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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. It does surprise me the amount of time and effort some people will go to in order to take shots at Battlefront. (I'm not talking about anybody that is currently in this discussion thread. Just a bunch of posters with years on the forum talking here so far.) I have seen posters go out of their way to be unreasonable, get truly upset (over a game) and get banned from this forum. Then some have changed their handle and come back to continue the hate. To get discovered and banned again. They also continue this behavior on other forums with hate directed at Battlefront. The stuff I'm talking about is not constructive criticism being discussed in a reasonable manner. They obviously have an ax to grind and will sometimes resort to personal insults (hence the banning). It seems like very unhealthy behavior and sometimes makes me wonder about their mental health. Why get so upset over a game and spend free time making hateful posts in multiple forums? It just doesn't make sense. Unless the hateful posters think someone at BFC has slept with their wife/girlfriend/life partner and are attacking the product in a jealous rage to get even................ And even that excuse is still kind of unhealthy......
  2. Yep, 1SG likes his sign to look clean and new. It's the first thing he sees in the morning when he drives through the gate. One of the many details that keep privates busy... .
  3. Ah, I figured something would be off. The rectangle patch is what I started with and made it a wrap. So I can change that. And the rectangle letters MP should be above the unit patch?
  4. In the editor under Units - bottom left - Fortifications. Click on fortifications and a list will appear on the left side of the screen (under Available Troops).
  5. I might try to place tall walls on the map. And then place the Hesco barrier (Flavor Object) over the Tall Wall. The wall would be hidden inside the Hesco and would stop bullets (but not tank rounds). It would look like a Hesco except when you zoomed in close inside the Hesco you would see the wall.
  6. More screenshots from the Southeast Asia mod and campaign Heaven & Earth.
  7. How far are they moving from the location you placed them. Are we talking about a meter or some longer distance? I've had problems in the past placing flavor objects to close together (as in almost touching). I've seen one of the two almost touching flavor objects disappear from the map. I assume you are attempting to make the Hesco barriers touch to form a solid wall. I've not tried the Hesco barrier Flavor Object but I can see where having many of the barriers touching might cause problems. Now if some of the Hesco barriers are teleporting halfway across the map then that's something I've not seen.
  8. More interesting possibilities for the new Flavor Objects created by @Aquila-CM.
  9. The new billboard flavor object can also be used as bulletin boards and SitMaps etc. Pretty cool. I have to learn to lower them so I can get them inside a building and also raise them so they can be placed on the second floor above a storefront etc.
  10. This can happen if you are using the Dismount order (I don't know if you are or not). If you are using Dismount it has the effect of making infantry dismount at the start of the turn. It allows you to dismount infantry and then move the AFV, in one turn. Whereas the infantry movement orders allows you to move the AFV, and then dismount the infantry. So you plot the AFV movement waypoints. You also plot the infantry movement waypoints (ignore dismount). The infantry will stay in the vehicle until the vehicle stops (as planned or due to enemy action). After the vehicle stops the infantry will dismount and attempt to follow their waypoints.
  11. Same thing as @Kevin2k said. To make an Image background transparent I use Paint. Then I use Pixelformer to import the PNG with transparency and convert it to 32 bpp RGBA (with alpha channel) and save to BMP format. Below are my notes for pixel former. Open Pixelformer Import desired image into Pixelformer In upper left corner of Pixelformer click File In the dropdown click Import Navigate to desired file, select and click Open The selected file will now be displayed in Pixelformer In the top right of Pixelformer, right click on the top blue box where the pixel size is displayed. Example: 2048 x 256RGBA. In the dropdown click on Properties. In the window click the top choice: RGB color with alpha channel (32bpp). Click Okay. In upper left corner of Pixelformer click File In the dropdown click Export In the window go to Save as type: and select Windows bitmap (bmp) Then go up one field to File Name. After the file name type _32bit (don’t forget the underscore) Click Save The BMP options window will appear. Select the third format choice: A8:R8:G8:B8 (32bpp) Select Premultiplied alpha Click OK X out to close. (The image will be in the folder you saved it to)
  12. I've duplicated it in a controlled test. I'm positive the change happens. I'm just not sure what the cause is since it does not happen consistently.
  13. I think this proves the change happened prior to the patch. However, I suspect there still was a change. It seems odd the scenario designer would have all those "standing on end pallets" and the picnic tables lined up in that location. It doesn't really look right (which is probably why @Sgt.Squarehead noticed and remembered them). It would be interesting, if we knew who the scenario designer was, to ask him what type of flavor object he placed in that location. He may have released the scenario not noticing his original Flavor Objects had changed. I'm tempted to go back and look at the scenarios TOC & Coup d'etat to see if there are any obvious Flavor Object changes I didn't notice since at the time I wasn't looking for or aware of this change.
  14. @IanL I can submit the Mantis report. I was just hoping to be able to provide more details on what causes the Flavor Object change.
  15. I did some tests and there were changes to previously placed Flavor Objects. However I'm not sure what is causing the change. Sometimes a change will occur after one edge of a map is enlarged or made smaller. Many times there was no Flavor Object change at all when a map size was changed. On my Chiraq map there were flavor object changes with no map size change. The Chiraq map was originally a CMSF1 map. The new test map was created in CMSF2 v2.02 Engine 4. Both old and new maps had the flavor object change. One map had 2000 + Flavor Objects another had about 200. Both had Flavor Objects that changed. @usgubgub I think you are seeing this behavior in CMBN (I could not get your files to open) and I have it in CMSF2. The Flavor Objects change in more than one title. So, some flavor objects sometimes randomly change to other flavor objects but I still have not narrowed down what causes said change.
  16. This does not sound good. I'll run some tests on this today. Yep, I pretty much do the same thing with the Flavor Objects. I thought I had just hit the upper limit of the Flavor Objects. However maybe there are more things going on. I'll try to narrow it down today.
  17. I did some test on this awhile back. It depends on what map edge you increase or decrease and Flavor Objects are not moved. However I guess Flavor Objects would be deleted if sitting on a map section that was deleted.
  18. Yes, so far I've only noticed it with two types of yellow garbage cans (upright & knocked over) and the dumpster. These garbage holding flavor objects are probably the most numerous flavor objects on the map. No, they have changed to several different types of flavor objects. The bench and pallets are some of the most common however. Yes, this is happening in the oldest part of the map where the first flavor objects were placed. Yep, this sounds like good advice.
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