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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. Rented that movie from iTunes this weekend.
  2. Just a shout-out that Baneman was kind enough to set up and create some graphics for Hans-Joachim Marseille. I've updated the panel with the aircraft in it, as it has the correct markings. Thanks, @Baneman!!
  3. Thanks to your mention, I just bought the book. Looks like a fun read! Once I finish Showalter's Armor and Blood I'll try to read it next, though Battle of the River Plate is calling...
  4. Vet, thanks for the comments. It's always nice to hear that the older material still gets noticed. And of course there is do eyeing newer in the offing. My wife is recovering still, but all signs are positive; I think you for your kindness.
  5. This one is my favourite. Great shot! I'm reading about Kursk right now and this distant view makes me think of that battle.
  6. I think that's called a "huddle". Hope their quarterback is good...
  7. I think others have mentioned instances of trees seemingly enduring crazy amounts of HE. I wondered if it's an outlier or very common. My experience with that is rare. In my Apache comic battle two HE rounds destroyed a tree completely, and that was from a Sherman 75. It's hard to pin down sometimes what the problem is when one has polar opposites like that.
  8. This battle just keeps getting more bloody! It is going to end with you and Baneman, pistols at dawn sort of thing. I'll act as his second.
  9. The latest Micro-Battle series, The Good Old Days, can be found here!
  10. I generally try to avoid including iconic characters because it opens the door to debates about historical accuracy, but it seemed the perfect place to do that here.
  11. I'm finding it quite a challenge to show height differentials. I'm also having to use Zoom a lot to include both foreground and relevant details in the background. Every now and then I must zoom out so that the reader can see the true distances or else it seems both sides are 100m apart when in fact the distance between the armoured car and the trucks on the road is several hundred.
  12. But have you figured out who that is?
  13. Angling to include that mirror and fitting it in the comic was about 2 hours work! I really wanted that in there, it's just an incredible part of the game that it includes little details like that.
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