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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Very nice Page and lot of interesting link, a mine of knowledges, Python GitHub Stack Overflow... thank you to share it !
  2. Thank you for taking the time to answer, I know that you are very busy with other projects, also that you are also listening to the forum, and this is very important, this is the kind of people that we need for the good of the community. Indeed, I read and read comments under the videos to detect eventualy the file conversion flaws. About your job, It would be interesting to know the 3d models that you have problems to convert, I installed the versions of Python and Blender, like indicated in the forum, and I, probably stumble on the same reasons, ok... without forgetting my basic knowledge of software. ,) Interresting will be also that, more members on the forum, could also give theirs opinions and experiences in the 3D world, and share eventuel knowledges to the profit of the community, so many of us would like jump in the 3Dworld and do a few things, but don t have the required knowledges, and I dont talk only about me, ...I am full inside. Fortsetzung folgt ..
  3. @Aquila-SmartWargames Yours videos are always very instructive and all seem to be so easy on your screen, but when I try myself I dont have really the same results. It will be interresting for me but also for some of us I hope, to know how to save an imported 3d model like 3ds, sketchup... there is a lot of beautiful 3d models that we can added to CM. For the time, I can import many models from differents formats with differents plug in, working with Blender 2 79, but when I want save my new model to replace an mdr files from CM the program dont want, so what I am doing wrong ? I dont ask you to enter in details to use Blender but the imperatives rules to follow before save a model in mdr format, could you provide a short video about the fundamentals actions to follow ?
  4. Thank you to this infos I didn't know this working also for helmets...
  5. Yes now I remember, to let "desapear" some objects like showel, backpack, cartridge pouches... we can do the same, but I didn't know about helmets, or to be honest, what not thinking about, is very interresting to make a "mix" in this way we can also created some, head wrap for terrorists, ...or Harley drivers Did you already made this mod or do I can added a blank picture helmet myself, to have the same result ?
  6. I love very much your mixed "helmets" mod I supposed that you were working on the mdr files isn't? Hope to have the possibility to download it soon !!
  7. Welcome back, ChrisND hope all will be fine for you now. I remember well the videos and yours comments about new games presentations on the market, it was always interresting to follow yours winning scenarios but also yours defeats...
  8. This must be an emotional moment for you, to be on this place years later... I think you were with a copy of CMBN in your car on your laptop to compared all these pictures on the precise place... Beautiful pics Stephane Ps I am further with the voices mod
  9. I was very surprise of the amazing content of this zip file, this job look like a full new Combat Mission Game, with already more modules included. The time to waiting was very worthy and everybody's will have a funny moment to discovers all this content, and with this release BF Staff can now be sure to have some potential experimented peoples behind them. Thank you to all that have participated to this, included ours experts in the 3d mods that let us somes of the keys from Blender. Probably later, much later, we will ask to make a little jump in the Africa theatre and in same way Fulga 85... CM series seem to dont have any limits, without loosing any fun and concerving his very appreciated game systems, that only BF Staff have the keys. Who know if they will not including one FPS one day or reduce the section by one man one(s) weapon(s) in the future ...
  10. SUPERBE Stephane, je pense même m'inscrire,car il y a des vues fabuleuses du débarquement, et plus loin sans être gênés par les autoroutes actuelles, de plus je peus également voir mon ancien village â Strass.!
  11. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=266 Old CMMODs III Was I liked by old CMMODs III. was to make a research by Authors, now by CMMODs IV If you are searching to a old mod without to know who did it...tomorrow you are always searching for... I think a link to the Authors has to be available !!
  12. unforgivable indeed ! my common sense of wanting to help others, will kill me one day !
  13. We can better help you, if you tell us witch country are your looking for !
  14. Very interresting didn't know about this situation... The "Drava Operation" could be interresting , Bulgarians and Yugoslavs fighting hand in the hands with the Soviet force ! slowly Yugoslavia could perhaps see the light in CM one day !!
  15. Yes you are right, this one must remain only a good reference model for possible realizations, Blender in a good hand, seem to be without limit, thank you again to let us discover, it was very interesting to follow step by step the differents phases.
  16. Amazing work and...live, hope that you save this mod and let it in your famous Mods Folder thank you very much for this 5 detailled min job !
  17. https://www.google.com/amp/s/tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/yugo/yugoslavian-armor-of-ww2%3famp This was the infos that I took, but this will be after CMRT F&R, this module will introduce very interresting stuff with shermans and partisans features reporting to a futur Yugoslavia Mod !
  18. Is incredible what kind of details from all levels we can find in CMs series, everybody's like to put a touch of knowledges and is always very interresting I have the feeling to read again SOP SOI,... from my unit !
  19. Hope you will come home safely soon and enjoy with your family, I was also in ISAF in Kabul and waiting impatiently to my fly, but the snow and fog were cover the airport and because the mountains around, we have to waiting another quite day to take off...have a save trip !!
  20. I see that you were not tired from my talk How do you think to do it ? I will check on the net, and will send you a pm, if somebody is interresting let us know, "Union is strength" !
  21. I am interresting to all battles or all little fight in these regions, the theatre of the Yougoslavia allow us to created all, from a big tanks battle to an action of partisans guerilla, rescue from commando or to saving civilian life's our imaginations is our limits. And not only the "modern conflict" but also the German occupation in ww2. With BF serie from CMA to SMSF2 technologies and some very good modders, we have almost all the potential and knowledges, weapons and vehicles to recreated all nations including, part of NATO and Warsaw Pact. The yougoslavia war was a mix of vehicles from this bigs blocks, vehicles from ww2 with somes specialities from some country, in the beginning of the war some of them were really poor and have only vehicles from ww2, but I dont have to tell you, some of us know with details...I mean only with a mix of CM series we have almost all what we need to recreated the Balkan war. I know only that some of us are also interesting of jumping in these region, the day will come when the wind of certain news mods will be forgotten, I guess in 3 4 years, let coming first CMRT module... Big Brother of BF himself will perhaps be interresting also, who know ? I like some battle and situations to preserve a "poor" country, but also to conduct a big German offensive and conquest some territory, and with this I think in the beginning of the war 1939. And with all these amalgam we can turn to the hot sun of the middle East countries. So, so far from me now, I guess I am very far away to the answer that you were waiting, and me with an empty mind... But I am like the politician, I like to speaking and try to created new things, but saddly for the time without bigs results my mods don't have any impacts of the games !
  22. Ahh yes the Airfix soldiers, a big story I hope that you have also the Japaneses... remember time tu put all preciously on the living or dining room table, ...waiting to put in ambush the Japaneses, than was time to eat
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