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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Yes I am agree with your comments and I was also surprise to see lot of organisations in the TOE not really useful, but I maintains to have more infos about partisans that can be useful to create ambush untill the Paris liberation...and, who are you old forwards friend to say that I am old, I am just 60+ but this picture of Blücher Marshal was minimum 72 years old when he meet Wellington on the Waterloo battlefield !!
  2. I will be more interested to see some awaiting guys of the partisans !
  3. Thanks friend, the only difference with him, that me I make a lot a lot of mistakes in my Shakespeare language...
  4. I think this new module will make US an ENORME happiness when the moment will come, regarding the time that we are talking about, including the time that we have to wait... but we are waiting patiently, because we know the quality of this serie of games since longtime ago but we know also that a patch will follow ...
  5. Don t worry, I dont took like a criticism, I know that you are also joking left and right where you can, but in Your Art and we know, or, don t how is the English Art, and I really appreciated it, cos I do the same sometimes. ...hopfuly now she was (is) really heathy,... for my part I would be...
  6. ...But there would be the need for someone who would like to jump on to that project. ...And you'd also have to take in consideration what Battlefront would think of that kind of mod making by editing their animations. double true !
  7. Funny Steph @Falaise I like it ...effectively one face looking very wrong, the nose is too high and has to be reworked, the other one look very nice, and with this face can go really to Hollywood, don t you ? I am already busy to cut the bandage for the brit... but you have to help me with to count how much I have to cut and the place to put on it (joking) very nice if we can fixe this problem !
  8. Yes perhaps I have to wait for the CMFB update, and hope that this vehicle and more wishes like Schwimwagen ... will be incorporated in these new awaiting one, crossing fingers that Steve and Staff read all ours messages... but since this append, I think lot of water will flowing in the river (the Rhin in this case) place to CMBS update first !!, thanks to your comments...
  9. Wrong or not all seem to be very interresting following you and looking for more never thinking about it !! do you know a program to open .ani could be useful to created own !(not the mouse for Windows of course) I see slowly a smile of @Aragorn2002 making theirs wishes more close ...
  10. Thanks Steph to make a good pub...when I find the way to realize it I (We) can provide to change the real foliage and flowers that we want according on the scenario that we choose to play... sigh !
  11. ...yes the Bedford is higher but the chevy is stockier and smaller, that does not prevent it from being a good truck that the canadians used, I only dare to hope that I put it at the right height...
  12. I make a pre order because a fear of "a possible out of stock" if I decide to order it later ...
  13. thanks @benpark , @Anonymous_Jonze, apreciated, (if so, it may be a save setting in Blender when using the plug-in converter.) What kind of functions you could suggest in the setting ? perhaps sending a screen of the config will help ? I am working on the chinstrap behind now, and probably make the loose chinstrap public soon, I have to make some retouch again and prepare also probably for the brit can pol will see...
  14. Hi guys, I was making some little experiments with CM and Blender but for the time I have some problems with textures of my project 001 for the time is a bad start I know... I was asking Aquila but he is not available for the time. This is my first Project, I want give a foliage camo to a german helmet, but like you can see the helmet himself is include in the foliage texture ? <img src= <img src= this is how it appear, with a mod, of @benpark if I can remember, I dont have any Idea how I can resolve it , do have somebody idea about ?? I take also the oporturnity to show you what I did for the time. Normaly soon mods will be available Project 002 chinstrap us regular infantry I want to give one of the aspect of the us soldier in ww2 like we know all in movies... <img src= Project 003 chinstrap us airborne infantry I was trying to give another view of the elite units like descripe above... <img src= If you want see it in action please ask or check the videos from @Falaise, I m sure he will present you some soon... Project 004 I want to replace the UK Bedford to a Chevrolet or Ford Canadian truck... <img src= here another view <img src= Project 005 us helmet with chinstrap behind the helmet <img src= but like the german helmet when the file is ready in the game the texture doesn t work ! Like I said all are PROJECTs some are almost finish but some not this is why there are not for the time in the CMMODs, ...I think this will be benefic for everybody and for every module from BF if I could finish it , so please if somebody have knowledges or want to working about I am able to share with him but let me know ! I would like that there are not only stay a project ! Thanks in advance JM
  15. Very nice a "little Belgian"come back... and hope we recieve something very awaiting merci mon ami !
  16. "Not this time" mean perhaps in a futur add-on?
  17. Kohlenklau, is a name really appreciated regarding mods in the past, untill now and I am sure in the future I remember the lots of mods about the attempts to created an atmosphere and successful of "the Bulges" with CMFI very welcome appreciated... with the cold, long coat gloves...an overview of the real CMFB !
  18. I like your touch of knowledges, and hope that BF will make a little this in practice, hopefully we can have also some Kurst fight with new vehicles, included news vehicles in the German side in R&F...
  19. Very interressant this lend lease veh hoppefuly the Matilda will be also in, and later, much later... in Tunisia !
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