer IVJs on the road in front of Werimont Farm with elements of 10th Company panzergrenadiers. The column is at a halt while 10th Company Commander Preuss sends recon teams northwest into La Gleize.
  19. One of the cool things about Combat Mission is the player is able to decide where his personal work/fun ratio is for game play. Sure it does. A player decides his work/fun ratio (at least I do) by choosing the type/size/TOE/location of the scenario (or QB) to play. Some players like a battalion of Italian infantry on a huge map, some like a combined arms US company in the bocage of Normandy, or huge tank battles in the east, or house to house fighting in urban terrain, counter insurgency operations in the Middle East, etc., etc. If anything the amount of choices may be a little overwhelming for a new player. However once a player decides he generally prefers commanding an infantry company (fewer waypoints to plot as opposed to a battalion of inf.) he can choose to play those scenarios. If the player is really passionate about those parameters he also has access to the editor which allows him to create even more of the type of scenarios he prefers. That is what I meant in the above post where I typed the player is able to decide where his personal work/fun ratio is for game play. Not sure what you mean by this. I think the AI in most (maybe all?) games is more or less scripted by a scenario/game designer. There are triggers, timers etc. in Combat Mission scenarios but it all has to be scripted (if that's the right word) by designers. The AI movements etc. are probably as competent as a scenario designer can make them with the tools at hand. I would agree that the AI is not as good as a human player if that is what you meant. Are there any tactical combat games where the AI is better than a human player and commercially available?
  20. This is a good point. I knew I would probably forget to move the TRP so after reading about it in the briefing I immediately placed it on the road in between the setup zone and the Moulin Marechal Farm just south of the bridge. I knew I would see it continuously as I plotted movement waypoints down that road. The initial TRP placement would be an easy fix if there are plans to make some tweaks to this scenario (along with interior building doors where appropriate). I'm at 0905hrs and it takes a bit for my PC to load the game but I'm enjoying it.
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