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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Very nice job MJ this mod is a must in CMFI, we cannot download at the moment the real one but soon... the pictures are saying already a lot, I like very much the job from the typical sandals and the mixed helmets, this give a touch of reallity,... impatient to donwload it ! Pity, that this mod slept so long on a hard drive forget... ! ! but now now all together from the forum ! ! Bootie bootie bootie... ! !
  2. I think,... but not sure, a Mod Folder will be more useful for Mod Taged, and the Z folder with mods untaged, to my knowledge, the last place reading from the game is always the Z or ZZ or ZZZ folder and of course all mods included in this folder and showing in the game. Can somebody's make a touch of details that I forgot... !! ??
  3. I like blue vs blue red vs red, but in a way that you can use vehicles in both sides blue can have Sov TOE and Red can have US TOE, with is a mix of ww2 Sov US and Europe weapons, until I will say in the 2000, a big Editor, with this you can created all what you want every countries could be recreated ...and my dream and your(s) could be realizing an created, Panama, Falkland Afrika, Fulda Iran Irak or Arab Yougoslavia, Israely war, (I know I reapead me again and again)... imagine...crossing the Suez Chanel...ok for this BF have also to created canon water, so this will not be available...with an acceptable TOE, almost all vehicles and weapons are already in CM series WW2 and CMSF2, CMBS is already there with futur modules to take part of the futurs moderns conflcts, let me dream ...Sigh !
  4. True is already a battle that I forgot, in a mini campaign with very nice mod...thanks to remember me, how can I forget the S Ryan !
  5. tHANKS i WILL probably not be the only one to download it, but I can tell you that I am the one that really enjoying to waching the video, this was like you said a new CM !
  6. For my part it is more than I was expected I also hope that other members will like it, with this view it makes you want to play and replay again, well this is my opinion, thank you for this conclusive test, if you made personal changes please let us know, thank you for this work,... now jump to the editor and prepare Guadalcanal !
  7. ...you see with the ideas of your old mod, that awakens new ideas, new hopes in fact ... you are reborn ! let us only feel what is deep in you, and follow ALWAYS your FIRST idea !
  8. ...a word from Druid must always be heard and respected ! however, when somebody have a magic potion...!
  9. Yes all this masterpiece is from @LongLeftFlank and all the credits and our respect ! Thank you Aquila I was quit sure that you could do something about this mod minimum see it in details ! (I just tried to convert those Japanese and managed a partial half-hearted result but I had to remove the LW skeletons because otherwise they got weird faces and uniforms, there is a chance that I incorrectly changed files). And with help from some others good modders like @LongLeftFlank himself, @37mm , @Mord or somebody else that I could forget... I m sure to see one day (I hope not too late) a reborning Pacific Theater !
  10. Ok let me some min to come back... and starting the computer and I will try to linked it ! Sorry yes I make a mistake is from CMBN !
  11. I can send what I have, prepare me a place of dropbox or tell me how and you will recieve it..i am busy to check if all is complete ! Note that is the CMSF 1 Mod non compatible with the new CMSF2 ? Or the best is contact @LongLeftFlank JM
  12. I hope this video will turn around the world and show really how accuracy rate the Combat mission games series are, and give a boost to the sale of this game. is nice to see that the Staff himself working on a scenario, the only difference that they can have is they can playing it on a video screen 3m of 2m and call the subordinates units in a video conference...
  13. Thank you very much to describe in details really appreciate !
  14. Hey @RockinHarryman where can we have yours textures, these pictures is wonderfull seem so real like in " the Pianist" movie this is the Berlin aspect that I would like to see in the new FnR...
  15. Hy guys some news about @Oleksandr it's been a while without news ?
  16. Beautiful work, thank you for this job !
  17. I couldn t say better... @mjkerner thank you to keep yours words, keep going always yours beautiful mods... I see already a smile to @Falaise
  18. Thanks you John for this BLog Archive, with lot of interresting links.
  19. Colossal work @Darknight (DC) thank you to take the time to let us in details enjoy ! But do I missed something on the forum, ? I see news Portraits from CMBN, ? are they already from Mords ? cos I dont find any news about it on the CMMODs, are they on the way to come on the CMMODS IV ? I found the 21 sth Army group, already helpfull, with this one is a gain of time when you want make your own mods.
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