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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. I've been following along (lurking). Don't have to much more I can add really. Soft factors, current morale state and the location of other units, both friendly and OpFor, plays a role.
  2. Some scenarios may run the risk of becoming a battle of "waypoint" management. I generally prefer no more than about a company of infantry supported by a few tank platoons (or something similar) that need to be maneuvered by the player. There are some scenarios where you may have a battalion of infantry on the map with most of the troops on static defense and only about a company actually maneuvering each turn. That's fine IMO. I generally prefer to not have to plot waypoints for more than about one company worth of infantry. When I do play scenarios with multiple infantry companies I will sometimes alternate assigning waypoints. On turn seven I assign waypoints to units moving on the left flank. Turn eight the center. Turn nine the right flank. Turn 10 back to the left flank etc. Of course any emergency moves must be immediately way-pointed. I've read AARs where some players seem to enjoy plotting an infantry battalion worth of waypoints almost every turn. One of the cool things about Combat Mission is the player is able to decide where his personal work/fun ratio is for game play.
  3. +1. This. Plus read everything you can find by @Bil Hardenberger and @womble. The below was posted by womble in April of 2015 and is generally my SOP. I paraphrased womble's post below. Split your squads. You don't scout with whole squads, the SMGs are useless in the firebase element, the AT teams can be given separate orders to preserve their precious rockets for armored targets. The teams are smaller and easier to find cover for, they fit into buildings without crowding. Fire on one team doesn't pin the other team. I always split an Assault team off before the AT team, so the non-AT elements (even if you're going to go for a Split Team or a Scout Team in the end) get some grenades: if you split the AT Team off first, they'll take almost all the grenades. Also has the advantage of the C team being assigned the correct icon, where the icon is differentiated.
  4. +1 Kind of like a campaign on one huge map. I think it may have a bit of an operational feel to it.
  5. True, this is possible. I've seldom lost a spotter in this circumstance but the few times I have it has been .......... annoying .
  6. No, you have to start all over again. I almost always request maximum duration and then cancel when appropriate (or maybe adjust onto a new target).
  7. I think @MikeyD has a point . Read what he said below. A tag will work from inside the Z folder. So I deleted my original post after reading the below post.
  8. Yes. The tagged mod should only appear in scenarios that have the tag. Which CM game is this for? Try taking the mod out of the Z folder and placing it in the normal mod folder (I have a Z folder inside my Mod folder). However if I remember correctly CMBN mods are organized a little differently.
  9. I agree. In my experience your 30 second rule is accurate.
  10. There are several threads in the forum over the years where this is discussed. I don't remember the consensus or if there actually was a consensus about the reasoning behind the decision. It is probably not realistic to expect to ever see command delays in CM2. The good news is that players are able to implement similar types of rules on their own. These different rule systems are something I'm interested in and enjoy following. Below is a link to some fairly easy, useful rules created by @Bil Hardenberger and @IanL. I think these add a lot of realism and enjoyment to the game. It will not answer your question above but it might help you implement something similar as you play the CM2 games.
  11. This one that Fiskerby mentioned can be particularly useful. Use XO teams to act as liaisons to other friendly units that are not in the same chain of command. The XOs will then provide horizontal C2 to the other unit (if the XO teams have radios).
  12. Yes. The orders area they are moving into. Is there enough space in the next area to hold all the units at the same time considering how infantry spreads out etc.?
  13. Just taking a guess. Is the painted order area that the units are moving into big enough to hold all the units?
  14. It is true that the unit is not using a vehicle based radio. A more comprehensive way to explain no radio in the middle square might be to say the unit is not in radio C2. No vehicle based radio C2, and no portable radio C2. For example if you have a stationary infantry company HQ with a portable radio they will show a radio in the middle square (or whatever mod you're using something will be in that middle square). The company HQ will show a radio in the middle square even when no vehicles are present on the map. If the HQ is ordered to Quick, on foot, to a different location it will drop out of radio C2 (except in CMBS) during the movement (helping to demonstrate that, in this instance, the middle square is being used for a non-vehicle based radio). After foot movement stops the RTO of the HQ team is able to use the radio and an icon will again appear in the middle square. And a new improved thread on this same topic:
  15. +1 Sounds very cool. I have no idea what it takes programming wise to make it all work. But again......... sounds very cool.
  16. I wonder if there is some confusion between the book definition/application of an air guard and the practical application (position in the vehicle). The book/doctrine for an air guard that is actually on the look out for air threats maybe what @IMHO is referring to. Then there is the practical application of war fighters like @Attilaforfun where the position/stance in the vehicle is referred to as "air guard". so maybe in Mosul the Sgt. yells for Jones and miller to get their @sses in the air guard position. He has no intention for the two troops to be on the lookout for OpFor air threats but wants them in the "air guard" position (location in the vehicle) to shoot dudes aiming RPGs etc. at the vehicle.
  17. +1. Very nice story. @Michael Emrys and @John Kettler two of the most polite, helpful and articulate forum members. <- beer mugs
  18. +1 I was trying to count the hit decals and figure out what caliber made the hits.......... then I noticed the soldier UNDER the tracks!!
  19. I'm at 0817hrs. 43 minutes left. The fearless men of the Red Berets press on.............
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