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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. In this case is not very fair play, but I don't think so... anyway good eye's Erwin.
  2. Indeed, and I like also the fog on the battlefield...
  3. In fact you @Freyberg and you @37mm and @Aquila-SmartWargames deserve to be on the Leaderboard for the job !
  4. You are making maps and hills like you take your breakfast, in fact all is in your name, with a little imagination, you are like a painter free to create ... very nice work !
  5. Very beautiful landscapes, I like the buildings and the new sky effect...
  6. ...your computer talk to you and begs you to stop the fire, you did too much damage to the enemy...
  7. Real AAR... thank you to keep us awake !
  8. Me too this what I was thinking about spend more time to red the entire books.
  9. Well Stephane 5 liters is a little exagerate for every beers don t you ? do next time the same with Jupiler you will see the difference reflection...I think also after 5 liter you will not see it ! ...you know that all men strong or big, are in the reallity a little boy...
  10. ...and the week is over but the list not... next month I would added some rest, and the Netherlands one s !!
  11. To have a good effect you know that all troops fighting always better when they receive a little beverage before the assault... in the course of time, often the fights were won, because the attackers were drunk, or desperate, and threw themselves body and soul in the battle often also officers commanding the poor troops to realize sacrifices... in case of a wargame a little beverage is always welcome, you have only to know your limit ...above was a joke again, but I will put in the trash can...
  12. ok if BF dont do something about, but we have the prove, that with a Mod like you said, that can be working, and this is already something new and very good welcome, and I m sure to see more in the same direction, we have enough modders to thinking about, the like a Pacific theater with H an E environnement and mountains, or back to Afghanistan also, in the mountains ...
  13. So People let us begin with a beauty of the nature... I propose to make a cure to see If you and you have a good taste to test some merveillouse things like this... not in one time please !! First a light taste to begin with a Jupiler (is fresh) and is my favourite in usual time, than a Stella !! (dont drink to much this one personly this give me headeache the day after) and perhaps a White Hoegarden ! white trouble colour and light lemon taste !! Than you are able to begin two beautiful weeks ! Monday a Kasteel Tuesday a Duvel Wedsneday a Leffe Blonde or Brown you have the choice yes the Belgian give you the choice ! Thursday a Mardsous Friday a Westmalle Saturday a Kwak Sunday a St Feuillen Mhhh the week is finish and I dont have finish the list, than we begin with another one ! Monday an Affligem Thuesday a Chouffe Wednesday a Chimay Blue Red White you have the choice again pfff !!! Thuesday a Trapiste Friday a Tempelier Saturday a light one untill all this list Pale Ale Sunday already, ok a Tongerlo I think two weeks is not enough I will recommand 3 weeks but dont drive to much and drink to short ! New week new taste... Monday a Forge Thuesday a Kapittel Wednesday a Bush not this one another Bush... and why not a Troubadour for the Thursday ! Friday an Orval with or without friends Saturday an Rochefort Sunday a Piraat I will also say that, because most of beers are from Abbayes (the brown one s) this is also in the logic that a cheese take place with the same name and are so merveillous like the liquid, with a french baguette, thank you Falaise for yours delicious french baguette ... and the week is over but the list not...see another beer not really from Belgium !! Are you able to push on the link ??? https://www.valeursactuelles.com/monde/coronavirus-un-magasin-de-biere-belge-fait-une-drole-de-promo-116770
  14. ...to pretend that I didn't...fine Art to formule a sentence ! + 1
  15. Yep Metro I was not thinking about. I think BF will realise something like... fighting in the Berlin Bunker, with the creme de la creme of fanatic fighters, and this is why this take time, cos this is also the last chapter of the ww2 ...!
  16. Helpful is nice to have added infos !
  17. Very interresting, I was asking one day to have this possibility to fight in the cellar, or bunker, and I see this is possible, this promess lot of news possibilities for the futur, I like also the way to explain the situation on the begining only with arrows, (because I dont understand anything in russian, ) I think BF could introduce this kind of arrows in the preparation phase in the game, great video love it, thank you to post it @Aquila-SmartWargames
  18. Sorry I don t want to offense anybody with my little joke, I wish like eveybody to have a knowleges of the date of the release, I found only the way funny that it was asking and the brutal answer giving, but I understand, I will be also very desappointed to revieve this answer for myself. I was trying only to have a little smile of this forum, but the sens of humour dont seem to be present, or my answers never be of the level of the community.
  19. Ohhh the poor @Jumpete so much hope for all of us, he try n try n try all possibilities, he sticks at the slightest sign of hope, but in vain @BFCElvisremains unmoved and continue the battle let us thin screenshots behind him ...
  20. Me I support @Aragorn2002 that support @mjkerner so we are waiting to many others, and we are able to go down the street....MJ, MJ, MJ...
  21. Don't worry @Bud Backer all is fine...but yes, I would prefer Frieda, I told you, we are missing a woman model in CM...!!
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