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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Though I'm not surprised by the behaviour, I never gave any thought to the implications until you mentioned it here. I think it's because I don't do what you do on the attack, the times I use Target Armor Arc are primarily on the defence. So I just learned two things - your SOP which I never thought of, and that it can backfire.
  2. I fully agree, I don't want to glorify snipers or Nazis either. But you have to consider the settings in this case to be for effect on the opponent, how they perceive these snipers as a threat or nuisance or hindrance. The settings in this case are not meant to represent a level of training or indoctrination or political affiliation. If you want these snipers to be truly the hassle I believe you're trying to represent then you have to give the game engine a leg up and make them obnoxiously good.
  3. Yes they would but their parent formation would likely also not be 200km away, they had to have been there at some time and these snipers remained as the parent formation withdrew. So I'd even go so far as to say I would expect that the parent formation is likely to be gone a few hours to a day.
  4. This is an interesting set of questions. Would that not primarily be determined by the units they are attached to? If you're making a scenario where the German force is, say, 15th Volkgrenadier Div then SS snipers might be out of place? Or am I misunderstanding your question? I'm sure there will be countless opinions but for my part, I'd say that if you're trying to emulate the effectiveness and general nuisance these snipers represented, Elite, High Morale, +2 Leadership would be my choices. Keeping morale to no better than high will still give them self-preservation. Fanatics might just sit and be killed. I have a few books on the subject of sniping and I have yet to hear mention of an SS sniper that stood out at all to be named. The truly high scorers were all Wehrmacht. Is that a training issue, or a numbers issue with Wehrmacht being a larger pool is hard to say.
  5. Gripping account. Well done, love your sense of drama!
  6. Yes, maps are always welcome! I play exclusively QB and maps for them are precious like gold.
  7. Yes, I'd imagine you do. Thank you. It's nice to be missed.
  8. The top picture shows a column of smoke in the far distance. That's the burning vehicles in the bottom picture. Gives an interesting sense of distance, I think. When I get low with the camera at either end, it's hard to spot shooter or target. Scary, to imagine having to watch for attacks both close by and so far away. I wish I'd been off to a sandy beach. We had some err..health related crises unexpectedly show up. Slooooowly getting back into my hobbies now that things are better.
  9. Been a while since I attempted any graphics, so here goes... This is on the beautiful and topographically tricky Stoumont map.
  10. Hi Michael! It's been a roller-coaster due to some unexpected stuff but things are improving once more. Left me pretty tapped out creatively though.
  11. I want it every month but think of the elves!!! Pity the poor elves!!!
  12. OMG, Heinrich! I salute you. You must have retried 150 times to get the needed screengrabs to do this vignette. I know how painful it can be to get good "abandon ship" shots!
  13. Works great, I'm right behind them, coughing as I run!
  14. Fantastic work, Heinrich! Your combined text and visuals just get better and better.
  15. I do almost all my surfing on the iPad and can get in fine. However... Once in a while I do get "server not responding" but a refresh cures that right away. Also on rare occasions it will seem to take forever to load. I doubt it's the iPad itself, more likely just internet vagaries.
  16. Ahh, Singling... Great battle, and you're making great use of it!
  17. In a pillow-fight you'll never run out of ammo. Win-win!
  18. That gap with the sky and clouds makes for a brilliant composition.
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