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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. This one is extract... from the Combat Mission Battle of Normandy Scenario "La cage aux folles" !!
  2. For infos Arma have a lot of Camo faces on his website... I am searching to a camo paint, looking like the screaming eagles 506th airborne, with mohawks camo faces, but dont find anything for now, if somebody have something about, let me know... mixing with a mod similar as (Mos Remove Some German Helmets), this must be possible to do it, but for Usa or CW of course... JM
  3. ...mouth-watering for all these added futurs little projects and effects, that you made already with perseverance, or obstinacy (don t know exactly which one I have to use) never completly happy with your job, and searching always the perfection ! I take you at your word...(those vines jar with me, we’ll see ...) jM
  4. Amazing map really look like another CM Module these @Paper Tigermade a lot of things in the past!
  5. Very nice trio distinctions, perhaps faces and hands are too clean for paratroopers ? Thank you for these news looks !
  6. Some files appear on the forum but not on the CMMODs, Bootie have to have the time to place it and prepare the link...
  7. Its important to be awake on news on the forum, and keep a place on HD to place mods scenarios or updates, not for the time directly availables on the CMMODs ! JM
  8. Very nice job Damian45, I like very much that we see the evolution of these uniforms, and the reworked details from the Airborn ! JM
  9. ...that s why with tears in my eyes, but without admitting the defeat, because... it is only a postponed game, I turn to the exit door and I bow to a wise decision !
  10. 3j2m7 - Minus 5 Poinst Man hey ! how much minus points I would recieve when the links are uninterresting ? !!
  11. Ok guys very happy to know that it working fine, I know when I was with win 7 never I had a problem to update, for short I was installed on win 10 and having a problem, but probably unzipped in the wrong place... so now working fine, thanks to these added infos, I think I could avoid my long explanation above... JM
  12. Yes if you don't want the default installation... but you never have any problems to update with patches ?
  13. Little tip to save space on your C drive for my part of view and it work, I install all my games in this way Important for all CMs series exept CMBN is to respect the path C:\Users\your Name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission to activated all games After only you can make a copy in a drive of your choice after copy on others drive test it first than you can delete it from your c drive and save lot of space ! ONly the folder with game files have to be respected exemple C:\Users\your name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy\Game Files as default this way have to be respected otherwise you will not find any scenarios camp map in your game. The game itself dont have to be installed on C after activation on it ! For my part. On the first time I install all CMs Series in the path above on the C drive than make a copy like explain of my choice on differents drives And I delete all CMs from my C drive exept C:\Users\your name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy\Game Files (this exemple is giving only for Fortress Italy of course) When you have making a copy of your games you dont have to respect the path exemple my games are installed in the following ones I:\1 Afghanistan I:\2 Normandy V4 I:\7 ShockForce 1 I:\8 ShockForce 2 v4 I:\8 ShockForce2 Vienam v4 You can make so much copy from yours entire games without problems if you respect first the way to activated it all for the first time like explain. For my part all are working fines, dont forget to test it first if you want to delete it from your c drive !! Make the test on another drive of your choice than delete it from c and save space ! Hope my explanations are clear enough !! JM
  14. Yes, Now I can see the Ant Hill in Berlin, impressive bloodshed ! Thank you @BFCElvis !
  15. Have fun you deserved it and is good and healhy to disconnect sometime...
  16. Hi guys, que passa, with our friend @Mord it s been also a while without news, isn t ? ...hope nothing happend with them and they will come back healthy and with news fresh ideas !! JM
  17. Whaoww, very nice job empressive size, this will be a beautiful mod, and a nice moment to discover this port area, dont forget some little broken ships around and some German banners floating over the city ...just joking ! JM
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