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Bud Backer

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Everything posted by Bud Backer

  1. It's waiting for you in our Dropbox folder. Let me know if it works for you. I don't have CMBS installed at the moment so I am working from memory here.
  2. Yes, there is one I believe, done by Pete Wenman I think. I'll see if I can find it for you.
  3. I think two survived - one mine, which has the beach and town, and the other Kohl's orchard-vineyard-wheat fields. Which would get you the whole area where everything happened. No AI though for either, so you'd have to make one or use it for PBEM. You will have to bear with me as I do not have them to hand, CMFI is not on my computer due to a redo for the CMFB and CMBN betas and I'd have to strip stuff out first.
  4. Never mind, misread the question. Move along, nothing to see here.
  5. No, it's not. I may release something at a later date, but not at this point, sorry. This story is actually created by 3 (or 4? I can't recall) scenarios. The battles are not staged, but required several scenarios to go from beach to the end of the comic. So you would not have a coherent single scenario representing what you're seeing.
  6. The big bundle is awesome! Does that include the vehicle pack? Or "just" CMBN+CW+MG? Even that is something like 700 QB maps!!
  7. Baneman!! Glad to see you're back, I hope you feel better. You both do realize there is another sound effect that might be appropriate.... Ska-Doom!!!
  8. I'd like to point out I didn't leave you all hanging very long... But my cliffhanger ending is itself another cliffhanger! Isn't that neat?
  9. More than anything I'd like that the map would have, in 3-D mode, some procedural generator of terrain outside the sandbox, so that no matter how I orient the camera, the terrain recedes into the distance seamlessly. I spend a lot of time trying to frame shots in such a way as to hide ugly map edges.
  10. Ugh, my US crews were losing their TCs like crazy in my CMFB battles with IanL. Finally taught me to button up when the enemy us more distant... As to what could be worse than a hidden ATG... How about one really close. Like, REALLY close. See below...
  11. Yes, it was! Barnes seems to have a talent for keeping his head really low - you barely see anything below his eyes at times.. That's how he'd explain it anyway...
  12. It took about 40 attempts to catch that damned bullet in flight at the right moment - both coming in, and bouncing away... Barnes is a taciturn fellow. He'd just give you a steely gaze....
  13. Oh, you'll see, yes, you'll see... Glad the ricochet onomatopoeia is so obvious as to what it's meant to represent. I kinda liked it too.
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