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  1. Like
    zinzan reacted to Mord in Fare thee well, oh Repository   
    With the new site finally up we must take a minute to remember our old friend, the Repository, now relegated to the cold dark vacuum of cyberspace. Maybe not the prettiest of spots on the internet, that old ugly wench did her job in earnest, hosting some of the first and oldest of the new engine mods, maps and scenarios. She was the home to my first real endeavors into the modding arena (as ugly as some of them were) and she was the go-to spot before there was a go-to spot. Even though she was cast aside many a year ago for a prettier, younger Mistress, it was nice knowing she was still around if we needed her. And even though she was old, haggard, and hard to handle, she was there with her many forgotten (un-ported) treasures buried in a confusion of broken links and cyber-subterfuge waiting for a visit and a chat. Alas, she has finally and truly given up her ghost, along with many a mod (and perhaps) scenario that never made it to a shinier shore. So, as a new door opens, an old one closes and I say, fare thee well, sweet, ugly, PIA-to-navigate Repository, I salute thee for a job well done! You are gone but not forgotten...well, maybe a little.
    And now a blatant and exploitative manipulation of your emotions...bow your heads and shut your mouths (especially you, Emrys, your Flea Deity commands it!)
  2. Like
    zinzan reacted to A Canadian Cat in Fare thee well, oh Repository   
    Way to nice, considering I usually compared the Repository to a suppository. No nostalgic feelings here.
  3. Like
    zinzan reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    I heard from Baneman, turns out he was in the hospital (or "in hospital" as they say over the pond)... he is back and will be continuing the game for a few more turns at least.  So I will update this thread as I get turns, and also will be starting the new AAR with @IanL.
    I'm just glad he is alright... but I hope the drugs don't give him super-human tactical powers.  
  4. Like
    zinzan reacted to sburke in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    Man some people will do anything to bail on a game! 😁
    hoping it is all good for him now. 
  5. Like
    zinzan reacted to Rinaldi in DAR - BrotherSurplice v Rinaldi; "Bier u. Brezel" CM:SF   
    Quick update: The AAR isn't dead! I have a series of screenshots but haven't had the time to update. Surplice and myself have also taken a quick break from the game to handle some periods of work in both our respective lives. For the two of you still reading, watch this space. 
  6. Like
    zinzan reacted to Bil Hardenberger in DAR - BrotherSurplice v Rinaldi; "Bier u. Brezel" CM:SF   
    I'll bet there are more than two of us reading this AAR.   
  7. Like
    zinzan reacted to A Canadian Cat in DAR - BrotherSurplice v Rinaldi; "Bier u. Brezel" CM:SF   
    ^^^ One
    And with me that's two.
  8. Like
    zinzan reacted to Erwin in DAR - BrotherSurplice v Rinaldi; "Bier u. Brezel" CM:SF   
    That's 3.  Already a 50% increase in viewership!
    At this rate there will be a gazillion by next month (according to stockbroker thinking).
  9. Like
    zinzan reacted to MeatEtr in DRUMS OF WAR TOURNAMENT *MID JAN LAUNCH*   
    Hope I'm not getting ahead of myself, but I went ahead and picked out my award. I'm going with a Porsche 911 Carrera GTS in flashy red. It's only about $120k, surely Steve at @Battlefront.com can afford to give this as a tourney award right? 😀

    P.S. I am serious... and don't call me Surely! 🤪
  10. Like
    zinzan reacted to c3k in ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)   
    Just posting because photobucket has restored their links, so I wanted to check my screenshots. They are here.
    One thing I only touched on, was what a great sport Bil was to play. In every case, he was solicitous, courteous, and willing to adjust to any of my preferences. If I did not emphasize it enough, "Thank you" to Bil. It was truly a pleasure.
  11. Like
    zinzan reacted to MOS:96B2P in Hot info ref WW II Italian infantry squad organization   
    In CMFI the Italian infantry squad is generally broke down into two large teams.  The disadvantage (and probably the posts you remember John) is that the two Italian teams cannot be further manipulated with the Administrative commands. 
    The German, Commonwealth and American squads are generally broke down into three teams.  Then under Administrative commands the German, Commonwealth and American player has the following choices: Split Team, Assault Team, Ati-Tank Team, Scout Team and Combine Squad. 
    This is one of the things that make the Italians more of a challenge to command in a scenario.  IMO it's also one of the interesting things about CMFI.  Really looking forward to the Rome to Victory module.     
  12. Like
    zinzan reacted to IICptMillerII in I Don't Read the Dev Updates BINGO!   
    There is always one typo that falls through the gaps!
    Haha that isn't a bad idea, but I was trying to keep the theme more SF2 centric, and the most outlandish wish for SF2 is adding the Russians, which is why it got the middle of the board.
    I didn't think it was possible for me to get more excited for SF2, but this managed to do it. I just hope they left the T-72M1's in the game. 
    That's a good one! I realized just after posting this that I forgot to add a request for the Terminator BMP/tank hybrid vehicle as well. Who knows, maybe there will be a version 2 of the board.
  13. Like
    zinzan reacted to MikeyD in I Don't Read the Dev Updates BINGO!   
    About T-72 types. BFC greatly modified the old CMSF1 T-72 list and revised the models. So the 'speculative' T72 types have disappeared and T-72s in the game will be easily recognizable to anyone familiar with armor in Syria. God bless internet Google search engine in that regard.
  14. Like
    zinzan reacted to Bud Backer in I Don't Read the Dev Updates BINGO!   
    Hahahaha!  Brilliant!
  15. Like
    zinzan reacted to IICptMillerII in I Don't Read the Dev Updates BINGO!   
    In honor of the imminent release of CMSF2, I figured I would get a heads start on the time honored tradition of complaining about every new release by making it into a fun game!
    I give you, CMSF2 BINGO!

    All in good fun of course.
  16. Like
    zinzan reacted to c3k in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    Personally, I think it is likely that he smashed his keyboard after that last turn you posted and has been unable to post anything since. (Not just because of the broken keyboard, but because of the keys embedded in the fleshy parts of his hands.)
  17. Like
    zinzan reacted to Bil Hardenberger in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    You guys are a riot.  I am back from Jamaica, weather and the water was gorgeous of course.
    I will post the next turn report tonight... probably on the later side though, so don't wait up   
    How is Baneman's thread going?  I had expected it to have another thousand views and another 100 posts by today.. but alas, doesn't seem to be much happening over there.
  18. Like
    zinzan reacted to LongLeftFlank in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    Indeed, although I have never been quite so smug about that since an American friend pointed out that our extra "u"s merely advertise that 1000 years ago, our mother country lost a war. To the French.
  19. Like
    zinzan reacted to Wodin in A long delayed update   
    Hopefully us  at AWNT will do a review and would love to do an interview at some point.
  20. Like
    zinzan reacted to Bud Backer in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    No, can’t be. He mis-spells armour.
  21. Like
    zinzan reacted to General Jack Ripper in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    The man apologizes for taking a vacation.
    What is this world coming to?!
  22. Like
    zinzan reacted to Kinophile in CMSF 2 – US-SYRIA BETA AAR   
    It's like he's Canadian or summat. 
  23. Like
    zinzan reacted to slysniper in T-90 with Teeth   
    He also had a other tank that managed to become his wing man for the last half of the battle, he also had a huge day, but his diet was a little more manageable in that he was dueling Bradley's instead of Abrams
    But I cannot remember two units having such success in a long while in this format. 
    with CMSFII coming out soon, I am getting hungry for some interesting match ups that can happen.

  24. Like
    zinzan reacted to Vergeltungswaffe in Interested... But...   
    Did someone say fish and chips?
  25. Like
    zinzan reacted to grunt_GI in Interested... But...   
    From my perspective...just FIXING the very suboptimal QB system is good enough...I have long wanted more control over selecting units...especially RED UNCON...I also love MOUT/FISH type actions...and I love QBs
    FISH....The British armed forces terms are OBUA (operations in built-up areas), FIBUA (fighting in built-up areas), or sometimes (colloquially) FISH (fighting in someone's house),or FISH and CHIPS (fighting in someone's house and causing havoc in people's streets).  😎
    That's awesome...time for some FISH and CHIPS....😏
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