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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Check first is the name is the same as the original file that you want to change, a simple space in the name can change sometimes lot of things so, verify first the whole name and compare it with the mod name that you want to added ! Otherwise search the mod name that you want added make a backup of the original one and replace it !
  2. Again a mod that will be a success Stephane, thanks for all these calculated details, appreciated your patience to your job and your kind to share it ! JM
  3. Thanks Elvis is more clear now thanks to take the time to answer, your presence is a must on the forum. Thank you to take time to added these infos, I was reading on Wikipedia, and found only this, (regarding to the picture on the screen, SP 17pdr, Valentine, Mk I, Archerfront (and direction of driving) to left, engine to right) !
  4. Ok you are probably right, happy that you are a Rubbish players like me, and perhaps I am also novice, but tell me what kind of vehicle have this behaviour in RT and FB I just check the To and E but dont find ?
  5. Yes very different never using a Archer...so in fact I have to give a reverse order to move on, and move on the front to take cover and move back... !!! In this case I dont want to see the nose of a tiger or ATK cos the order will be back ,hmm ,I mean go in the front no now is time to ... escape ¿¿ Can we not change this behaviours in the game, or change the front side of the vehicle, this give really confusion?? Or because all CM players are ACES, and know already this behaviours, nobody think about it to mentioned, I feel me without resource I go back and learn to drive a tank...
  6. Thanks to BF and team to let us enjoying the new module on time for chrismas... First Battle first first strange behaviours, (Scen Flames in the Mist) the Archer Antitank is a little weird, when I give order to move, the Back on the vehicle is on the front and of course the front is on the back I was checking the silhouette of the vehicle I saw 2 light in the front so in fact the vehicle move from behind... Do have somebody also this behaviours ?
  7. Yes like in a cartoon movie, cherry on top (on the cake) ;)) "Une cerise sur le gâteau" to be more precise !
  8. I love people's that searching news ideas to make mods always putting a "cherry on the cake". I don't know if this sentence is used in USA/English language ??
  9. I will be happy the day that I will see in my gmail Rome to Victory link are now waiting...to download !! ;))
  10. ...12 and play already with my old CMBO was perhaps not a good idea from one year to learn it this kind of game, but I think in the whole world he will learn himself worse...
  11. ;)) probably I want also doing something for the "Black Friday" I was sending to my nephew he is 12 and play already with my old CMBO, the idea come than to send it to the forum...to killing the time to waiting R2V and more...
  12. I am waiting like you an answer to your question, but for the time nothing... I search also myself but is not easy I can tell you what kind of cigarettes Allied Axe were smoking but nothing else for the time ... To cut shortly to these talk here is another video with others details enjoy...
  13. Sigh !... Well, reading yours posts and your determinations from all of you is already for me a "Christmas Bones", but like I said keep yours priorities and come back to the "Alsace door" when the time is more appropriated, I hope only to see a little more enthusiasm, from the rest of the community to support your decision to these realesation of this project. Sseeing the project well ahead, I guess my help would be superficial, but if you need it don't hesitate...
  14. IIthikial_AU Ihave to apologyse to don't mentioned your name, when I see that you take in fact the big part of these project and be already proud and impatient to present us your work, also that you are very activ for others things and I can only give my reconnaissance on the forum, and I am quiet and confident that you will come back to Arracourt when you and your "team" will find "all the missing elements that you need" and the appropriated moment.
  15. Wooaw !! Thank you to the link Myles Keogh. Rinaldi, I was taking a view on the project and comments, already a very good job and researsh. I didn't know the project were so far advanced and almost finished... l hope very much that these battles pack will see the light one day... congratulation, I can only encourage you, one day to let us enjoy this beautiful work !
  16. Hi all From couples of week I was close to Arracourt, the famous battle in 1944. I read also something about on the forum, from longtimes ago, an eventual battles pack, do have this project realized?
  17. Pray to Aquila-CM...and if he listen to you, you will receive it as a gift for Christmas, but you will lose probably the Kübelwagen...!
  18. I guess this could be very hard to added some wrecks in the games, but I hope very much that CM3 will contain some différents ways and différents positions...
  19. Yes hopefully with new concepts and animations !
  20. ...as I said, if we had a female face in CM, the driver would be with long fair hair and everyone would have noticed it
  21. I feel soon, a Steel Hand naming BF will close again this thread ...
  22. Yes something neutral but a name representing both countries without "blessing" the other site and more democratic...
  23. From Kiev to Berlin ! Storming the Reich ! I like also this one 's, I think this must be something remind the Soviet advance My choice... The Red Advance ! Red tracks to Berlin To the Last door to the Reich ! Hourraaahhh !
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