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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Agreed. It cheapened the hard fought stand that climaxed the movie. Why set up a situation that requires the "heroes" to be rescued?
  2. Oh good, I'm looking forward to reading now our little armoured car did!
  3. Thanks for doing this AAR, Baneman! It was a lot of fun watching you heap victory after victory with CMFB! Your light armour rules did indeed inspire me, I'm having a similar engagement in CMBN right now as a result of watching this.
  4. Ok, and I thought it was just me kludging something everyone else did better! LOL I do the very same thing.
  5. Thanks, Ken. That must have been frustrating for you both but you got it done in the end. You've inspired me to try a battle limited to 40mm units against a friend of mine. Not sure it will ever be as Glooooorious as yours though!
  6. OMG I almost got coffee all over my iPad with this. Thanks, Warts...
  7. That's correct, it was APDS. You don't have 76mm stats handy by any chance, do you? Please don't spend a lot of time digging if you don't.
  8. Those figures are particularly telling as US studies I've read considered the 17lbr specifically to be quite inaccurate and the reason they went with their own 76mm despite poorer penetrative capabilities. Which suggest better numbers for other weapons. Additionally, Germans trained their tank crews on firing on moving targets and were very proficient at this.
  9. The top two pictures really illustrate the utility of the grid. Nicely done, Bil!
  10. I would agree with you that you want the demo to look as fantastic as possible, but your download time is not the experience that many have. It took me 4 1/2 hours. And I know many others who have the same experience.
  11. The instructions say you must patch to 1.12 before installing the 3.0 upgrade (which brings it to 1.2).
  12. One of the advantage of Apple's iBooks over the Kindle format is that I can back up all my Ebooks to backup drives. I don't have to redownload if I don't wish to. Like 76mm, I have so many books that storage is a major issue, and much as I love the feel, look and smell of paper, nothing beats the electronic copies for simplicity of storage. I do an enormous amount of reading now on the iPad.
  13. They've always been helpful and really quick with anything I had trouble with.
  14. I like the comments you added to each point, Bil. They provide context and make them clearer.
  15. The last headline before our computers all shut themselves down: Michael Emrys is Skynet, and it became self-aware....
  16. I like terrain that has a more realistic feel to it but the OP didn't say the map had to be totally flat, as he wanted to add some hills etc. I think that LOS subtleties can be frustrating to players who are looking for a more "straightforward" war. I had an opponent some months ago tell me that my maps were too complex, and he wanted something flat with some LOS obstacles like trees and maybe a few houses. We didn't pursue this as I can't imagine that as being very interesting let alone immersive in 3D mode, but clearly there is something about LOS simplicity that is sought after.
  17. Yeah, what's becoming clearer as this develops is the British were not expecting the Germans to be here at all.
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