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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Hi @NPye and @Lucky_Strike , guys, I am happy that you found both a colleague with almost the same idea and the same stubborn will, ...searching the best way close to the perfection of graphics with the new tool, that is now of every mouths and in almost every good graphics games, the famous and essentials helpfull Reshade, let us enjoy and dreams together both yours screenshots... "qui se ressemblent s'assemblent" !! JM
  2. Yes this will be interesting, cos yours mod are already on the top, could be also interesting to share, compare, together and keep the best on common accord of course !
  3. Also graphics soldiers seem to be more thinner more pronounced... the paratroop on the right seem to be already aged or be a member of the Volkssturm ... the street are dirty, and the vegetation is like the one from @Lucky_Strike immersion total !
  4. it's too much ... I growl in my corner..., just kidding, they are more than fantastics give us your recipes (from the shaders family) and your graphic card...
  5. It's almost impossible to believe and "just crazy good" from Bubba883XL term to describe it, that these pictures are from the CM games But I m sure they are, and they are wonderful they reflect a vivid reality, that (I) we would like to have them all on (MY) our screen. Maybe they can become available to the public, I dare hope? Anyway, thank you to let us dreaming on ! Waiting for more... JM
  6. Hi all, exiting about Steam for BFC, yes, I am very happy that BFC take the decision cos codes and keys are sometime a problems, in case of I have to reinstall a new windows for exemple. For the time I see only on Steam via Sitlerine the way and the case that we want to buy something about cmf2, I hope very well in the future that SteamBFC and Sitlerine adopte a system for peoples that have already the other modules like CMBN CMFI…with all different codes and keys and can reinstalling so easy in the same way… Personly I appreciated from steam the way to find automatically all my old games that I buy to them or NOT, ONLY, when I enter the correct profile name and password, with a confirmation with e mail, I have only to wait to couples of longs minutes to receive all keeping games that I buy since years ago, that probably I have to searching where I put them from the cupboard… without to searching why this code doen t work and why this one yes… What I don’t like of Steam is the long publicity and all submenus and it content…but here I am not to make a plus minus for Steam but to approve or disapprove the decision of the three big editors. So I am happy with the decision JM
  7. Agree I reconized the mistakes this is why I delete my last message that you already saw probably !
  8. CM3 has a good name and I m sure will be good, but until now, only the stars are able to listening the cracking floor of the building's from BF, soon perhaps !
  9. I iwill try Erwin I will try ! Don t be sad we will have better days soon...F and R are on the way...well I hope, and after this a module for cmbs than cmfb than...bigG Exclamation mark.
  10. Horses 1. June 41 - april 42 2. Maj 42 - maj 43 3. June 43 - maj 44 All eastern front Some of the more common requests as far as I know... - game performance improvments - graphics improvements - additional editor features - additional gameplay features - finish CMBS- and CMFB module the skip to CM3 - WW2 early war, 1939-40 - WW2 north africa - WW2 pacific - WW2 eastern front - 1945, 46 west vs russia - WW1 - Korea 1950- - Vietnam - Fulda gap - Arab - Israeli wars - modern day Syria , Irak, Afghanistan - modern day USA/NATO vs China - modern day USA/NATO vs North korea - China vs India war - more battlepacks for existing titles Combat Mission Blitzkrieg. Warsaw to Moscow. 1939-1941 2. Combat Mission Fulda Gap 1970-1990. 3. Combat Mission Afrika Korp. Libya, Egypt, and Tunis. 1942-43. 4. Combat Mission Case Blue. Blau to Stalingrad 1942. Don't forget a new version of the afghanistan game (CMA)!!! CMRT Fire and Rubble and a module (CW?) for CMFB, IIRC. CMFB needs a big end-of-war module that includes Brits, crossing the Rhine and the Ruhr pocket. CMBS needs a module too, I think with Marines (from both sides) and whatever else they want to include. CMRT's almost all wrapped up and CMFI module of course was their last big release. Not to mention (literally not to mention) the government work we're not supposed to mention  N A lot of (news countries) to see and helpful for Barbarossa Invasion from Yugoslavia 1941 Germany Italy (Bulgaria Hungary Romania Yugoslavia Partisans). SO...LONG LIFE FOR COMBAT MISSION BATTLEFRONT WE LOVE YOU !
  11. Nice one Pete, brand new just out of the Ruhr paint factories...
  12. Mj and S Falaise sorry I am in holliday now dont took the time to check out your mod and also the Job from Rockingharry that also very active for CM, but I saw the cry from Aragorn2002 and give him right some feedback must be soon when I come back I will give you a feedback, but when I read all positives comments seem that all will be saying good job boys ! JM PS next I will take the laptop with me ...
  13. Sometimes I would like to know what is going on in the head of Steve and BF Staff, when they read our posts, our desires, ...probably only a smile or simply a short nod, or they check togeher and writing a cross the different possible modules that they could prepare us, with a date very very later in the futur, in some columnes YES, NO, CAN BE, GOOD IDEA, ...who know ! ! ! ? ? ? ... Will be nice that send us pictures, of the staff and the work environnement ! JM
  14. @RockinHarry I propose that you try to use also this little program for the alpha channel this is easy to use ! I now get most im- and export MDR file working smoothly. Just have all required texture files with mdr file in place in single folder. Then in Blenders object view mode select all of an objects hierarchy and there you go. Off course sticking to the game objects internal terminology and file names is another requirement. In one experiment I "converted" a PAK/AT bunker to normal concrete shelter type successfully. I deleted the guns object hierarchy and associated crew positions. Then substituted these with ones taken from a normal shelter type bunker (leader, leader1...., gunner, gunner 1...etc). Seems to work fairly normal ingame, but there´s issues with hit- or bounding boxes. I figured same issues are with the original, unedited Pak Bunkers. So likely more of a general game problem with bunker/vehicle types (confirming many my other impressions) So one can do lots of neat things in Blender and get them working, though with some limitations due to hard coding and other not too well known data. At least it helps understanding some the game mechanics treatment of objects a lot better. Think for now I´m filling up many the unused flavor object slots for special use in my mission designs. To remember, by change of the UI button size to smaller (mod), one can have and place at least 16 flavor objects per type. Maybe even more, but not tested. this is the part of your text that I appreciate ! Hope you will discover more things this is very interesting and well comented !
  15. @tomcio_p@gazeta.pl (Unfortunately, the alpha channel contained in Gimp is not recognized by the game) I propose you to save your file first in png, than to use the small program Grenfish Icons Editor, delete or cut the transparent part, and save your file in bmp format. JM
  16. I was moving infantry in mode hunt but is too slow, and tanks in mode slow and already I found the slow mov for tanks are quick, but Yes the good one for me now is, infant quick and tank slow with some pause for the tank, without to forget to active the pause button to coordinate both movements, thanks guys I think I have almost what I need... JM
  17. Hi there, I try to manage a movement with squads with support of tanks in CMBN in the same time, than alternated tanks and squads when approching villages or hedges, like I would have tank riders but one of them are always quick as the other. What is the key order in the command menu to support each others, to move approximately in the same speed, without using more time the command pause or avoid to the infantry to move quick? Thanks in advance
  18. @BootieIs probably because this movie has two title ! https://www.google.com/search?q=indigene+movie&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=vin&sxsrf=ALeKk019u80rySyUax0iX8lI7P5HZvKLng:1592846719789&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9nqi3-JXqAhWMERQKHQQkBSgQ_AUoAXoECBoQAQ&biw=412&bih=652&dpr=2.63#ip=1
  19. A very nice buildings and map and this is from two years ago, graphics seem to be from yesterday... How is possible that I dont saw this before ?... thank you @Warts 'n' all to dig it !
  20. Breathtaking @Lucky_Strike !!! With this kind of graphics we are in mood to admire the beauty of the nature, only the bullets whistling in ears remind us that we are on a battlefield !! I think with yours beautiful collage mods, you makes us awakes checking the config of our graphic card !!
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